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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman |
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Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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I mean, I had a layout with this once (and used it for months):
But maybe I'll use this: Or this? Or this? w00t? |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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I take it you really hated the LoTR movies then. | |||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Oh shit, I can't access the Tifa image anymore.
Can someone repost the picture so I can save it? PLEASE!?!? PS: I'm looking for a good ecchi site, please help! Edit: Nevermind, and that wasn't me. Seriously. Seriously seriously serious. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-21-05 02:56 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Oh my god.
The soundtrack just gives me chills, seriously. (friend sent it to me today) It's definitely up there with Stars Wars, the Last Samurai, Jurassic Park, etc. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-21-05 03:05 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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I won't ask ... | |||
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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And this is a little rough on the "advertising" thing ...
I'm not saying you are, and you're not, but still. If you want ideas or something just look around at other Star Wars forums or just ask people through PM's. Thank you. I'll go ahead and add on my suggestions though, before I close it. If your main focus is Star Wars, have a forum for every movie. Then maybe a forum for Star Wars cartoons, and the upcomming TV series, then a forum for Star Wars videogames. That's my suggestion for the Star Wars part. Hope that helps. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-22-05 04:26 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Originally posted by Bloody Tears Knowing Sajin and reading THAT, man I got a laugh. XD |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Originally posted by Freedom of Hate Thus, you are truly powerful. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Beo: Lucas had the entire Saga done in story before he even made the movies. But since he was a stand alone self producer, he didn't have a lot of money at the time so he choose the one movie out of the 6 that they thought they could pull off.
They weren't even going to make V and VI into a movie until they saw the success in IV. According to Lucas from the Life Achievement Awards show that they recently had on him, he wanted to go back to do 1-3 because of today's technology. It was possible to do Pod-Racing, possible to go to Courascant, etc. So yeah, just clearing some of that up ... |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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I'm surprised Hacky Sack is so popular.
It even got in our school newspaper. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Originally posted by Jedi Watchman Tamarin Not if I can eat it all first! ... Ugh, not I'm going to puke. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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I guess people are calling this place Xeo now?
That, or I'm really confused. Our 1 year anniversary is also coming up in the next 2 months. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-23-05 12:43 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Well, take a look at this.
Interesting ... seems early to show something like that, so it could be fake. But that really does look believable. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Hmmm ...
Well, for looks I'll try to explain my best. She'd have to be shorter than me, maybe by 2-3 inches or so. There's just something about me being bigger and some what of a "man with my women" thing that I like. Her eyes have to be bright, and light up with nice eyelashes. Eyes are probably among the most beautiful things in the world, in my opinion. She'd have long dark brown hair, not extremely long, but a few inches past the neck probably. And I'd hope that she'd be smaller than me, weight and height, and just in every way mainly, not because it would make me feel superior or anything, I just think it would be romantic and nice to have a girl that I could just pick up and carry around and hold in my arms. And above all and up there with her eyes, she'd have an excellent smile that would captivate you at an instant. And her voice would be soft, and -somewhat- high, or just like most girls I guess? As for her personally, this could be complicated but I'll try my best, and I'll try not to embarass myself. I'd like for her to be friendly, and maybe touchy. She could take a handful of jokes, and sarcasm, and she herself can be very humorous, but she knows when to be serious (kind of like myself). I'd like for her to be outgoing, but with my personality ... I'd hate it if she were a girl who would just go around hugging guys all over the place, I can honestly say from my own point of view I might have a strong sense of jealousy. I wouldn't want an uptight girl, who thinks they're the best, but she respects herself highly, and myself. And I wouldn't want a girl who wouldn't want to have fun. Example, maybe some nights this girl and I could sneak out into the night, and just run around the city for fun? She'd have to be willing to be somewhat daring and have fun. And I'd like for her to be emotional, whether it's with things in life or from just simply watching a movie. I myself can get emotional during movies and such, although I never literally "cry" during movies, sometimes I feel like I want to. I just think it would be akward for me to be the tearing one, and not her. But, I guess that's me looking at things in general in our world. But, mainly I'd like this girl to be my friend, my best friend above anyone else. Someone who I could completely trust, and open up to about anything without her ending up hating me or something, and she'd be the same with me. She'd enjoy spending time with me, whether it's among others or by ourselves. And although I say this in sort of a humorous manner ... -hopefully- she's an excellent cook. Well that's all I can think of now, reading over my post though it seems incomplete ... Basically though, I can sum the most of what I said up in a short sentence: I'd like a girl who would be willing to be my best friend. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-23-05 01:11 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Originally posted by Xeios Our one year anniversary for Xeogaming, since it's been up. You can keep track of the days in my profile from my registeration date, since I joined on the date I made the board ... obviously. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Spyware sent me a song a few days ago, and I have to say I wasn't disappointed.
Not sure if I'd even listen to them on my own free time, but I liked what I heard. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Originally posted by ZeroorDie820 Well, it could be a rumor ... ZeroorDie820, next time look at the thread date, there's a 3 month difference between Jareth's post and your latest one. (So, it was a bump) Just keep that in mind for next time, I'll go ahead and leave this open though. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-23-05 09:23 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Originally posted by Broken Dreams I guess when you're alone a lot, like myself, you put a lot of thought into that "Dream Person". *sigh* ... |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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Well, *considers his own job*, doesn't sound too bad.
Looks like you'll be getting in more hours than myself, I usually only work 4-5 hour shifts, luckily our payday is in 2 week increments so it adds up. 5 days for training though? I have to say that kind of sucks, considering mine was in one day, but I've heard training is different for every job pretty much. Good luck, just remember you'll probably absolutely hate it at first. At least that was my case. (Last edited by Xeomega on 06-24-05 01:11 PM) |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 151 days Last activity: 140 days |
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This is a small fix that I know of:
In editprofile at the bottom after $loguserid = intval($loguserid);, add $pemail = intval($pemail); $signsep = intval($signsep); $sscheme = intval($sscheme); $posttool = intval($posttool); For the most part that will prevent people from being able to admin themself through editprofile, but I'm sure there's still bugs on it. Luckily the AcmlmBoard team seems to be patching a lot of things up, hopefully we'll get a new release soon. |
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman |