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03-31-25 12:36 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by AngelBayB49
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User Post


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-15-05 06:58 PM, in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, cover revealed! Link
Don't forget the UK versions of the cover!

UK adult cover:

UK child cover:


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 07:35 PM, in Ask a Stupid Question... Link
Again I will say...

I cannot explain the level of idiocy you possess....

Sigh Pockets, you're as bad as me.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 07:37 PM, in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, cover revealed! Link
hehe You're welcome. I found them at mugglenet


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 07:47 PM, in How experienced are you sexually? Link
Somewhat Debacherous
You are 42% pure

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender
You scored higher than 24% on purity
Link: The 100 Point Sexual Purity Test written by ocicat on Ok Cupid


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 08:09 PM, in Your Pajamas! Link
I usually wear my rather comfy pj pants, or my boxers, depending on if it's cold or hot. Oh, & a tank top. I'm a simple person. As long as I'm comfy, I'm happy.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 08:10 PM, in Your Name Link
Mine is just completely meaningless LOL I like angels, so I came up w/ AngelBayB. Yes I can spell btw. It was my very first screen name on AOL too. I have 49, b/c 4 & 9 are my lucky numbers. Sigh, very uninteresting.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 08:12 PM, in Good News!!! Link
Congrats! I did that play when I was in like 7th grade. It was pretty fun, especially since we all loved Charlie Brown & Snoopy. I've never done crew. I've been in the cast many MANY times, but never crew.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 08:14 PM, in I am proud of myself (a bad habit) Link
I smoke a ton, it's an awful habit.

I don't know if I've really kicked any of my bad habits. But I'm getting better on my procrastination.

Actually, now that I think about it, I have kicked a bad habit. I was addicted to vicodin for about 2 years. I got off of it this past December. So I am proud of that.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-18-05 08:20 PM, in Men ... Link
Guys are completely random, annoying, & confusing. I'll post in a new thread the crap I've gone through lately. Seriously, I'm one bad relationship away from being completely cynical.....


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-20-05 12:56 PM, in Your Avatar Link
Well before my avatar was Evangeline Lilly, who plays "Kate" on Lost (my new fave TV show). It said Nature Girl. I liked it b/c it sort of described me. There are times when I love the simple things in life most.

Now it says "Rescue Me", & it has my two favorite characters from Lost: Jack (played by Matthew Fox) & Kate. I love those two... But yeah, that describes my mood lately. I'm wondering if I do need to be rescued.

BTW, I made the second one myself, but not the first...


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:08 AM, in Random IM Conversation Thread Link
I have a fairly random one.

My friend Bernie & I had been discussing being single for the rest of our lives. At least it feels like it'll be that way. So we eventually agreed that we would be single, but not celibate.

Bernie: i hate this dry spell.. it's killing me!
Bernie: ack! I'm ready to dedicate myself to monastery life
Bernie: >.<
Me: yes, i have decided i'm going to be single the rest of my life
Me: not celibate. just single
Bernie: haha, same here. I can just go into the tantric tradition...
Bernie: Self-control to enhance intimacy!
Bernie: woot


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:10 AM, in Girl Talk... stay out boys! Link
- Did you know kissing is healthy?

- Bananas are good for period pain.

- It's good to cry.

- Chicken soup actually makes you feel better.

- 94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers.

- Lying is actually unhealthy.

- Only apply mascara to your top lashes.

- It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you!

- It's impossible to apply mascara with your mouth closed!

- 89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move.

- Chocolate will make you feel better!

- Most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing.

- A good friend never judges.

- A good foundation will hide hickeys!..not that u have any.

- Boys aren't worth your tears

- We ALL love surprises!!


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:14 AM, in 4 Questions Game Link
I got this one from myspace.....

ANY 4 matter how personal, inappropriate or random. i promise to answer the questions 100% truthfully.

So you ask me the questions. I answer, then I ask that person questions...


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:19 AM, in If you could date _____ Link
I agree on Catherine Zeta Jones.

I'd have to say Jesse Metcalfe from "Desperate Housewives" (Pockets saw him on Saturday night), Colin Firth (a crush since the first Bridget Jones), Topher Grace (That 70s Show).

Again I say Catherine, Teri Hatcher, or Sandra Bullock.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:34 AM, in HAPPY EASTER Link
We had a pretty good easter around here. We spent the day at my aunt's house, where we had 27 FAMILY MEMBERS there.

We finally started up the easter egg hunt tradition again. Oh, not to mention our confetti egg wars.

I personally didn't get ANY chocolate. But I have a son, so I got some by default hehe

Anyway, here's a picture of me & my son at my aunt's house. If you look closely you can still see remnants of confetti in my hair LOL



Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:40 AM, in What will you name your kids? Link
I already have one son named Michael Seger. His first name is b/c of my uncle & my ex-husband's uncle. His middle name, Seger, was my father's middle name.

If I have girls, I like these names:
Elisa (my aunt's name, she was my hero)
Natalie (my mom's name)

Boy names:
Donald (my father's name)
Alexander (I don't know why)


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:47 AM, in Hobbies Link
Hmm, I have so many hobbies that I lose track. But I'll give it a shot:

going to the movies, knitting, scrapbooking, working on my webpages, painting, playing my guitar, reading Harry Potter or Stephen King, photography, shooting Airsoft guns, etc.


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:58 AM, in Pet photos? Link
I'd like to see what pets you guys have, & any photos you have.

I have two pets. The first one I got is an American spiny soft-shell turtle, which one of my friends named Squirtle Yurtle.

The second is a hamster I got about a month ago. His name is Lord Hammy of Hamelot. The reason? The cage we got for him is this castle-type playset. My friend was joking around & taught my son how to say that, so it just kind of stuck!



Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 08:07 AM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Here's a semi-recent pic of me. I have a few nice pics of Pockets, Elara, & Cyrus, including a rather random one of Pockets & Cyrus taken at my birthday dinner this past Saturday hehe

Anyway this was me about a month ago at a comedy show I help promote:

Me & my ex-best friend going clubbing in Hollywood, taken in December '04:


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7213 days
Last activity: 6969 days
Posted on 03-28-05 08:18 PM, in Girl Talk... stay out boys! Link
Originally posted by WhiteRose

Yes, I noticed the same things.

Anyways, yes, I agree with all that, mostly because of personaly experiance except for the not being able to put mascara on with you mouth closed. I can do that...I think I can.

I cannot put mascara on w/ my mouth closed. I thought I could, but when I read this I realized I can't LOL
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by AngelBayB49

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