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03-14-25 03:32 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose
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User Post

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-27-05 11:00 PM, in Favorite pet? Link
Alright, lets keep moving!

Anyways, I'm a cat person myself (though I love all animals). They are just so playful and comforting. Dogs are a very close second, followed by snakes.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-27-05 11:03 PM, in Favorite Kind Of Pie Link
PUMKIN PIE!!!! I love pumpkin pie. My favorite part about Thanksgiving!...damn it, now I want some *goes and hunts some down*

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:03 PM, in Hi... Link
Yay, another reason for me to bring in my bag of random things into the picture *reaches into her bag and pulls out a giant chocolate chocolate chip cookie* Enjoy!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:05 PM, in Great this again Link
Welcome back! We have a lot to do to catch up so get posting. Here *reaches into her bag of a random things and pulls out a Raistlin Plushie doll* Enjoy!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:07 PM, in Heyo! Link
Welcome (again) to the board! You know the rutine, so get posting! Here *reaches into her bag of random things and pulls out a green wig* Enjoy!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:08 PM, in *sighs* Link
Awwww, don't cry! Let's not let this get us down and get posting! Here *reaches into her bag of random things pulls out a teddy bear* Enjoy!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:11 PM, in Who moved my cheese? Link
I don't blaime you for being so upset. Don't worry, we will have things going back to where everything way. Here *reaches into her bag of random things and pulls out a big giant strawberry cake* Enjoy!

Oh, by the way, my Oni's dad actually knowns the guy who inveted the pet rock,

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:28 PM, in Comcrap... Link
*Sighs* Sadly I have a compcrap! You warned me and I warned my parents...they didn't listen. Arg. Well right now it's fine, which worries me a bit. Lately I've been on my HP laptop, so I can manage.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:43 PM, in Favorite Type of Music Link
I don't have a favorite type of muisc. I just like what sounds good to me. I listen to a little bit everything, everything depends on my current mood.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 02:47 PM, in Layout Thread Link
Mine is Sailor Mercury. Kaijin made this one for me as well. I just really like the picture, which was sent to us by Abazaba.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:39 PM, in What to do. Link
I don't know. I just like the idea of just staying as is. I mean everything is in working order, why mess around with it.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:42 PM, in Why do people... Link
I don't know why they did, but it doesn't matter. There really isn't any good reason. This is nothing but a great community in which people can come and have serious discussions or have fun. This board did nothing wrong to deserve this, so the peroson reason doesn't really matter since it's most likely not valid at all.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:45 PM, in Hobbies Link
Hobbies? Wow, I can neer remember them all of the top of my head, but lets's give it a go:

Writing stories and poems, reading (fantasy or high fantasy genra (sp?)), role playing, studing arts of divination (tarot card, rune stones, prophecy stone ect.), bellydancing, a little bit of drawing, hanging out with my friends, posting on boards, and other things I can't remember but I will add them on as I do remember.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:54 PM, in Sword of Truth Link
Many of my friends read this. I've myself have tried getting into it, but for some reason I can't get myself to read it. It's really odd. I've heard it's a good series and all, but every time I pick up a book to try and read it, I can't get more than a couple of pages read before having to put the book down.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:57 PM, in McDonald's: America's Favorite French Fries Link
I reqally don't like the McDonald's fries, I'll eat them, but they are far from my favorite. I prefer the ones at Jack in the Box. Yum!

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 09:53 PM, in Hobbies Link
After reading a few of these, I remembered a few more to add to my list: Anime, video games (both for computers and game counsels) and baking . Oh and lately I've been working on learning renfair songs to perform as my renfair character, but that goes along with the renfair I mentioned in the first post.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4564 days
Last activity: 5267 days
Posted on 02-28-05 09:56 PM, in What you cant stand Link
People with closed minds (lots of things fall under here)
People who try to be who they aren't
People who try to show off their material wealth.
Hmmm, I think that's about it, since most fall under the first one.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by WhiteRose

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