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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 04:43 PM, in Hey All You Power Metal Fans!! Link
People insult Edguy like that, saying their singer wants to be Bruce Dickenson.

I really don't care, for one Edguy is so much better than Iron Maiden it's not even funny, and Tobias Sammet does his vocals awesomely.

So yeah, True if you're wanting to get into Power Metal I can help you out. Sonata Arctica is pretty similar to these guys, so I'd think you'd like them. Edguy and Gamma Ray are good starters too, they're not extremely heavy, and they've got some good epic songs here and there. Rhapsody is by far the best band out there that combines Power Metal and Symphonic Elements into one, on top of that their vocals style is amazing, it's very much like listening to an upbeat heavy Opera, and I think it's just completely awesome. Not sure if you can handle it (heh, no offense intended ) but Dragonforce is really good in my book too. A lot of people don't like them though, because they say they're just your average Power Metal band, I really wouldn't say that. They are by far probably the fastest band I've ever heard, their vocals are incredible (DarkSlaya disagrees, so it just depends on you I guess), and their solo's are great, as long as you can handle 2-4 minutes of that stuff.

I probably have all my songs still uploaded, so you can go back to my Edguy, Dragonforce, Sonata Arctica, etc, threads and the songs will probably still be available to download.

Edit: Don't forget, really is an excellent reference.

(You mention Power Metal and look what it does to me. :LOL

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-26-05 07:46 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 04:52 PM, in Hey All You Power Metal Fans!! Link
I told you Rhapsody was good.

True and others: You can just go here to my download folder and download the songs. Sorry it's not too organized.

Mysteria, The Piper Never Dies, We Don't Need a Hero, Under the Moon, Navigator, and all the "Track" songs are from Edguy.

The other tracks with numbers before them are Dragonforce.

The .mpc files are Sonata Arctica (you'll need the plugin to play them, for winamp).

And then there's Stratovarius songs.

I thought I uploaded some Rhapsody before.

I'll upload Eternal Sword right now (one of the best songs ever).

Edit: Ah, some of the Track songs are Rhapsody. Between Edguy and Rhapsody you can easily tell a difference.

Track 2 is Eternal Sword. One of my favorite songs ever.

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-26-05 07:53 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:02 PM, in Here I am Link
Welcome Mantagama.

How did you find the board? What interests do you have? Do you like the AcmlmBoard style? I'll stop with the questions.

Another gamer is always welcome, as it is my favorite past time and the major focus of these forums. Hope you enjoy the place and stick around.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:03 PM, in back, again... :/ Link
Originally posted by Evo
Yes, Xeo, I did get your e-mail... I am currently trying to find out the information you requested, but I have not gotten a response from my sources. I shall send another e-mail.

Ah yes, if any of you see me on myspace, feel free to add me. I am Jenneskimo.

Anyway, seems how I've been an existing member of this board, I suppose this should be closed?


Nah, returning / goodbye threads are fine here also.

And yeah, that's what Kaijin told me, you're still waiting for them to email you back.
Hopefully that's soon.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:07 PM, in Hey All You Power Metal Fans!! Link
Originally posted by Strange Deja Vu
Meh, I still somewhat prefer Iron Maiden to Edguy. (Rock AM Ring 2005 <3)

Well I won't say much, I just think Iron Maiden is one of the most overated bands ever (so many people wear their shirts at school, it gets old).

Powerslave was the ONLY album I liked by them. The others were just boring, and the ones without Bruce Dickenson ... ugh, horrible.

As for Power Metal, I'd have to say that I find Blind Guardian to be the holy grail of an overated Power Metal band. Their vocals are so high pitched it hurts, and their music isn't even that great if you ask me. I've given them so many tries, but I just really don't like them at all.

Disclaimer: My opinions!

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-26-05 11:07 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:10 PM, in Test your NES Knowledge Link
Originally posted by Mantagama
It can't find the page. Where did the test go?

Weird, it must be down I guess. Odd that the SNES one is working though.

I'd say just give it a day or so, maybe it'll be up by then.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 08:11 PM, in Finest fighting game ever -- Marvel vs Capcom 2 Link
Sure, but there's a major difference between the two. 2D, and 3D.

Personally I'm more of a 2D fighting fan. Just my style.

I however can't wait until SCIII (custom made users is going to rock).

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:09 PM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
Born and raised Christian, surrounded entirely by a very very strict religious-rule-based family, relatives, and all.

It gets annoying, seriously.

Anyways, Christianity is fine for me. As for Church I have never really enjoyed it, I haven't been to Church for maybe almost a year now, I stopped going and only went Wednesday nights, but now I go to neither since my work schedule, but I don't feel I'm missing much. I got rather annoyed sitting there every Sunday, and listening to different pastors bash the United States, the Government, and how our World should be shaped and ruled. Is that supposed to be insightful? I thought I was going to be enlightened.

As I've argued before, and others have too, you can still be faithful and not go to church.

Then there's my 2nd religion, me. I believe in myself, I will disagree with beliefs and agree with them as I wish with my own free will and my own mind. I will change my beliefs, adapt to others, apply them to my life, and so on.

I don't believe there is a simple religion out there, that is 100% correct. Therefore, I would consider myself to be a loosely based Christian. Then again, I haven't even read the Bible outside of Genesis.

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-27-05 12:11 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:13 PM, in Look!! Link
w00t! XD

adopt your own virtual pet!

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-27-05 12:15 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:21 PM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
Originally posted by X Marks the Spot
I've read the bible before, although I wasn't raised in any religion...

Could you imagine me as a preacher...

"And then God said to Jesus, 'Your Mom'."

Doesn't matter if you're religious or not I'd say, it's just if you're interested.

I have a friend who's brother is completely based on philosophy, and so on, but he's read a lot of "Holy Books" and stuff, to see what they're about and stuff.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-26-05 09:31 PM, in When was the last time you pooped your pants? Link
When I was about 4 years old, I had to poop. For some reason though, I pooped in a pamper (thing that holds clothes).

True story.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-27-05 11:58 AM, in Hey All You Power Metal Fans!! Link
Yeah, well I came off here sounding like I hate Iron Maiden. Honestly I think they're a fine band, but nothing special and nothing I'd really listen to on my own. So yeah, didn't mean to make it sound like I hated them (the ones without Bruce though, ugh, seriously those vocals just kill the entire albums).

And yeah, Tobias does not sound like Bruce.

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-27-05 02:58 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-27-05 02:42 PM, in Hey All You Power Metal Fans!! Link
Originally posted by True Flight
Never really knew I had the tastes for power metal until I listened to this. I thought there's gotta be something better out there after you all said that... Like that one band that Xeo listens to a lot and commanded everyone to dl the songs. XD

So did you check out some of the songs I had uploaded?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-27-05 02:46 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Originally posted by Vel Belmont
Took me 6 weeks to find that Alice in Chains shirt, so yes, your correct. Xeo, I am not a huge fan of Power metal, but some of it is good, such as Dragonforce, excellent band. I am more of the Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir kinda guy, black metal and thrash metal are my personal favs.

Yes, NJ Warlock bass with the Widow Headstock, Platinum series. It was a steal on ebay for $470 + gig bag.

I see. Personally not really my area, but I can say I really like Children of Bodom.

Just glad to see you're not a fan of horrible nu-metal.
(my opinion )

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-27-05 05:47 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-27-05 08:24 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Looks like the real Photo Album could use an update. Thing is, you guys post so many pictures I'm clueless as to which ones should be added to the album.

For the new people, don't worry about it, I'll go ahead and add yours, for others, if you want your picture changed PM me.

Remember though people, please provide a small 60x60 image to go with it also for the thumbnail, speeds up the process incredibly, or I could just put up an image displaying "No thumnail available".

(Last edited by Xeolord on 07-27-05 11:25 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 151 days
Last activity: 140 days
Posted on 07-27-05 09:10 PM, in Insomnia Link
Over this summer I've actually had an easier time sleeping, and "getting" to sleep. Probably from work, and a lot of things I've been doing this summer that have kind of worn me out.

But usually, I have a very hard time falling asleep. I'm somebody who will go to bed at say, 10:00 PM, and probably fall asleep around 12:00.

Once I lay down my mind gets messed up, I constantly think about things and it sometimes seems uncontrolable, I just can't stop and relax. All the thinking about the day, and everything keeps me up. Is this insomia?

My mom says I'm a heavy sleeper too. She's said a few years ago she was once yelling at me when I was asleep, and it didn't wake me up at all. Alarm clocks always wake me up though (I can't stand the sound).
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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