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Xeogaming Forums - Comet Saga - Red Eye: The Beginning | | Thread closed
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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-17-07 11:26 PM Link
Ken turned and looked intently. He knew what was going on. Vincent couldn't hide the truth from him.

"Vincent, move. He would have led us to our deaths! I won't kill him. The desert will."

Ken turned to face Vincent, and began walking closer and closer, his rage growing. Ken was a calm Fire Totem, for sure the deadliest. For when a calm Fire Totem actually rises to anger, he is a most fearsome foe with his fists alone. The bite on his hand was burning, and Ken felt a little off, but his rage completly made him ignore it.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 204 days
Last activity: 204 days
Posted on 04-18-07 08:00 AM Link
Alarath looked at them. "You are all fools," he said. "We should have seen Xanath's betrayal coming, but now that we know he works for Red Eye, he can be useful."

He noticed Ken's rising anger. "Let's calm down, take him prisnoer, and then, if you really still hate him, we can kill him."

He turned towards the dead symbiote's body, and jerked his dagger out of it. Fortunately, it had only recieved a little damage from the creature's death. He held it, and stood beside Vincent, "until we have tried to use him, I stand with Vincent. I don't care about Xanath's life, but we need everything we can get."

He held his knife carefully, pointing it at Ken.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-18-07 08:04 AM Link
"He doesn't work for Red Eye, he's a Kamu!"

Ken, since his youth, has had a terrible anger problem. And Xanath, a man whom he had placed trust in, was a Kamu spy. He began to clench his fists, over and over, his red eyes beginning to glow. Even without magic, Ken would be more than a powerful foe right now.

Despite the fact the bite on his arm was pulsing harder.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 204 days
Last activity: 204 days
Posted on 04-18-07 08:16 AM Link
Alarath smirked. "All the better," he said. "We're coming close to Kamu territory, so who better than a Kamu to lead us in the right direction?"

Alarath kept his eye on Xanath, he didn't want this guy trying to kill them. Regardless, he had a feeling that Ken was more dangerous right now than Xanath, despite the fact that Xanath could run away any moment now.

"Calm down, Ken," he said. "Without magic, you have no advantage over any of us, so I'd suggest that you stop."

He looked towards Xanath again. and smirked again, "I'll note, by the way, that I was right. We were outside of Kamu territory, until you took us to it. But I suppose I'm still an insolent city person without any respect, right?"


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5183 days
Last activity: 1493 days
Posted on 04-18-07 04:09 PM Link
Xanath stared intently at Vincent, then at Ken, finally resting upon Alarath.

"I was only taking you through Kamu territory, there was another destination I had in mind."

Vincent shook his head, glancing quickly at Avendia.

"I would protect him because he was only doing his job, he treated us well, and did not yet lead us into any traps. I believe he proved himself to us by killing the beasts that were sure to assimilate us back at the chasm. His life should be kept if only for that reason."

Vincent turned to Alarath, who stood by him.

"He will not tell us anything of his people. He is a great Kamu warrior, honorable and loyal. And another thing you are wrong about, Ken has an advantage over everyone here. He is unpredictably rash when angered, and has been physically honed in combat by Red-Eye for years. He knows how to fight without magic. Do you? Leave this to me. I beg you, there is no need for bloodshed."

Vincent's instinct drive activated the blades from around his wrists. One foot blades protruded from above his hands. He was shocked for a moment, his instinct drive was preparing for Ken's onslaught as if it were from a true foe. He deactivated the blades, but stood calmly awaiting Ken's arrival.

"Ken, this is not you. He has earned his right to be with us. Stand down, I do not want to hurt you."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-18-07 05:17 PM Link
Ken felt weird. He had been honed to use his anger to his advantage, making him far beyond the normal soldier without his electricity. If he held a sword in his hand, he would have been unstoppable by any present. But lately, Ken had suppressed his anger. But something was interfering with that. He looked down at the cut. He felt the familiar urges the Red Eye Formula had once given him, the formula from which the organization derives its name.

How long had Leech been watching them?

Fuck, Ken thought. "Fuck, Fuck! Fuck! This is not good!" He grabbed his head as a massive headache hit him. The combination of Fire Totem rage, along with the Red Eye Formula Leech had inflicted him with previously, would NOT be a healthy combination. Ken shook his head and growled in pain as his entire eyes became red and his body was affected by the formula's power rush. He screamed and then stood, seeming to be an animal. This was Blood Zeus, the codename for the deadly mix they sometimes injected into Ken to have him kill large groups. He never remembers the incidents, and Red Eye kept them classified, so Ken remembers few of the fatalities he has caused.

Blood Zeus growled and leapt several feet into the air, headed straight for Xanath. He would rip him apart.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5183 days
Last activity: 1493 days
Posted on 04-18-07 05:35 PM Link
Vincent moved gracefully in front of Xanath. He knew of this form, Red-Eye plotted this from the beginning. A counter-measure in case Leech failed. He grappled the wrists of Ken and placed a foot on his chest. Then he pulled his whole body backwards, hurling Ken several dozen feet away. In the rage Ken was in this would be hard to notice, harder to stop. He was a murderous beast, all Vincent could hope to do is to knock him unconscious until the serum wore off. Xanath crouched defensively, hoping to avoid this conflict, though he was the start.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 204 days
Last activity: 204 days
Posted on 04-18-07 05:45 PM Link
Alarath looked towards Xanath. That coward began the battle, and then tried to avoid it. What a fool.

He knew he couldn't stand a chance against Alarath. He wasn't strong, his didn't have his totem activated, and his only advantage was a knife, which Ken seemed to duplicate.

He thought quickly, this man was strong, but he was vulnerable. He quickly looked towards Alexis. "Alexis," he said. "Shoot Ken as accurately as you shot that creature, and I think that we'll be safe. Go quickly, while he's still on the ground."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-18-07 06:17 PM Link
Blood Zeus never even really hit the ground. As soon as he was supposed to have hit the ground, he stopped himself with one arm. He bent it down then landed, crouched over. His body was designed to take heavy stress, the lightning he controlled would destroy a normal body. He had mechanical implants besides his Instinct Drive to support him.

He was in Phase 1, Feral Eye. The reaction had only begun, and its second stage, if activated, is far deadlier, and far more efficient.

Vincent was Blood Zeus' first target. He dashed forward, low to the ground, and before Vincent could make sense of it, Blood Zeus had his hands around his neck, squeezing hard. Vincent could clearly see his maniacal eyes, filled completely red. This was the brutality of Red Eye made real.

Xanath sought to act fast to protect the man who might save his hide. He tackled Ken from the side, breaking his hold on Vincent. But when Xanath hit the ground, Ken had already rebounded and gained balance. Blood Zeus lifted Xanath with one hand, despite the armor, and slammed him into the ground, heavy armor and all. Xanath was out cold, and Blood Zeus assumed death, as he had not begun to regain most of his mental capacities. He returned to Vincent, growling.

His eyes were less rabid, but more bloodthirsty. His breathing began to slow. Things were not boding well for the party.

(Last edited by Cairoi on 04-18-07 09:17 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5183 days
Last activity: 1493 days
Posted on 04-18-07 11:16 PM Link
Vincent gasped as he was chocked, When Xanath knocked Ken away, Vincent fell to the ground. Gasping for air, Vincent stood and centered himself. His teleportation did not work, but most of his technology magic did. It was odd why it didn't work. He felt free and gentle, as if the strangulation was of no concern. It felt as if the battle was picking up, and everything was going to be fine. A smile stroked across Vincent's face.

"Ken, that, was the last time you'll get me."

Vincent rushed forth and drew his cane, he moved gracefully, faster than before, faster even, than Ken moved. He brought his cane to Ken's chest, pushing forward with a great amount of strength knocking Ken several feet into the air, and several feet backwards. Vincent twirled his cane quickly and held it near the bottom. There was a chance Ken could beat him, but that chance was only because of the Serum right now. Ken's body should be nearing the second stage of the serum. It would not be long now.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-18-07 11:25 PM Link
Blood Zeus dropped to the ground, hitting it hard. Sand swept up around where he hit, making it very hard to see him. He got up, seemingly unaffected, as the sand cleared. He rose, feeling in his instinct drive Stage 2 was coming. Stage 2 would destroy everyone here if it occurred. Ken's natural mind panicked, and faught against the serum and the split personality Blood Zeus.

Blood Zeus clutched his head and began growling, his defenses up.


Ken did not want Stage 2 to come, he faught with everything he had.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5183 days
Last activity: 1493 days
Posted on 04-18-07 11:35 PM Link
Vincent abruptly struck Ken on the forehead with his cane, then sent a punch towards his head, hoping to knock the sense into him. After these two moves, he grabbed Ken's arms and wrapped them behind his back, all of a sudden, Ken was handcuffed. These handcuffs, had no trick though, they were real, and made of an almost indestructible alloy. Vincent pushed Ken over, and knelt on his back, holding a pressure point. One which would inflict a massive amount of pain if he applied a slight amount of pressure.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-18-07 11:42 PM Link
Ken, in his last few fleeting moments of control before Blood Zeus came back, pushed himself into the pressure point as hard as he could.


And then Blood Zeus returned. He painfully ripped his hands free of the cuffs by pulling his hands out, his wrists now bleeding profusely. Blood Zeus then freed his anger and threw Vincent off him, ignoring any pain the pressure point could have caused. He was breathing heavily and looked insane. He charged towards Vincent and threw a punch that would break bones and stones, faster than Vincent had been moving.

Stage 2 was almost there.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5183 days
Last activity: 1493 days
Posted on 04-18-07 11:52 PM Link
Vincent smiled, he twirled himself in a circle, avoiding the fist and shielding himself from what was to come with his cape. Resting inches before Ken's face was a small round device. Used often by Vincent, and usually explosive in nature. This was a "Flashbang" explosive. The explosive went off with a flash of bright light, and an impressively loud noise. Most likely knocking Ken unconscious simply because of the distance between him and the explosive. Ken flew backwards as if blown away by the explosion, and knocked flat on his back. The bright light still burned the retinas of those who looked into it. But Ken should be down for some time.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
Last activity: 1275 days
Posted on 04-19-07 09:55 AM Link
Alexis had stayed out of the battle long enough. Lighting up a cigarette, she slowly walked up to where Ken was laid out. Bria watched with wide eyes. "Alexis, what are you doing!?"
Alexis sniffed the air, then eyed Ken distinctively. "He's still awake. Barely."
With that, she picked up Ken's head, and delivered a chop to his neck/collarbone area; the sleeper hit. Many people, especially thieves and spies use this a l to to knock their foes unconscious.
"That should do it," Alexis stated, as she exhaled, blowing smoke into the wind. At this point, Reika was beside herself as she stayed out of the conflict entirely, watching Alexis with bated breath. Alexis regrouped with the others, and sighed. She was getting tired of all this desert fighting.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-19-07 04:13 PM Link
Ken lay silent on the ground for a few moments, his anger knocked straight out when he was knocked out. The reaction always caused consequences to his body.

After a few seconds of being passed up, he rose, his eyes back to normal. He must have closed his eyes before the flash, but the noise had harmed him. Alexis' neck chop had knocked him out. But here now, he was getting to his feet. He was awake? How could this be? Only something...

The abuse the others had done had knocked him out, but to be truthful, not extensive at all. He had endured far, far worse as had been seen by anyone who had seen his scarred torso. He was looking around wildly, as though something was about to hit him.

And then it came. He kneeled over and began barfing what looked like blood. He stopped after the second expulsion, his body in pain due to the chemical. This pain hurt every inch of him, but he eventually breathed through it, overcoming the pain. He looked around. He had attacked those he swore to protect. They probably were afraid of him now. He looked down at the blood red pool in front of him. The chemical was out of his system, along with some blood.

He got to his feet, woozy from the aftereffects of the drugs. "This is one more reason for me to hate Red Eye. Xanath, I won't kill you, but if you think of betraying us now, I will kill you. And I won't be under the control of drugs."

(Last edited by Cairoi on 04-19-07 07:59 PM)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 204 days
Last activity: 204 days
Posted on 04-19-07 04:28 PM Link
"You're freaking insane, Ken." Alarath said, "I'll be sure to only betray you when I'm out of range of your Mr. Hyde complex."

He looked around at everyone else. "So was I right to dislike Xanath, and to question him, or was I right?" he smirked. "Anyway, what are we doing next?"

He started to hand his dagger back towards Ken, but stopped, knowing that he could probably use it in the future. Superhated shard pointer-like things were useful.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-19-07 04:35 PM Link
Ken laughed at the Hyde Complex, trying to shrug away the awkwardness of the situation. When Alarath began to hand him the knife, he smiled.

"Keep it, friend, you might very well need it."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 209 days
Last activity: 209 days
Posted on 04-19-07 08:13 PM Link
*Avendia stood silently for a moment, a very unamused look on her face*

"Shall we be on our way, then?"

*She helped Xanath to his feet and turned to start walking on, pausing to glance over her shoulder*

"And Ken, if that happens again I will not hesitate to kill you. Vincent being in the way was the only thing that saved you this time."

This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4958 days
Last activity: 4581 days
Posted on 04-19-07 08:55 PM Link
Ken looked over at her, wiping the blood from his lower lip and chin.


He looked at her dead in the eye, unflinching in showing her he was not only completely serious about this statement, but pleased by it.

"So, our guide is a traitor, and I'm puking blood. Vincent, you take lead for now."
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