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User Post
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 12-21-07 09:57 PM Link | Quote
To the 50 or 60-somethingish woman in the red '07 Ford Five Hundred in the Wells Fargo parking lot 2 days ago, wherever you are: My father and I can't thank you enough for the gash you left in the side of our car. I silently excused you for bumping it the first time with your cardoor, believing it was just an accident since you parked over the lines after all. But when you pulled the door back, seemingly to re-calculate how to get out, then with as much force as you could muster, threw it open and beautifully-slammed it into our car, I couldn't help but accept the lackadaisical "Sorry" you muttered out as you waddled into the bank.

Getting your license plate number will probably not do anything as you seemed to ignore me when you got back in your car and drove away. It's no wonder your obviously-new vehicle already has dents in the front bumper.

Anyway, thanks and a sincere "Fuck you" just the same.

(Last edited by Rogue on 12-22-07 12:58 AM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5145 days
Last activity: 1455 days
Posted on 12-22-07 12:01 AM Link | Quote
What. A. Bitch.

I can't even imagine what I'd do if some ho rolled up and did that to my car. (If I owned one)

I'd probably get her information, and then follow her home, and beat the piss out of her car with a crowbar.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 12-22-07 02:33 AM Link | Quote
Like I said on AIM, make her insurance pay for it. Take her to small claims court if you must.

But you don't actually care that much so...
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 12-22-07 03:02 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Captain Tightpants
But you don't actually care that much so...

Yeah, for the most part, when I approached her to ask for her insurance information, she ignored me and drove away. The temptation of hitting her car was almost too great for me to stifle it, but I figured if there was a lawsuit I didn't want to give her ammunition for a counter-suit.

When my dad finally came out of the bank and I told him about it, and he saw the dent with scratches on the side, he was pissed. I mentioned that I got her license plate and description of her car written down, but then he started saying things like, "What the hell are we going to do with that?" I said there was always running a plate or something and he pretty much just said we should drop it since he really didn't need the stress of this all right now.

It reminds me of the time he got scammed over eBay. He bought a car that was stuck in process of being shipped. My dad had paid $1000 for it to be shipped and the woman had sent documents showing that she'd paid that money to the shipment company and told my dad that they must be jerking him around. However when my dad called the guys who were supposed to deliver the car, they sent him the real documents showing that she really only put down $100 of the $800 necessary for it to be delivered (so she'd already ripped him for $200 were she to have actually paid in full).

So my dad, wanting the car he'd paid for, put down the extra $700 for it.

And when the fucking thing finally showed up, it looked NOTHING like the pictures. Parts of it were ripped out. The interior smelled like someone had been chain-smoking in the car for the last 20 years (they'd sworn up and down that no one had smoked in the car).

It was a fucking paperweight piece of shit.

And what did my dad do? NOTHING.

He'd asked eBay to investigate it, which they didn't, despite their promises of protecting buyers. They did ban her account, however. That still doesn't stop her from making a new one.

I told him to call the police or sue her or something, but he said that would involve flying out to Minnesota to fight her.

I can't tell you how much the whole thing made my blood boil. It's in the past and all, but it was absolute bullshit.

(Last edited by Rogue on 12-22-07 06:03 AM)

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5958 days
Last activity: 5223 days
Posted on 12-22-07 12:07 PM Link | Quote
I really can't handle things like that. I would have made sure the lady heard me. And technically yo ucan report that as a hit and run and the police can get a registered address.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 171 days
Posted on 12-22-07 12:45 PM Link | Quote
I don't know what I would do if someone did that to my Edward.

Now big betsy... I would just shrug and look at them like they were insane.

You did take the license plate down did you?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 12-22-07 01:54 PM Link | Quote
I do. Right after she got out of her car and walked toward the bank, I got out and wrote down the number and make and model of the car.

She seemed to only absent-mindedly apologize after I sat up and glared at her through my passenger side window.

When I tried to hand the information off to my dad, he insisted that I not give it to him as he was just in a blind rage about it, and didn't want to talk about it any more.

That whole day, we were supposed to be taking care of a lot of business and errands, but things kept blowing up in our faces. Like for example, I had to go by my college to pay for the one class I'll be taking in the Spring semester, but they weren't doing anything until noon, so we'd have to shift everything around and come back later.

On top of which it was raining most of the day. While I love the rain and all, it's annoying driving in it since people around here drive even worse than they do on clear days. I don't know what it is, but they speed, cut in front of you more, and just act like assholes in general.

Furtherly, we had to go all over town looking for a ball of Edam cheese for my mother's Christmas party. FIlipino tradition, or at least with my family. The Dutch store by my house didn't have it.

My dad had also been needing to meet up with clients and finish a lot of paperwork at home. When my dad gets mad he's unreasonable to deal with, and he's even worse when he's stressed out.

So in short, I just wrote this up here to blow of my own steam. Since the title's pretty open-ended feel free to tack on your own annoyances and people you wish you could be yelling at right now.

Since I posted about this, I'm not feeling quite so angry any more. Even though this morning I felt over the side of my dad's car, seeing the two small holes and scratches, and the whole matter's somewhat upsetting, I figure if he doesn't want to do anything it wouldn't be worth it for me to fight her.

She'll die in a fire, or something, in my head. Ah, there's that inner peace I was looking for.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 171 days
Posted on 12-24-07 03:10 AM Link | Quote
That is such bullshit! My inner demon says you should have keyed her car or something just to get back at her... but that is petty, even if it is oh so satisfying.


Since: 12-17-04
From: Petaluma, California

Since last post: 5982 days
Last activity: 5575 days
Posted on 12-24-07 10:50 PM Link | Quote
I would have been totally pissed and would not have let her leave until she gave me her insurance information. I would defiantly make her insurance pa for it.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4920 days
Last activity: 4543 days
Posted on 01-07-08 09:51 PM Link | Quote
I'm being completely honest here. If I were you, I would have found a way to track her down to her house, and then smash her car to pieces with a metal baseball bat, especially the windows.

And it would feel so good.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 01-07-08 09:58 PM Link | Quote
Although it's a really moot point at this level, a big Fuck You goes out to the girl who almost delayed Brandon and me at the airport yesterday.

We spent nearly an hour waiting for the shuttle to show up to take us to the Green Line station. To describe the terrain around us, we're on a narrow sidewalk island sort of thing in the middle of the road, a huge column taking up the majority of the standing space in one area, a fire hydrant directly in front of that, and this woman with her bags taking up the rest of the sidewalk. A few dozen others are waiting at the same stop for any of the 6 different shuttles to come through.

As the bus arrived, stopping a few yards down from where we were standing, we had to pass the woman and her haphazard pile of luggage as she was having a conversation with some other guy about the weather or whatever. Trying to pull by her as she bent down in front of me, constantly repeating myself saying, "Excuse me," with even her male companion telling her to let me through, she wouldn't budge. A few seconds later, while still bent over her luggage in front of me, she said, "I can't really do anything right now."

Suddenly the doors on the shuttle closed and the bus prepared to pull out into traffic, I screamed, "NOOOOO!!" threw my bag over her (I really don't know if I pushed her or anything, everything was going so fast), ran for the bus and started banging on the glass door. The driver looked over, opened the door and I jumped in with Brandon following after me and the bus tore out of there.

Brandon then told me that my "Vote Petrelli!" button had popped off my bag in the scuffle and landed near her but neither of us had the time to pick it up. Fuck! Oh well, I got another one from Ali Larter, but that's for safe keeping. Hopefully the bitch isn't a Heroes fan and figures out what it is.

I'm just glad we made it without having to wait another hour with this woman for the next G Bus to come by.

Anyway, just venting. I feel better now.


OK, done now.

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-08-08 01:03 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 171 days
Posted on 01-15-08 09:17 PM Link | Quote
A fuck you to the flu, or death plague as I have come to call it. I feel cold and miserable, and there is nothing I can do.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4436 days
Last activity: 4050 days
Posted on 01-16-08 01:22 PM Link | Quote
fuck you UHaul!!!! For nearly killing me, my husband and my friend!!

We were driving down the I-5 freeway in Stockton, California with a stupid UHaul trailer attached to the back of our truck going around 50 mph... when all of a sudden we hit a bump and there's a crash and all of a sudden you can look out the mirror and read the entire side of the trailer!! The damed thing came unhooked and the trailer went sideways nearly tipping over while still partially attached to the truck via the safety chains.... We had to pull over on the side of the busy freeway on a BRIDGE at an offramp because it was the only wide part of the road.... and people wouldn't even merge into the other lane!!!! big rigs passed us, causing the ENTIRE bridge to shake like it was an earthquake while the guys did their damnedest to rehook the trailer!!


Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 171 days
Posted on 01-28-08 03:30 PM Link | Quote
Fuck you to my Nonverbal communications teacher for sending a notice about our textbook two days before class starts. I, like many students, like to buy their books in advance so I don't have to wait in long lines... it's nice to know what I have to buy when I go to buy it and have the money for it, not 24 hours before class starts!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 01-28-08 04:01 PM Link | Quote
Oh man, I cannot understand that enough.

My stats teacher listed a $125 book as the required text for the class and on the first day he says, "You don't have to buy the book. I'm going completely off of notes I've taken from all the books I've used through the years."

Luckily I hadn't bothered buying the book yet, but a majority of the class already did and had already removed the "No refund if removed" wrapping. Nice.

Anyway, my teacher is from the Philippines. He's a reasonably nice guy, but people keep having trouble understanding his accent (it's a sinch for me. He sounds like half of my family). On several occasions, though, I've heard other students refer to him as a "FOB" (racial slur against Asians and other immigrants meaning "Fresh off the boat").

I don't know. I'm not pissed, but I am rather annoyed by the usage.

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-28-08 09:02 PM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 171 days
Posted on 01-28-08 04:13 PM Link | Quote
Wait... what is his name? I think I took him the first time I took Stats.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 01-28-08 06:01 PM Link | Quote

We already have a quiz tomorrow on the 30 vocabulary words he wrote on the board last week. Many of the terms are only different from each other in very subtle ways and I'm really worried I'm going to fuck up right off the bat.

It's the one class I need to get out of there.

EDIT: Every time I check the page on him I find another post that calls him what I mentioned above. Example:

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-29-08 02:23 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 171 days
Posted on 01-30-08 06:01 PM Link | Quote
Ah, it IS him. The class itself is passable, just make sure that he always records your scores, he lost my final and I had to take it over again. Though if you can switch to a different teacher still I would advise it.


Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6176 days
Last activity: 6266 days
Posted on 02-02-08 04:07 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

We already have a quiz tomorrow on the 30 vocabulary words he wrote on the board last week. Many of the terms are only different from each other in very subtle ways and I'm really worried I'm going to fuck up right off the bat.

It's the one class I need to get out of there.

EDIT: Every time I check the page on him I find another post that calls him what I mentioned above. Example:

What sort of shitty math class are you tested on vocabulary?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 705 days
Last activity: 513 days
Posted on 02-02-08 05:48 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Logos
What sort of shitty math class are you tested on vocabulary?

Sadistics Statistics. One of those branches of math that involves slightly more reading than calculating.

Most of the definitions were for various things like qualitative and quantitative data, what's the difference between a statistic or a parameter, or nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio levels of statistical data and so on.

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