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01-16-25 07:58 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-07-20 10:20 PM, in Last Movie You Saw? Thoughts? Link
Yeah I definitely want to see it! Might take my nephew out to it if he's interested. It sounds pretty solid all around and I've heard similar thoughts about Jim Carrey being classic Jim Carrey, haha.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 03-19-20 10:33 PM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Link
I too am more worried about family than myself right now. Made sure to text my grandma yesterday to see how she was doing. My sister just got a new job overnight, but then the governor here in KS ordered all schools be closed for the rest of the year, so she's in a situation now with my nephew being home all the time. Dang...

I'm worried about the economy ahead of us now. Thankfully I'm at a lab and think we're even providing test kits and stuff. I'm just a lower end data entry guy but I think I should have some extra good job security being here through this. Some departments were directed to go work from home for the time being, but we can't since there's classified personal information on our PC's. It's a little alarming in ways, being at a big lab still with dozens and dozens of employees walking around, but yeah...

I always hear good things about Black Elderberry for seasonal changes, anti-cancer, etc, I was going to try it out again as the weather changes here, but I made sure to get some now sooner than later. Amazon looked backordered a bit for awhile. Been keeping extra hydrated and all too.

Humorously this doesn't feel all that different when I'm home like usual, but yeah. It's very eerie having to drive out to work with the roads mostly empty. And I'm more worried about others than myself, I'm always good with my own hygiene... the "tips" have been common sense to me, but never underestimate most people I guess...

The story is changing everyday, but last I heard some expert/scientists are hoping we'll be out of the hump of this by May. It's hard to believe anything that China is telling us though and if they really are over the worst of it, but hopefully that's the case and that timeline should line up a bit with us recovering in May and June...

In my and our lifetimes, probably the weirdest global event since Y2K and 9/11 so far... stay safe everyone and check up on anyone you can!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-09-20 09:59 PM, in Gaming Music Thread (youtube heavy) Link
Now that's my aesthetic!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-09-20 10:00 PM, in Sup? Link
Dang Kajin! Long time man. Glad to see you remembered the place and all. I still remember our epic RP battles, back when I rarely did that haha...

Hope things are going well! Especially in these strange times right now.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-09-20 10:01 PM, in Where is my throne Link
Always nice to see you pop in again. Wish we could just get a dozen people to stay around like old times.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-09-20 10:02 PM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Link
Might have to go on a furlough.

Thought I was safe at a lab that's even helping test the virus and all. But nope, it's having zero impact on our side of the business (multiple departments). Sounds like they want to close down the entire building right now. Hundreds of people...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-10-20 03:47 PM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Link
Thanks Rogue. I guess I'm not ultra worried since we can do unemployment and all, but I'm sure it'll be a hassle. And I'm hearing it could take months for any of us to get that stimulus credit.

The timing of this all couldn't have been worse. 2019 was not one of my favorite years in a long time... and 2020 was starting off pretty bad too with some personal things. Then I was hoping to finally move out of this damn apartment that I've been at for three years now, sometime this summer. I'm still hoping things maybe clear up after April and I can escape, but the uncertainty of this all makes this so hard to call. And things keep changing by the day at work. If they force us all out the door and I have to take the unemployment, I will sadly probably be stuck at this apartment longer. I just saw that they wouldn't be raising my rent at all this next renewal, but ugh I hate this place and have had so many issues, along with deteriorating health problems because I'm 200% sure there's a black mold issue here.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-14-20 07:24 PM, in 10 Years Later... Link
Seticus / Beowulf, the legend returns! Hehe, always great to see an old face. Yeah, I've kept the place running along with a few others over the years now. It's kind of painful to do so in a way, social media really crushed forums and the ways of the old internet I guess. It would be great to have a few more regulars pop back in, but yeah I realize most of us are all much older now.

2020 has been very taxing and pretty bad for me so far, but if a move goes well this summer (daring to move during a pandemic), I hope things turn around in the back half of the year. Holding out for it!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-14-20 07:28 PM, in Sup? Link
I must be old hat with my internet ways, perhaps why I still hold onto this forum in a weird way and whatnot. I don't do much with Discord, social media, or any of that really. I was pretty into the early XBL days, but I've since then fallen back to my more isolated gaming tendencies and stick with single player usually heh.

Hard to cover a decade worth, it's been a lifetime really... but I'm still all into my favorite hobbies and nerdom. Videogame still being the peak, anime, sci-fi, etc, and I've been into KDrama the past few years. Getting back into wrestling lately thanks to AEW. I actually went to a local show back in March, before the pandemic hit! Feels surreal to even think about the timing there, phew.

Rogue and Elara are still around a lot and I see some others on FB. Hard to say beyond that. Hmm...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-15-20 09:47 PM, in 10 Years Later... Link
Thanks Rauni. You too! How have things been on your end?

Interesting how you and Kaijin both pop back on here recently and I'm playing FF7 Remake (of course!), hehe. Lots of warm nostalgia lately.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-16-20 09:59 PM, in 10 Years Later... Link
Dang, that sounds rough. This whole situation does make me want to get more motivated to have a good plan B, C, and D in the back of mind. I should get through this just fine I hope as long as it doesn't go too long. But yeah I'm with you there on the uncertainty of it all. I'm hoping things start normalizing by May at least...

I got the platinum for RE3 myself, so I played it to completion and got a little over 17 hours out of it total. Overall I really enjoyed it, I would say it's high mid tier on my RE ranking's. But yeah, it losing the clock tower, cemetery, and Nemesis not being dynamic was a bit disappointing. I did like the expanded hospital though and Carlos is actually a cool character now!

But yeah, REmake 2 was a real gem to me, my personal 2019 GOTY! I wouldn't even hesitate if someone called it their all time favorite RE, it's a modern classic for sure. I still like REmake 1 the most, but it's right up there with it!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-17-20 08:28 PM, in Sup? Link
You and me both. I didn't succeed much with school and only got about halfway to an associates. I'll never say never, so maybe I'll get back to that someday. But on the flipside my resume has been pretty good at this point and diverse.

Right now I'm at a big lab doing data entry. It probably sounds lame on paper, but it's a very stress free job, highest paying I've had, great benefits, casual dress and I just listen to podcasts all day haha. That said... things have been really bad during this pandemic and my department / entire building took a huge hit. Many people went on voluntary furlough, but I'm sticking it out so far. We're still losing a lot of hours, but with half the department out this week has been a little better than the last two. March was my fourth year here and I'd still like to stick it out... but this was an eye opening experience. Even with a corporate gig "job security" can flip like a dime in a crisis like this... damn. I definitely want to figure out a plan B, C, etc... in case this happens again. Or just find ways to make some side income doing other stuff.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-17-20 08:32 PM, in 10 Years Later... Link
Did you hear about the RE4 remake rumors for 2020? I kind of hope they hold off on that one for longer. I mean, RE4 IS an action game far more than the others. I'm not sure it'd fit this new format very well. And since they made cuts to RE3, well RE4 is even bigger and can't take a hit like that. Personally I'd rather they remake Code Veronica and give it more care and time than they gave RE3. It would be really neat to see Wesker 2.0 portrayed in this new era of RE.

Any other gaming highlights of the last few years for you? I'm a big fan of the Souls stuff, Demon's is still my favorite. I would say Nier Automata is probably my favorite game this gen all around. It just really spoke to me. Gave me some Xenogears vibes, heh.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-20-20 12:24 AM, in Sup? Link
Yeah, when I was still doing some community college courses I often had to force myself to drive up there and go to the computer labs or library just so I could focus and get it done. Even though everything I needed to do could have been done at home, lol. But my brain just doesn't work like that. Online courses especially were a no go for me, I could never get myself to do them. I'd probably need a separate room/office in my home to get in the right head space. But for now I'm living in small apartments so who knows if I'll ever have that luxury.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-20-20 12:32 AM, in 10 Years Later... Link
I've heard a lot of the same details about the potential projects of RE8 and Revelations 3, merging or trading names somewhere along the way. What I don't like hearing is that RE8 might star Ethan again, from RE7. Who I thought was insanely dull. I mean maybe that was the point since they went first person, it's more about "you" being the avatar. But for me RE has always been about the fun lead characters that have personality and quirks. Ethan had zero personality... that said I've heard RE8 might have Chris more involved too though, maybe that could help flesh Ethan out more.

I liked Revelations 2 myself, but as a spinoff I guess it was easier for me to accept the supernatural elements. It was humorous to get a game with playable Barry Burton too haha.

It'll definitely be interesting to see how it all pans out... if Code Veronica were getting the remake treatment I'd be more excited about that than RE8 though.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-20-20 08:03 PM, in 10 Years Later... Link
I really wish they'd do a new Dino Crisis haha. I don't love those two games, so I think they could mess with the more for all I care. But yeah, it would be glorious to see dinosaurs return in the RE Engine. lol

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 04-21-20 08:49 PM, in 10 Years Later... Link
Originally posted by Rauni
Originally posted by Xeoman
I really wish they'd do a new Dino Crisis haha. I don't love those two games, so I think they could mess with the more for all I care. But yeah, it would be glorious to see dinosaurs return in the RE Engine. lol

Which two are you referring to, because there are in total of 4 Dino Crisis games (5, if you want to count a mobile game). I am guessing that you are referring to the first two games, which are generally more well-known, because the other two (Dino Stalker and Dino Crisis 3) are what killed the series.

Speaking of...

They did made a Dino Crisis mod for Resident Evil 3. It looks pretty silly though!

Ohh, just the two PSX games. The Xbox one (Dino Crisis 3?) always looked pretty weird, they went to space? haha...

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 07-05-20 08:29 AM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Link
Glad you're finding some positives out of this Rogue, getting some much needed me-time for yourself!

I moved in late June (worst move ever), into a better, newer, and cleaner apartment. So that's been one major event in 2020. I'm excited but hope that the rest of the world turns around sooner than later too.

KS has made masks mandated as of July 3rd, which is fine. Better than shutting down again. But some barcades and places opening up have so many restrictions, understandably so... but it just makes me want to continue to not bother and be locked up inside. ... even as an introvert I'm starting to feel pretty claustrophobic and lonely at this point in ways.

Thankful that I've been able to keep working. They are bringing everyone back from furlough this week though so we might lose hours again. But my job security seems like it'll hold up through this. I wish that was the case for everyone.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 07-12-20 07:43 AM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Link
Sadly things went pretty South this week, not to the point of being laid off or anything, but I was unlucky enough to be selected with about two dozen others across my department and others, to be forcibly removed from my department and transferred. The worst part is the only job duties I liked are the third shift options.

So I got a 3:45am shift and we have to start immediately this week. Gave us a weekend to adapt... great. They only gave us a day to make our choices on which position we'd prefer too.

I was angry one day, depressed the next, and a mix of emotions on my last day yesterday. Cleaning out my desk and all... didn't even get to say goodbye to some people that haven't returned from furlough or vacation. I mean I may still see them on break, but yeah.

I've been at this job for 4 years and hope I can return to my department, but with how things have gone in 2020 and in my company these past few months, I don't know if that'll even be possible. My pay remains the same at least and I'll get a 15% differential for the third shift, but ugh. I'm not excited about these hours or the new department I'm going into. I will have to wear a lab coat, the mask, a face shield, and gloves ALL day now. We were able to take the masks off at our desk at least. With asthma, I think this is going to be pretty annoying. The face shields bounce lights badly too so I'm sure I'll be getting even more migraines now.

Finally just cried it out some in the shower yesterday. Four people from my department decided to resign. Probably more incoming and others that can't make this transition work. It's devious big corporate drivel, but because they are technically "offering" us new positions, we cannot quit and get a severance, or get unemployment from this scenario.

As I mentioned above, I literally just moved... then THIS. The timing is just awful, it's been really hard managing all this stress hitting at once.

(Last edited by Xeoman on 07-12-20 07:44 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 143 days
Last activity: 131 days
Posted on 08-12-20 06:46 PM, in COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Link
You still have to pay for your insurance through this? That doesn't seem right at all. They froze our companies 401k for awhile but I think it's starting back up.

Sadly I've been pretty miserable... always tired and it's been a month, I don't see myself adjusting or liking this kind of schedule. At least now I know.

I even took a Tuesday off a week ago and feel like I just wasted my PTO. Getting up around 2am on my days off is a terribly weird feeling. I have no motivation or creative energy until the sun starts coming out, which is like a third of my day later.

I did order a sun lamp recently though and a second one. They do seem promising... might help uplift my spirits or something.

I loath how the company will have all these emails about us doing great and whatnot. Yet they just shoved dozens and dozens of people around to new unwanted positions and shifts. Already seen plenty of people call in and one person in the group I was transferred over with found a new job. I'm sure she won't be the last.

I have my updated resume on Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, and Robert Half, so I'm keeping my door open now. It just sucks. I liked my former department and I'd hate to go through that temporary thing again or 3+ months without insurance, etc. The initial process of starting a new job is always annoying. But I don't want to come up with excuses. If something good comes up without a paycut or whatnot, I might jump ship. It still doesn't seem like there's any guarantee when and if I'll get to go back to my old department...

(Last edited by Xeoman on 08-12-20 06:47 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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