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03-31-25 12:36 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by shadowdude2
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User Post


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-28-05 07:09 PM, in New to Xeogaming Link
Hey i'm ShadowDude2, ShadowFlight brought me, I to start simbattling.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-28-05 09:07 PM, in Shadow Link
Name: Unknown
Tittle: Shadow
Age: Unknown (Looks mid-20's)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Silver (They often turn red in battle)

Nobody knows who he is or were he came from.
He is a wolf demon, he has long fangs and claws which he covers up by never smiling and wearing gloves. He wears a black trench coat and covers every part of his body accept his head. He wears reflective sun glasses to hide his eyes.

His two main weapons are a gun, a sword:

The gun is called "Essence of the wolf" it consists of magnum revolver called "The wolfs heart" with a laser sight called "The wolfs eye", a silencer called "The wolfs stealth", and a foot long bayonet called "The wolfs fang"

The sword is called "The Crimson Blade" It is a mythical sword that can was created in the futile era of japan, it is said that the core of the sword was made of crystallized demon blood. The sword glows red in battle and it absorbs the blood of those it cuts down to keep it's edge, and strengthen it.

He also has a speciality weapon, an intricate system of titanium plates which can be used to form armor, shields, swords, etc. and is controlled by magnetic fields witch he controls via a microchip that can read his brain waves implanted in the back of his neck under a tattoo of the oni (or "Demon") symbol. Every time he uses the plates it wares slightly on his mental capacity but after many years of training he has learned to keep it under control for long periods of time without any SERIOUS side effects

He has also learned to control fire which he combines with his other abilities, but it drains his mental and physical capacity so he doesn't use it very often


Plate Armor- Shadow forms a suit of armor out of an intricate system of titanium plates which can be used to form armor, shields, swords, etc. and is controlled by magnetic fields witch he controls via a microchip that can read his brain waves implanted in the back of his neck under a tattoo of the oni (or "Demon") symbol.

Rocket Man- Shadow creates a burst of flame at his feet, propelling him tawords his enemy (or otherwise specified direction) at hundreds of miles per hour, similar to a jet or a rocket.

Burning Man- Wile using Plate Armor, Shadow can light himself aflame, turning himself into a giant fireball.

Storm of Flaming Blades- This is Shadows ultimate attack, it turns all of his plates into blades, lights them on fire and launches them at his target. This attack drains him severely and depletes his mental power basicly leaving him unable to use any of his mental powers and leaving him a stumbling fool who can barely walk let alone fight.

(Last edited by shadowdude2 on 09-06-05 03:05 AM)


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-28-05 09:55 PM, in Shadow vs. Mika Link
Shadow was sitting on a rock on top of a rock on a 50 ft wide pillar in the middle of a giant volcano. He was uncomfortable so he took of his trench coat and threw it off the edge of the pillar, revealing his holstered gun "Esence of the wolf" and "The crimson blade" on his right hip. He then took off his sun glasses to reveal his silver eyes. "She's coming" His eyes turned from silver to red, and he drew his gun and fired vaguely in the direction he thought mika was coming from. It wasn't meant to hurt her only to show that he knew she was there.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-28-05 10:29 PM, in Shadow vs. Mika Link
Shaddow gave a little smirk revealing one of his fangs. "what took you so long i told you to be here an hour ago" Shaddow cut his right side slightly with the bayonet of his gun letting his blood drip down onto the handle of his sword which then started to glow red from inside the sheath, he put his left hand on the handle of the crimson blade and charged at mika and when he got to her he drew his sword and slashed at her torso with both his sword and his bayonet at the same time in oposite directions.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-28-05 10:57 PM, in Shadow vs. Mika Link
Shadow jumped out of the way and put his glowing red sword between himself and mikas sword, he then lunged at mika, atempting to get behind her and slash at her wings. "My sanity has nothing to do with this, this sword draws it's power from blood, but the blood that works best is the blood of a demon, wich i just so happen to be"


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-29-05 07:24 PM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
I am an athiest, I do not beleive in god, I do not beleive in magic, in all honesty i don't beleive in anything. I beleive what sience has to show, human's and all other life evolved from singal cell organisms, and I beleive that when you die your body rot's in the ground, I do not beleive that our spirits go elseware. Humans do not have spirits, they have personalitys and when you die your personality die's with you. I hate christianity not because it has stupid beleifs (even though it does) but because i hate that christians are always trying to convert you to their beleifs. I hate that religions like satanism and wicca are so misunderstood, my brother is a former satanist and his ex is a wiccan so i understand the basics of both religions and i thing they have better beleifs than other religions like christianity. Now let me clarify some things before i get any acusations. First of all I am not a goth or an emo or an anarchist or any of that shit and I don't hate the govornment, i'm actualy a very avid conservative. Second of all even though i don't have a religion, I have vary high morals, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, and i plan to keep it that way.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 08-29-05 08:09 PM, in Shadow vs. Mika Link
Shadow managed to avoid the heal but got hit really hard by her foot and was nocked onto the ground. "Ow, that hurt" He aimed his gun at her chest and fired.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 12:08 AM, in Shadow vs. Mika Link
Shadow sees the tornado coming at him, braces himself, and uses Plate Armor to protect himself, and then uses Rocket Man to launch himself through the tornadow and at Mika, slashing at her torso when he reached her

Plate Armor- Shadow forms a suit of armor out of an intricate system of titanium plates which can be used to form armor, shields, swords, etc. and is controlled by magnetic fields witch he controls via a microchip that can read his brain waves implanted in the back of his neck under a tattoo of the oni (or "Demon") symbol.

Rocket Man- Shadow creates a burst of flame at his feet, propelling him tawords his enemy (or otherwise specified direction) at hundreds of miles per hour, similar to a jet or a rocket.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 12:27 AM, in Your Religion/Beliefs Link
I apologise for being so cynical (I was on a bit of a rant), Van Rhanell, you are right about quite a few things, but I think you mistook my meaning, I meant I do not believe in anything as far as the afterlife is concerned and i do not believe in a creator. I do believe in myself and others and I am quite happy for the life i lead, as well as just the fact that I'm alive at all. I am happy for every day that I live as well as everything i get to experience in my life. But thank you Van Rhanell for your polite response, even though I was ranting.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 12:56 AM, in Random IM Conversation Thread Link
Originally posted by Shaddow Flight
Bwahahaha! I love this guy...

[13:13] firefreak999mm: fuck you
[13:13] ShaddowKarate: *nods* Ok...
[13:13] ShaddowKarate: Uh...
[13:14] ShaddowKarate: Hi. ^^
[13:14] firefreak999mm: gay faggit
[13:14] ShaddowKarate: Indeed...
[13:14] ShaddowKarate: You're a flamer. ^^
[13:15] firefreak999mm: fufufufufufu
[13:15] firefreak999mm: r ugay
[13:16] ShaddowKarate: You've got a picture of Stewie rubbing his crotch for an avatar... I think you're the gay one here...
[13:17] firefreak999mm: hes scraching hisnuts
[13:17] ShaddowKarate: Mmhmmm....
[13:17] ShaddowKarate: And what's that prove?
[13:20] ShaddowKarate: Sooo... were you going to insult me some more...
[13:20] ShaddowKarate: or may I add this to my archive of pathetic IMs? ^^
[13:20] firefreak999mm: rugayor watfaggit
[13:21] ShaddowKarate: I think you've answered that question for yourself...
[13:21] ShaddowKarate: Assuming you were asking if I was gay or not...
[13:21] ShaddowKarate: See... by calling me a faggot, you're assuming I'm gay...
[13:21] ShaddowKarate: and by asking if I'm gay in the same sentence you call me a faggot is like answering it for yourself...
[13:21] firefreak999mm: how old ru
[13:21] ShaddowKarate: technically the answer is no, but I don't think you're going to accept that...
[13:22] ShaddowKarate: I'm 16 years old, just started my junior year. Thanks for asking, sir.
[13:22] firefreak999mm: faggit
[13:22] ShaddowKarate: How old are you? (you strike me as a 7 or 40 year old)
[13:23] firefreak999mm: do u k wang
[13:24] ShaddowKarate: I don't even know what you just said...
[13:24] firefreak999mm: do u suck wang
[13:24] ShaddowKarate: you must be one of those Budsmoka_297's or something I read about in a post above this one in the random IM conversations thread...
[13:24] ShaddowKarate: where you play Online games under the names of badly smelled Marijuana references...
[13:25] ShaddowKarate: and you sound like a bathroom wall that sprouted a shrieking mouth...
[13:25] ShaddowKarate: but in reality you're just one of those small white boys....
[13:25] ShaddowKarate: emulating the stereotype of black gangsters....
[13:25] firefreak999mm: im a fuckin nigger
[13:25] ShaddowKarate: Oh...
[13:25] firefreak999mm: fuck you
[13:25] ShaddowKarate: ^^
[13:25] firefreak999mm: i bet your ass
[13:25] ShaddowKarate: bet my ass?
[13:26] ShaddowKarate: Did you win the bet?
[13:26] *** "firefreak999mm" signed off at Mon Sep 05 13:26:14 2005.
[13:26] ShaddowKarate: guess not...

HA HA HA HA HA... Oh my god that is freaking hilarious, I've had to deal with morons like that before but that was just too excelent for words. I feel like IM'ing that guy just so I can insult him for being such a dumb ass.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 08:55 PM, in Boy Scouts.... Link
I agree, scouts is definitely a good thing, it helps establish morals as well as give you helpful skills. I personally loved cub scouts but once I got to boy scouts it kinda sucked because my troop was full of ass holes.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 08:59 PM, in Google Messenger Link
I personally love Google and Gmail and I'm sure i will love this too, I've already installed it but I'm sure i won't use it for a wile when it does start to become popular which I'm very sure it will.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 09:03 PM, in Since i cant have a forum or whatever, ill make the rules here Link
This looks interesting but can you please specify what the interviews are going to be about?


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 09:35 PM, in Man Dies After Playing 50 Hours of Videogames Link
There are few ways to die that realy make you smile and think to your self "I hope that's how I go." this may be one of them.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 10:01 PM, in Debate tournament! Link
If your going to have a second round i'm interested in joining as long as i get to pick my side on the topic. Please give me the new topics to choose from or if using the same topics pleases tell me.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 10:19 PM, in Xeogaming 2.0 ... Fusion'd! (edit: It's official) Link
It looks very cool even though i never actually saw how it looked before, I've already registered. I personally don't think it would be smart to put music or similar thing on there for downloading (I only say this for fear that you may get in trouble Xeo)


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 10:29 PM, in A little happiness for a nation that cries... Link
That's realy cool man, it's good that there are people like that, and I agree with katana, you are definately a good person as far as I am concerned.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-06-05 10:36 PM, in Games That Steal Your Life Link
Dude I'm 15, I wasn't a big gamer when N64 and PS were still new, so i must go with the X Box, KOTOR 1+2!!!! Oh god how i love those games, in fact i just started re-playing 2 and mabe i'll replay 1 after that, i just love them so much and i hope they make more.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-07-05 01:15 AM, in Shadow vs. Mika Link
Shadow just blasts through, barely avoiding the blade hitting his head and instead it lands on his right shoulder but the cut is only about an inch deep, Mika has forgotten about his armor. After missing Mika, Shadow digs his feet into the ground, ripping it up the as he grinds to a screeching halt. He spins around and swings his arm in Mika's direction as if to try to chop her in the neck even though she's ten yards away, but instead twenty of the plates the size and sharpness of throwing knives flew off his right arm and flew in the direction of Mika, aiming for assorted areas from forehead to kidney and even some off to the sides to try to lessen any chance of a dodge.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7064 days
Last activity: 6904 days
Posted on 09-07-05 01:20 AM, in Things found in Mexico Link
That is hilarious if not a bit disturbing, i went to Mexico a few years ago and you can't help but seeing a bunch of drug stores selling what they claim to be Viagra. It's really quite pathetic yet entertaining at the same time.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by shadowdude2

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