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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Cowboy Bebop: Live Action | |
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Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 3977 days
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Posted on 07-25-08 02:19 PM Link | Quote
From : Here

Originally posted by IF Magazine

We caught up with producer-extraordinaire Erwin Stoff at the NBC TCAs where he was promoting his upcoming updated-David-and-Goliath-based show KINGS. When asked about other projects he is currently working on, Stoff, let slip some very juicy news about a very beloved anime franchise.

�I�m developing COWBOY BEBOP for Fox, but doing it as a live-action film, so I�m working on that at the moment,� Stoff tells iF. �I�m really excited to be working on it, and it�s in the really early stages. We just signed it the other day.�

Before any of you BEBOP fanboys/fangirls get your skivvies in a twist about yet another questionable anime-to-human adaptation (see: DRAGONBALL), iF made sure to get an oath of fidelity to the original material from Stoff.

�I have such an enormous admiration for its creators, that our first and foremost concern is going to be a real degree of faithfulness to the tone of the movie, to the mix of genres, and so on and so forth,� he says. �When I met with them in Japan, one of the first things that I brought up was the experience that we had on A SCANNER DARKLY, and how hard we worked to remain faithful to Philip K. Dick, and that was our big concern here.�

For those skeptical about the casting possibilities, Stoff has the following to say: �Flak about choices is meaningless until people see the movie," he notes. "When people see the movie, then criticism has a place in it.�

Does Stoff think that American audiences that aren�t familiar with the anime will have trouble getting aboard?

�No, I really don�t think they will,� says Scoff. �I think they haven�t [gotten aboard] with the anime because it�s had limited exposure - it�s just been on Adult Swim, and so on. I think the ability to tell this larger frame - the ability to build a world that�s iconically American in its Western nature - I don�t think so at all.�

Um....I know I'll end up seeing it. But this doesn't seem like a good idea. Why are all these live action anime coming out now? Shouldn't this and DBZ have happened years ago?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 07-25-08 06:12 PM Link | Quote
Ugh, yeah. And American made? Yikes...
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4861 days
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Posted on 07-26-08 01:56 AM Link | Quote
When the time comes, we shall see.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 07-27-08 04:35 PM Link | Quote
I feel somewhat uneasy about this... As long as they keep the music the same, I'll probably be happy either way, but still...

Originally posted by Xeu
Ugh, yeah. And American made? Yikes...

My sentiments exactly.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Cowboy Bebop: Live Action |

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