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12-04-24 03:47 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by True Flight
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User Post
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-30-13 02:04 AM, in Hookah Smoking Proven to Be Far Worse Than Cigarettes Link
hookah just makes me want to smoke another cigarette.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-30-13 03:44 PM, in So Tired of Felicia Day/A Rant about the King of Geeks Link
I'm sorry, I loved The Guild it was one of my favorite web series, but it got annoying when Codex just continued her fidgeting and what not. It's like she's the "Bella" of our geek kingdom. I'm not one to rant, but I just can't stand the fact that so many people put her on a pedestal. If you turn around and say something "bad" about her, you get the shit white knighted out of you. It's like she has the biggest case of GOTIS(Girl on the internet syndrome), but she doesn't mean to be, it's just the white knights around her. I totally agree with this blog that nightxade wrote about her:

Felicia Day is not my poster girl

Felicia Day is not my poster girl
Since this entry is actually not about praising geekdom’s princess, I had better get my disclaimer out of the way in case this post be found by the mob and my life be made forfeit.

It's not that I dislike Felicia Day or her work. I liked The Guild initially, but grew bored – mainly with her character – and was very unimpressed with the subsequent comics. I don't care much for her contributions to Dragon Age, but I can't fault her for injecting her own headcanon and fanfic into something she loves. Okay, I suppose I'm not overly fond of her work, but if I had the money and influence, I'd be all over turning my fantasies into reality, too. She's living her dream and I certainly won't hate on her for that.

What I do hate is the bias surrounding her and her work as the epitome of female geekdom. She has been made into geekdom’s poster girl, resulting in this seemingly blind loyalty that puts her on a pedestal that leaves no room for all the other contributors to the industry – female and male. I feel similarly about Joss Whedon's supposed feminism. The way some people go on, you'd think he was the only male to ever write and promote "strong female charactersTM”.

And if you dare say anything against either of them, well. Let’s just say, I hope your insurance covers pitch forks, tar and feathering and general stake burnings.

In fairness, some of the vitriol that has been thrown at Day has been just that. Most recently, this guy ignorantly went after her via Twitter and has had to do some most pathetic backpedalling and apologizing that deserves a condescending pat on the head in appreciation for his unfortunate case of foot-in-mouth syndrome and a smack upside the head for his general stupidity.

I definitely do not approve of what he said and did - no one deserves such treatment - but I do disapprove of the consequent and continuous fan rally that claims it wants to end this kind of sexist treatment, but in truth, is really more focused on protecting Felicia Day than about ending the misogyny against female geeks. The "white knighting," that, as a friend points out, is a form of misogyny in itself. The rest of us female geeks might have boobs and vaginas, too. But we're no Felicia Day.

Championing the cause of Felicia Day is internet geek god, Wil Wheaton. If he catches wind of anything, fandom will mob mentality behind him. If he catches wind of anything against Felicia Day? Watch. Out.

Where was the fan rally around Aisha Tyler when she suffered the same ignorant hatred flung against her status as a female (and Black) geek? Unfortunately, the attacks against her had the misfortune of happening during the same week as another attack against Felicia Day. Apparently, the quota for fandom rallying was filled. Sorry Aisha.

Not that she needs the help...
What about all the rest of the female geeks that suffer such hateful indignities? Remember when Jennifer Hepler was called the "cancer" of Bioware? Will Anita Sarkeesian's project and the harassment she has dealt with be remembered for its role in trying to defeat this misogyny? How many people care about Burnyourbra's regular adventures in gamer sexism and racism? How about Melissa McEwan?

Hell, as much as I hated having Diana Allers shoved onto my ship when Mass Effect already boasted two perfectly good reporters, I don’t hate Jessica Chobot and certainly don’t believe she deserves the venom that was spewed at her. Who came to her rescue?

Are they not famous enough? Cute enough? Oh I'm gonna say it... White enough?

Does it matter? They are women too and they are being assaulted for their gender while doing something they love.

Yes, there are causes and campaigns and websites and articles, but always always always these things can’t help but mention Felicia Day at the top of the list, as if she is the only female geek out there.

She is not my poster girl.

I’m much more interested in the Gail Simones and Aisha Tylers and Ann Nocentis and Rene Geerlings and Ashley Ecksteins and Amanda Conners and Amy Reeders and everyone at The Mary Sue ...

Change has to happen somewhere, but I’m tired of it only focusing on one person. If Felicia Day magically disappeared today, the geek female movement would still exist and do just fine without her because of the myriad of other contributors to the cause.

Of course, if Felicia Day magically disappeared today, her name would be submitted for sainthood and a million more shrines would be built in her honour….

It's just there are plenty of other girls..


I watched through King of Geeks a while back because I was bored. OMG I hate Celeste. She isn't as much of a geek as the other finalist was. She only won because of a sob story.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 04-30-13 05:09 PM, in So Tired of Felicia Day/A Rant about the King of Geeks Link
Felicia Day is no Morgan Webb.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-01-13 01:09 AM, in So Tired of Felicia Day/A Rant about the King of Geeks Link
This is true. Morgan Webb is self proclaimed, BUT to me she is FAAAAR more attractive. Joss Whedon........ nuff said.

However after playing one of the Sura quests in GW2... I didn't feel like I was hearing nails being scraped on the board when I heard Felicia Day's voice. To be honest, it matched those tiny little creatures perfectly.

Personally I payed more attention to The Glass House than King of Nerds.

Thanks for the move btw. I was about to pm you about that. lmao.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-02-13 04:30 PM, in Four female guards impregnated by the same inmate Link
wow... I see a reality show coming up.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-02-13 10:49 PM, in Oh, Americans... Link
=.= war... cease fire... war.... cease fire... war.... twinkies... war... cease fire...

I'm on a diet... I have been craving doughnuts... like mad. But can't have them. So I stuff my face with fruit and cry in a corner as I see someone eating cake.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-03-13 04:03 PM, in I feel honor-bound to post this (AKA the Grumpy Cat Thread) Link
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-03-13 04:05 PM, in Drop the A-F grading system? Link
Originally posted by FX
The current grading system punishes you for failing, without encouraging you to succeed.

So does the real world.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-04-13 03:03 AM, in I walk around my home naked (EDIT: damn roommates!) Link
ah yes... roommates. The beginnings of tearing a friendship apart because you're not married to each other.

You know how I got my first roommates? An ad in the newspaper.

(Last edited by Sorcha Rohan on 05-04-13 03:03 AM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-05-13 01:21 AM, in Four female guards impregnated by the same inmate Link
OMG It could be like... THE OFFICE XD

Fox presents.... City Jail
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-05-13 01:46 AM, in A MONTH?! I'll still take it Link
Great news!

My dad says he will help out with what ever he can to help us move out of Rome.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-07-13 06:48 PM, in Drop the A-F grading system? Link
You know the point in school to me has always been somewhere to send your kids while your parents work. It makes sense... and wtf am I doing in this side of the forum anyway. O_o
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-08-13 02:04 AM, in Reach America GATHERS TEENAGERS TO BE THEIR SOLDIERS Link

This video is full of misinformed Christian teenagers who don't understand that "mandatory prayer" was considered unconstitutional. This group wants to take a stand because they are "being bullied" for being Christian. I don't know about you guys but at my high school I was bullied because I didn't go to church and I was awkward. I have no other words to say but
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-08-13 01:10 PM, in Reach America GATHERS TEENAGERS TO BE THEIR SOLDIERS Link
No I have nothing against them either. It's the fact that there are the few who actually believe that they really are a minority. To be honest, where I live they aren't and when I was in high school there was no "checking your religion at the door." If I'm correct now, it's like that down here in GA STILL.

I mean I seriously wouldn't have an issue if my child decides to take the norms of society and go along with them like a sheep. It doesn't bother me at all.

Oh and here's the article

Football Coach Demanded Ivestigation

To be fair this foundation against religion is based in Wisconsin. Why bother the Bible Belt.... So stupid. Religious arguments come from both sides. It's a stupid subject to bring to schools on top of everything else they have to deal with.

(Last edited by Sorcha Rohan on 05-08-13 01:19 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-08-13 08:37 PM, in It's International Clitoris Awareness Week Link
how about... I still can't find it.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-10-13 06:33 PM, in What do you think about this? Link
seriously?....there are more side effects from pregnancy I wouldn't even want to WISH on teenagers.

Speaking of Plan B. I did buy it from the RX before. XD It was quite hilarious. I got a ton of judgmental looks, but then my husband walked up with D in his arms and he was like "You ready baby?" The looks immediately changed to understanding. Talk about your double standards.

(Last edited by Sorcha Rohan on 05-10-13 06:34 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-10-13 06:51 PM, in The Mother's Day Thread Link

Just thought I'd put that threat out there for all those guys with girlfriends.

It's kinda a hot vid.

(Last edited by Sorcha Rohan on 05-10-13 06:52 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-13-13 04:45 PM, in Suicide captured on television Link
wow.... I blame broadcast technicians... They really should know when to cut away.

Edit; Mainly because when the guy was being all erratic. Normally you're supposed to cut off when the guy gets out of the car anyway.

(Last edited by Sorcha Rohan on 05-13-13 04:46 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 112 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 05-20-13 04:41 PM, in Reach America GATHERS TEENAGERS TO BE THEIR SOLDIERS Link
>.> Agreed
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by True Flight

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