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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-21-16 05:14 PM, in 2016 US Presidential Circus... er, no... no, I mean Circus Link
Same here. The next 4 years are looking dark.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-21-16 06:00 PM, in Currently playing? Link
Stoked for the new Doom. The multiplayer looks awesome too, classic arena FPS action, and I did enjoy the beta!


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-29-16 08:47 PM, in Does anyone remember all your base? Link
Doesn't beat this!


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-29-16 08:47 PM, in Apple vs. the FBI Link
Now I want to know if they find anything.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-29-16 08:48 PM, in Googie Toons Link
Those are better choices, haha.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-29-16 08:56 PM, in New Star Wars movie: "The Force Awakens" Link
Good points that I mostly agree with Katana.

Again, some spoilers ahead:

- Kylo Ren was kind of a bitch, but hopefully develops as the movies go
- Third Death Star (basically) was lame and boring. It should have NOT blown up, that would have been more shocking and memorable. This was just so cliche. I hope we're done with Death Stars and just get huge space fleets from this point on or something.
- They are going to have to be very careful with Snoke. Right now, I'm intrigued. But obviously this guy has been in the background forever doing something, otherwise there's no way some weird mysterious evil dark side user like this could pop up randomly. If he's been pulling the strings the entire time, even on Palpatine, I will be extremely pissed. Palpatine is one of the best parts about the prequels and the entire plot of the whole movie saga in general, period. The ultimate manipulator that had fun sleeping right in the heart of the Jedi itself, willing to sacrifice his master and any pupil even up to Darth Vader near the end... Palpatine is hands down one of the coolest and most successful villains ever in my book. The same actor portraying him in Episode 6 and the prequels makes it even better. 30 some years in the making. You cannot take a dump on that with some random plot magic with this Snoke guy... so yeah, they better tread lightly and have some really good backstory about him.

Rogue: Into Darkness was SO BAD! lol, and the next one looks terrible too.

Did you guys know Finn's actor is Apocalypse? lol, weird.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-29-16 08:58 PM, in Currently playing? Link
Originally posted by Googie
I played a little bit of Resident Evil 2: Mortal Night, it's a free standalone PC Mod. You can get it here...

Whoa, I'm a huge fan of the classic RE's and this looks awesome.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-29-16 08:59 PM, in Things you're getting tired of seeing on your facebook Link
Originally posted by Katana
I only saw the "live" thing once so far. I don't know what that means per se since I ignored it.

Facebook hasn't even been fun for trolling people. Apparently members of my family got into very serious arguments about kids getting too much for Easter. So, being a smartass, I took a picture with my son's Christmas and Easter bibs on it and now some of my family thinks it was funny because they know me and the others are sending me hate mail. One of my aunts thinks she's "ripped me a new one" by reminding me of the two Easters in a row I got A LOT of stuff from my grandfather. Yes, I remember those years as well. But I also grew like a boy (first outward sign of my future female hormonal issues actually) and I grew so much so fast that I honest to goodness could not fit into ANYTHING from the year before. So given the sales on clothes this time of year, my grand pop hooked me up. Which is why personally? I don't care what you people celebrate and get for your kids. For one, I'm not you. I don't know your story. What if your kid NEEDS something? What if you just WANTED to do it? None of my business…but this is the shit I'm sick of seeing on Facebook./rant

But seriously. No humor on this thing anymore. =/

I know people like my cousin refuse to add family members on FB. He was smart. :|

That's how it should have always been... haha.

(Last edited by Xeoman on 03-29-16 09:00 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-30-16 10:09 PM, in New Star Wars movie: "The Force Awakens" Link
Originally posted by Rogue
I'm just amused how much sexy Kylo Ren/Rey fanart exists. I mean, it seemed strongly alluded to that they could be related. This exists (NSFW!!).

Well... Luke kissed Leia pretty good in Empire.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-30-16 10:10 PM, in Layout Thread Link
The layouts look fine on my end too, but looks like the thread itself may be a little borked.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 03-30-16 10:11 PM, in New to the board? Introduce yourself here! Link
Welcome Yushe, nice to have someone familiar with AB's.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 04-01-16 07:45 PM, in New Star Wars movie: "The Force Awakens" Link
Well, it just hit me that they both (Obi-Wan and Rey) have Euro-English accents (is there a term for that?). I never put that together until recently.

I kind of like that idea more because it would be a little different than her being another Skywalker, I guess. But upon a second viewing, there are a lot of allusions to this and then Luke's subtle reaction at the end. She was the last thing he wanted to see again, after losing Kylo to the dark side and all his padawans being slaughtered I guess, he wanted her as far away from the force as possible.

No idea though, but I'd be cool with either way.

(Last edited by Xeoman on 04-01-16 07:45 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 04-03-16 08:35 AM, in New Star Wars movie: "The Force Awakens" Link
Your last part makes me want to ask what's still a murky question in my mind, but do we know nothing of Anakin's father? The weird ideas that Palpatine planted him or he's some creation by the force is pretty out there. I forget if they ever reference a true father or not.

While I'm not all that excited about Disney milking the franchise with spinoffs (the Marvel schedule would suck...) I am pretty excited and interested in Rogue One. Maybe that will give us some details on filling the gap between III and IV. What I do love about it getting back to the old verse is that the Jedi elements are more mysterious and less again. That's one of the issues I kind of have with the prequels, it was just a bit overkill with lightsabers everywhere and such.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 04-03-16 08:44 PM, in Last Movie You Saw? Thoughts? Link
Guys, I liked Batman vs Superman.

Lex Luthor was OMEGA CRINGE... one of the worst casting choices and performances I've ever seen.

Beyond that though, it certainly wasn't perfect, and I'm not a big fan of Synder, but I had fun with this and am looking forward to more DC movies.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 58 days
Last activity: 46 days
Posted on 04-03-16 11:26 PM, in Fuck you Link
Ugh yeah I hate the extreme highs and lows. Utterly destroys my allergies.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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