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02-03-25 01:23 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Byte
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User Post

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 08-30-10 12:38 AM, in Gamer Tag's/ID's/Screenames Mega Thread (XBL, PSN, Steam, etc) Link
Finally! I'll buy Castle Crashers on tuesday and play it with you, but I don't have a mic so it will be awkwardly silent

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 08-30-10 01:58 AM, in Gamer Tag's/ID's/Screenames Mega Thread (XBL, PSN, Steam, etc) Link
I'll be able to play on Tuesday night, but I'm not sure I'll be on all day Wednesday maybe only part of the day we'll see. I'm pretty pumped, too. I had no idea is was coming to the PS3 until you mentioned it. It'll be fun to play through it again.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 08-30-10 05:28 PM, in Xbox 360 vs. Playstation3, we all knew it was coming. Link
They were trying to give pretty valid reasons on why they raised the price, but they just sounded like a company looking to make a few extra bucks off their pretty loyal subscribers. I'll still pay for it because it's not that much, but come on.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 08-30-10 11:17 PM, in Xbox 360 vs. Playstation3, we all knew it was coming. Link
With the raise in price they should at least give us free games or deals on certain games like PSN+ does, but that will never happen.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-03-10 01:00 AM, in Castle Crashers [Xbox360] [PS3]: Boss fights + Animals = make a toilet! Link
Right now I'm trying to do all of the arenas to get all the characters and I'm trying to find some of the secret pets. I'm going to level up a lot more then we can try to beat the game on insane and maybe get 2 more people to help. I also might have a mic by then, not too sure. I think the hit detection with the magic spells and attacks is part of the game because on the xbox version unless you were precisely lined up with enemy you wouldn't have hit them. Also, my one experience with matchmaking was pretty good. I got into match pretty quick, but that was on normal castle crashers so maybe it's different for arena

(Last edited by Byte on 09-03-10 01:03 AM)

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-03-10 04:03 PM, in Always bet on Duke: Duke Nukem Forever Link
PAX started today and Gearbox confirmed the game is slated for a release in 2011. I haven't seen any videos of gameplay yet, but from the previews I read the game seems awesome and legit.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-05-10 03:19 PM, in Flamingo Link
Brandon Flowers, the lead singer of The Killers, just released his first solo album in Australia and I listened to it. It's pretty good. There's a few songs that really stand out like Jilted Lovers And Broken Hearts and Was It Something That I Said?, most of the songs are good or okay, and then there are a couple songs that aren't that good. I'm sure over time the album will grow on me, but right now it's good enough to hold me over until the next Killers release.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-06-10 09:49 PM, in Always bet on Duke: Duke Nukem Forever Link
You have to go to edit profile and enable headers and sigs. To not be too off topic this game is going to be awesome. Operation cockblock and Duke saying he would still do a three boob alien, just great.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-11-10 05:57 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
Listening to some Depeche Mode and the whole Alive 2007 album by Daft Punk. I love how they mix their classics so perfectly together and the crowd adds that extra effect.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-17-10 09:39 PM, in Halo Reach Link
Halo: Reach is awesome. It's definitely the culmination of everything Bungie has learned over the years. I'd be all the for a remake of all the games or just releasing all the maps from all the games as DLC for Reach would be one of the best things ever. I wouldn't be for putting the new control scheme in the remakes. One of the first things I did in Reach was put the melee button back to B. It was like changing the jump button for Mario. I also feel a strange sense of pride with the Halo 2 nameplate. Makes me feel like a Halo veteran.

(Last edited by Byte on 09-17-10 10:52 PM)

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-17-10 10:02 PM, in Gran Turismo 5: The real driving simulator Link
I didn't like Prologue too much. It isn't anything like the GT5 it's pretty much GT4 with updated graphics. I love that they added NASCAR to GT and there's so many other features packed in this game it's ridiculous.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-19-10 06:47 PM, in Halo Reach Link
Yeah, I didn't have it for the PC I had it for the Xbox, but I could one up you and put Marathon: Durandal as my nameplate. LA, you change your name plate by going on and signing in then going to your profile, game settings, then nameplates. Also, the reason I didn't play with you a couple days ago was I was playing with a few of my friends and we already had four so we didn't want to play some big team stuff. We should definitely pick a day where we could all play together.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-20-10 04:16 AM, in The Tester: Season 2. Ouch Link
I would watch this just to see 8-bit Mickey because I haven't seen him since he left ScrewAttack with Handsome Tom. But other than that it looks like a typical game show.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-20-10 08:58 PM, in Halo Reach Link
ODST is my least favorite of the series. Releasing as a full game was just stupid because it didn't have it's own multiplayer just firefight. It should of been released as a downloadable game/DLC or just not made at all. In Reach I have been playing a lot of Score Attack-Gruntpocalypse. I get at least 1200+ credits every game and level up really quick.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-21-10 07:25 PM, in Halo Reach Link
I need to do a run through of all the games again since I played all of them when I was around 12 and wasn't able to really follow the story or judge the game too well. I've seen people remaking Halo 2 and 3 maps on forge, but I have yet to see Halo maps remade.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-27-10 03:09 PM, in Xbox 360 vs. Playstation3, we all knew it was coming. Link
My opinion on the graphics war is that games that are PS3 exclusives look a lot better than Xbox 360 exclusives. Examples off the top of my head are Uncharted 2, GOW3, and Killzone 2. They just look so amazing.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 09-27-10 06:05 PM, in Time. Link

Pink Floyd and ELO own time.

(Last edited by Byte on 09-27-10 06:06 PM)

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 10-01-10 03:25 PM, in Music videos: It's kinda like MTV, only you post the videos! Link
Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorite bands. Every time I listen to The Wall or Dark Side they get better and better, it's like they're magic. The Trial is also one of my favorite songs ever and I can't wait to see The Wall live this month. Here is some of my favorite stuff

I love MGMT. I saw them live in June and even met them it was awesome. They're very much like The Beatles with their self-realization about the music they're making.

I love Wolfmother, too. They've already survived one complete line-up rehaul, but as long as they have Andrew Stockdale, Wolfmother is Wolfmother.

Tame Impala. They're pretty good.

And I end with Beck because Beck is awesome.

(Last edited by Byte on 10-01-10 03:26 PM)

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 10-02-10 12:56 PM, in I don't know if we have one of these yet but, Link
I'm from the big mitten, good old Michigan. I live about a 30 minute drive from Detroit in Macomb. Representing the midwest here.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4688 days
Last activity: 3660 days
Posted on 10-05-10 01:42 AM, in I don't know if we have one of these yet but, Link
Originally posted by Lord Alexandor
Originally posted by Byte
I'm from the big mitten, good old Michigan. I live about a 30 minute drive from Detroit in Macomb. Representing the midwest here.

What he said. From what I hear, we live within about 5 miles of each other. But, I don't think we've ever met IRL.

Maybe we should plan a Xeogaming get-together at a convention or something? That could be fun...

Jeez, I didn't know it was that close. Did you used to live off of 21 mile road? Also, if you add the inactive Michigan we have a pretty good number.

(Last edited by Byte on 10-05-10 01:42 AM)
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