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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 01-13-07 02:30 PM Link
"Obviously not hard enough, friend, because I haven't been hiding.."

Seifer smiled a grim yet true smirk at this Marinae soldier. Seifer had connections with many prolific characters in today's political spectrum, and thanks as well to the notiority of his name. Hard to find someone who hasn't heard at least somewhat of him. He then turned to look at Leon, keeping the same gruff smile apparant.

"What I meant, friend, is that my sword is dull. Haven't had a good fight to really get the blood flowing since our fight." He then closed his eyes, trying to hide the truth of his way of life. He remembered all he had wanted when he first began was to live a life of meaning, and to help the common people. True, his thefts and fighting had helped some, but it had hurt others. And deep down, he carried a deep regret. But, he never showed this side of himself to anyone. And he would not. He carried on, another smile twisting his lips, quickly and carefree.

"But anyway, what do you all say? My plan of action suit everyone?"

Isha was incredibly confused. Who was this man who had appeared before him. Why was she so weak? Her last vision had been entering the teleporter. Perhaps something had gone wrong? She panicked, thinking soley of returning to Sujov.

"Who...are you? Where am I?" She said weakly, underestimating her own fatigue.

(Last edited by Cairoi on 01-13-07 05:39 PM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 02:44 PM Link
Holly nodded a 'thank you' to Brad as he slid her the first aid kit. The box made a soft clicking sound as she opened it up. She took a step back as Seifer began to rise. Knowing that it would be easier for her to wrap his ribs up that way, she did not object. "Arms up." She stated as Seifer was introducing himself. She gently pushed his arms up and nudged him so that he was standing up straight. She began wrapping him up while he spoke. Something hit her hard, when he mentioned being Josiah's partner. What the hell? she thought to herself. So Josiah betrayed a lot more than I thought...

She was about to comment, but Jeremy had spoken up finally, followed by Leon.

"I say..." She begins, giving one last tug at the bandage. "...that it is fine with me...with one exception." She steps back and looks at Seifer. "The 'guardian' crap ends now." She smiled. "Thank you for everything you've done, and I really appreciate it...however..." She then steps back so that she could get a good glance around everyone in the helicopter. "If we're going to do this, we might as well just look out for one another...equally."

She pauses and glances over at Henry, who was still unconscious, and then over at Jeremy. "Mr. Desin, I'm sure the Marinae can accomodate you once we have gone from Seifer's place. I'm sorry you had to throw away so much..."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 01-13-07 02:51 PM Link
Seifer grimaced and smiled at the same time as Holly fixed his chest up, and when she finished, he let out a small sigh and began to speak.

"Okay, Holly. Then I have your support. What is your opinion Brad? You, Leon? And Jeremy? This is a life-altering decision. You won't be able to go back to your factions for a while, but this could be the only chance we get. We need you."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3935 days
Last activity: 3830 days
Posted on 01-13-07 03:40 PM Link
Jeremy was nervous, unsure of what do do. How would Alden be without him? What about his brother? While he puzzled, he made the the first solid decision of his life, since he left Edgar.

"Fine, I will come... stay with you. But first I need to contact somebody."

Jeremy sat down cross legged on the floor, closed his eyes and clutched his shard.

Eric stood at the bottom of the elevator shaft, looking up. This was where Alden had gone before he had fallen after Josiah. If he could just get up there he might be able to figure out what was going on. He had tried jumping, but to no avail. Every time, at the 23rd story, he came crashing back down. He punched the wall of the elevator in rage, leaving a massive dent, and turned back out into the plaza.

"Alright men, E'shyum tower is ours. I want all the survivors bound, and then let's get ready to tear this place down."

As he finished giving orders and turned back to the elevator, he heard Jeremy's voice in his head.

"It's okay Isha, you are safe here. I am the Watcher, and you are at my castle. I pulled you out of the teleporter before you suffered the awful death of nonexistence. Don't worry, I will send you back, once you are ready."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 03:43 PM Link
She looked over at Jeremy. She was suprised that he had agreed to tag along. She watched as he sat and took hold of his shard.

"Speaking of shards, Mr. Desin." She says softly, turning toward Brad's direction.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5179 days
Last activity: 1489 days
Posted on 01-13-07 04:33 PM Link
Leon nidded slightly.

"Seifer, the Suvoj are basically gone, destroyed in a swift swoop of Josiah's hand. I haven't seen or heard from Edgar or Isha in a while. They could very well be dead. Alas, God wills it to be so. His followers are given a test, we must accept such task now and do all that we can."

He looked around.

"Our destiny has come to show itself. Josiah will die by my blade. It is only a matter of time."

Leon wished to try out what he learned from Josiah's file. He had read a good portion of information thoroughly and memorized it all.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 04:51 PM Link
She shuddered.

"Destroyed...everyone?" She asks quietly. "But...Edgar and Isha were at the Marinae base with us, weren't they? Josiah couldn't have destroyed that, considering up until I few moments ago, I was with him since Mr. Desin and I got back to the E'shyum base..."

Holly sighed, as she brought her fingertips to her temples, moving them in a slight circular motion. A few moments later, she snapped out of it, and gave Leon a weak smile.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but...Josiah needs to be destroyed. I will not argue with you about doing so."

(Last edited by Katana on 01-13-07 07:57 PM)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 199 days
Last activity: 199 days
Posted on 01-13-07 07:06 PM Link
Brad frowned at the idea of being taken to the Marinae base. As he tossed the shard to Holly, he said, "I will never stay with the Marinae faction. I am loyal to the E'shyum, and I will never work in a way that could even possibly harm my men."

He turned towards Seifer, considering his proposition. "Jack is basically being help prisoner by Josiah, one wrong move will kill him, and so I must act. I will not rest until Josiah is killed, and Jack is free to act on his own. I will be helping you."

He looked at Leon, "surely here are remnants to the Suvoj. Your faction is highly respected by the E'shyum, and so you can understand my irritation about what happened. I say that you should gather the remnants, and arm them. Then Seifer, I would reccomend that you spend at least a week teaching me, Holly, Leon, and Jeremy to increase the power of our shards. The five of us together, if we can increase our power enough, could prove a match for Josiah. Combined with the remnants of the Suvoj, we could stand a chance."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 07:29 PM Link
Holly caught the shard that Brad tossed her. She rolled up her sleeve and fastened the shard to her bracelet again. She clutched it tightly for a moment before releasing it. She looked back to Brad and smiled. It was a sincere and genuine smile. He hadn't betrayed her trust. However, her smile faded quickly and she crossed her arms.

"Mr. Desin, I did not mean anything remotely close to joining with the Marinae. I was just volunteering them to make sure you're taken care of and you have the essentials you may need that were left behind at the base." She looked back at Jeremy. "The Marinae would be happy to make sure you have everything you need, without pressuring you to do anything for them, isn't that right?" She tilted her head and smiled briefly before turning back to Seifer.

"I agree with Mr. Desin would be wise if we learned to increase our shard's capabilities...but I have one request." She steps back a bit so that she could see both Leon and Seifer. "I'd like to train in other ways too, if either one of you would be willing to show me a few pointers. I know some things, so I am not entirely hopeless."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3935 days
Last activity: 3830 days
Posted on 01-13-07 07:45 PM Link
Jeremy's eyes flew open.

"No, we are not going to be amplifying our shards, at least not that way. Josiah's method is very dangerous and unstable. Not only that, but he gave it to us when he was planning to betray us. There is a reason we destroyed all the shards that he had enhanced."

He stood and approached the group.

"Now I have just communicated with Alden. He followed Josiah and Jack into some type of portal. He doesn't know where he is, but he hasn't seen either of them yet. He is going to lay low while the Marinae form search parties."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 08:09 PM Link
Holly's eyes widdened. She opened her mouth to speak, she instead coughed, almost as though she choked on something.

"Some kind of portal? What the hell does that mean?!"

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3935 days
Last activity: 3830 days
Posted on 01-13-07 08:32 PM Link
He turned to Holly.

"I mean just that. Don said that Josiah tore some kind of hole in the air. He noticed it was closing, so he jumped after it."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 11:04 PM Link
"'s not humanly possible..." She shook her head. "Are you sure that's what happened? And what about Jack? Will he be alright?!"

She sighed. "Hell, will Alden be alright?!" She paused and started shaking her head again. She looked over at Henry, still laying in back of the chopper and made her way over to him. She knelt down beside him and poked his boot to see if he moved.

"What about Henry? He surely can't join us..."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3935 days
Last activity: 3830 days
Posted on 01-13-07 11:22 PM Link
"Yes, in these days, we can do a lot of things that would not be considered humanly possible. And of all the people who have done that the most, Josiah is as the top of the list. As for your father, you have not seen him in action like I have."

He walked over to Holly, and looked at the unconscious general.

"He may be old, but he will be an invaluable asset to our cause."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-13-07 11:25 PM Link
She shook her head. "Henry's needed at the base. Before we go anywhere else after we are at Seifer's home, we should take him back." She looked up at Jeremy. "Afterall, with Alden stuck in a hole, someone who knows what they're doing needs to be at the Marinae HQ, do they not?"

There were quite a few reasons why Holly didn't want her father to go with them. Though she spoke the truth to Jeremy, it wasn't the only reason.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3935 days
Last activity: 3830 days
Posted on 01-14-07 02:36 AM Link
"There are plenty of people that can run the faction. I hate to say it, but your father hasn't been doing much. He's pretty much a pencil pusher with an honorary title."

Jeremy realized that he had greatly insulted her father. He was about to speak up, and to make it seem less offensive, when the man himself woke up.

"Huh. What happened, where am I? Holly?"

((Wow, that sounded really cliche...))

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-14-07 02:46 AM Link
Holly looked up at Jeremy with a smile. "So now you Marinae know how my mother and I felt." She says sharply before turning her attention back to the unconscious Henry, who had begun to stir after her comment.

"We're on a helicopter, heading toward...Michigan was it?" She asked, making a quick glance in Seifer's direction. "We'll be fine. We don't know exactly where Josiah is, but he isn't near us anymore, so we're safe for now."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 01-14-07 03:51 PM Link
Seifer silently walked into the cockpit, while everyone else's attention was on another conversation. He sat in the co-pilot's seat and put his legs up, trying his hardest to relax. He was heading home, this much he knew, with a motley crew of warriors intent on killing the strongest man alive, his ex-partner. He came to realize how much his life had changed over the last few years.
He was once an average boy, living the normal life, when the shards became mainstream. The ensuing chaos orphaned him and he He had two close friends in that monastary he never heard from again. One day, the monastary was destroyed in the midst of a battle between E'shuyum and Marinae, and in panic, the refugees all scattered. Seifer had fallen off a small cliff into a river when he was running with Kendra and Zach, and flowed down for hours until washing ashore, cold and alone.
The first night had been so frightening, he had not slept. As soon as dawn broke, he began wandering everywhere, trying to find his friends. After a few days, he gave up, and then believed his only course of action was to find a new shelter to live in. During this time, he found his first shard, Holy Trinity. It protected him from all the dangers of the world, but he was still lonely and hungry.
He wandered hopelessly until he found an abandoned city, and found shelter there. Eventually, he was rescued by a man checking the city for supplies, and he took him home to Michigan. The man was once a corporate office worker that had always dreamed of a less-structed life, and in the chaos of the new world, he had found it. He thrived in it, and taught Seifer everything he had thought and knew, and instilled many new morals into Seifer. He taught Seifer how to protect himself with Holy Trinity, by showing him that direct strength was not always the best. When Seifer found Tremor, the man came up with the idea that it could be used to amplify swordplay. Seifer and his new guardian, Kenjiro Ehnzo, began to teach other swordplay, and they became closer than most fathers and sons could ever hope to.
Seifer and Kenjiro decided to take back from the growing armies of Marinae and E'shuyum, the two main clans at the time. They did, and at the time, they succeeded for quite some time. They became pirates, stealing and pillaging, causing chaos for those that sought to disrupt their anarchic way of life. They befriended Edgar White, future leader of Sujov, and eventually decided to side with Sujov, because they knew Edgar would preserve the most personal freedom out of each faction. They knew that there was no chance of them being compeltly free from soveriegn, so they chose to be the freest they could. They became personal guardians of Edgar.
Several years later, disaster struck. During an assasination attempt, Kenjiro died to save Edgar's life. Seifer was never the same. For many days, he contemplated suicide, feeling no purpose. He asked Edgar for permission to leave, to find his new purpose. Edgar granted his wishes, and he once more became a wanderer.
During this time, he teamed up with Josiah and once more became a pirate. Those days flew by faster than any he'd ever had. But the betrayal had been absolute. Josiah was no longer anything more than fragment of the past that needed to be removed.
Seifer snapped out of his reminiscing, and looked at his enclosed fist. He had a new purpose: To stop Josiah, and Holly. If Holly did not want him nearby, then he had no purpose. He would die a death Kenjiro would be proud of. Not to give into death, but to fight and shape the world until Death stopped him, stared him blank in the eye, and saught his destruction. And Seifer knew he would fight back.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1659 days
Last activity: 1477 days
Posted on 01-14-07 05:38 PM Link
(OOC: This is what happens when I'm stuck home...**ensues with the post**)

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Seifer head toward the cockpit. She looked up at Jeremy and smiled. "He isn't doing this with us." She said, giving Henry a pat on the shoulder and rising to her feet once again. She looked over at Leon and gave him a halfhearted smile. She knew she probably should leave Seifer alone for the time being, but there was something she needed to make sure he understood.

She made her way to the front and sat sideways in the empty pilot's seat so that she could face Seifer.

"I really do appreciate you coming to get me." She says softly. "Hell, I probably would have still been there and who knows what Josiah would've done, since I would have not cooperated and given him my shard." A sly smile slowly spread across her lips as she spoke. "But I didn't mean to come off the way I did earlier...I just don't think it's right that one should always put others first, ya know? When a person is too burned out by not caring for themselves, then...what good are they to others anyway?" She asked with a shrug. "You're so gungho on helping me and I barely even know you, and I'm sure you're the same way with others..." She tilted her head slightly and smiled. "Before we do anything else, once we get to are going to take a lot of time just for yourself, to need to recover anyway, so..."

Holly then hopped out of the pilot's seat and brushed herself off. "Just sit here for the rest of the ride as well if you'd like. With the exception of our pilot, I'll make sure no one comes over to bother you again." She says as she turns to head back to the others again.

(Last edited by Katana on 01-15-07 04:54 AM)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 199 days
Last activity: 199 days
Posted on 01-15-07 06:34 PM Link
Brad thought for several moments. They couldn't enhance their shards, Suvoj, his only remaining potential ally, was destroyed, and right now there wasn't a single faction that didn't have orders to shoot him on sight. All he had now was himself, his shard, and the desire to kill Josiah.

"We should be there in about fifteen minutes." Brad said, "I don't know the exact location, so someone is going to have to direct me."

Why on earth was he helping Jeremy? He was Marinae, and couldn't be trusted. Hopefully it wouldn't be long until he could rejoin the E'shyum...
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