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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Romney's 47% Comments | |
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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-19-12 09:14 PM Link | Quote
I'm sure you've heard about Romney's little rant he made in front of a bunch of rich people saying that 47% of the people in the United States are freeloaders and that he'd have a better shot of winning this election if he was Latino.

Stewart always covers these things best.

It continues here:

(Last edited by Rogue on 09-19-12 09:22 PM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1590 days
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Posted on 09-19-12 10:53 PM Link | Quote
Yeah....about that.....

**punches the nearest baby in the face so they have a reason to be dumb enough to vote for these people.**
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 09-20-12 02:52 AM Link | Quote
Please don't bash me. BUUUT

He sort of DOES have a point. The main people that are super upset (not you Katana) are Welfare Queens........ I just over heard a conversation from a couple of people in the grocery store about it in line and this is how it went.

Woman: I just don't understand why people think that we don't deserve EBT and Welfare. I've done my part to bring joy to this world.

Me: *eyes screaming child in the cart*

Man: I understand what you're saying. We've done our part now it's time for the government to give to us what we deserve.

Cashier: Let me weigh that lobster for you. How are you paying for this?

Man: The lobster is separate. This is WIC, and this is EBT.

Me: Is it alright for me to put this cart here for you to put back? I need to pick up my husband from his MINIMUM WAGE JOB. I'll just go to the 20 or less for my BABY'S FORMULA and pay for it with CASH. Thanks. *walks away whispering why am I paying for these waste of time waste of oxygens' way of life.*

I can understand where he is coming from. He is talking about the people who think that the government pays for themselves and Welfare comes from "Obama's Stash".

This isn't pretty:
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 09-20-12 04:38 AM Link | Quote
That 47% number includes you and your minimum wage job. A handful of assholes are just that, a handful. I've worked in retail for four years straight and never once heard a conversation like that one.

And, for the record, I think he's just genuinely that clueless. Here's an article you may want to read - given its length, however, I rather doubt it. People that grow up in that kind of environment frequently have absolutely no understanding of the realities of life for the rest of us - no malice, simply ignorance.

But that's still not an excuse; if you intend to govern the entire country, you need to understand the entire country.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 135 days
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Posted on 09-20-12 11:46 AM Link | Quote
I didn't say who the 47% is. On top of that welfare queens are all over the place here. I am a firm believer in population control because there are people here with five or six kids making more than our family by not working and because of my army job we don't qualify for that stuff. We aren't given the temporary choice of ebt.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-20-12 01:09 PM Link | Quote
I thought that video was serious in its opinion of welfare recipients until it got the part about what the money should be used for. Sure, the Nazi and Communist logos drive you to that point as well, but you know how the GOP is. It's not to the extreme of Swift's A Modest Proposal, but it's satire nonetheless.

His comment reminded me of, whether you believe she really said it or not (historians disagree either way), Marie Antoinette's comment when the poor cried for bread, "Let them eat cake." It's just this level of being surrounded by the wealthy and only having vague understandings of the poor, assuming that the poor just aren't manning up and bettering themselves. Not everyone has the same advantages or resources, which is pretty much what Thex's linked article explains.

Truly it's in the same vein of Akin's "legitimate rape" comment. All that really did was uncover a line of thinking that's not often exposed to the American peasants people. What he said was really just what much of the GOP had long believed.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 09-20-12 01:58 PM Link | Quote
I can understand but the mentality is different here in Rome GA. Living a lavish lifestyle in the hood while thinking the government owes you for having six children is wrong to me. On top of that if someone has foodstamps for food it should be used on the right food. JUNK FOOD is something that a child shouldn't be raised on.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 669 days
Last activity: 477 days
Posted on 09-20-12 02:49 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Sorcha Rohan
I can understand but the mentality is different here in Rome GA. Living a lavish lifestyle in the hood while thinking the government owes you for having six children is wrong to me. On top of that if someone has foodstamps for food it should be used on the right food. JUNK FOOD is something that a child shouldn't be raised on.

And you would be right. That is all wrong behavior.

And they're discovering a lot of young hipsters are on food stamps using them to buy Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.

It's just these people don't account for the majority of that 47%, mostly because they're either retired, unemployed, or they make too little.

It's just sort of funny how he gets indignant about 47% of the country not paying income tax (mostly because they make so little), and yet he keeps millions in offshore accounts and exploits tax loopholes.

Here's the full transcript of his talk with the people who shelled out $50,000 a plate to hear him speak.

(Last edited by Rogue on 09-20-12 06:03 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 09-20-12 05:20 PM Link | Quote
I commend him for being a realist though.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1590 days
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Posted on 09-20-12 07:38 PM Link | Quote
Okay. I haven't read any of the articles posted here yet, or the video, but I want to clarify something really quick.

I get what True is saying. We get a lot of that here too, actually...people used to get SOOOOO mad that they couldn't buy an XBox 360 with their food stamps. And it happened a lot. And it pisses me off, because they're making it look bad for the people like me. I was a sick kid. I was born with a pancreas that doesn't work right, a genetic disorder that plagued me even as a minor, with cysts that burst all the time and caused me great pain and a few cancer scares....I could go on, but point is, if it weren't for CHIP and welfare when I was REALLY little (before CHIP), I wouldn't have had health coverage.

But what pisses me off is that number. 47%. I am by NO means denying that the things True is saying aren't true. Because they are. I'm willing to bet it's a fairly high percentage that here in my local area people are like that...what I'm not ready to accept, is why this asshole is saying that half of this country is like that, because that is complete and utter bull. I can't accept that number without question, and what angers me is that there are many people out there who DO accept that without question.

Luckily, I'm not on any of those programs. I am embarrassed that I needed them. But you know what? There are these assholes that keep getting elected that make it sound like everyone on these programs are on them willy nilly. Fuck that. I had a HEART ATTACK in April. About a month before I turned 24. I have heart disease...but it was right before my insurance through my job kicked in, so I had none. I went to the ER, told them I didn't have insurance. (by the time I got to the hospital, the heart attack was over. It was minor. Very minor, but tests showed that it did happen...anywho...) I was told that I make too much money to get any sort of assistance. I wasn't even applying for all assistance. My insurance kicked in in June...well, it wasn't going to, but my boss is a good man and they made some exceptions. But I only needed help with the ER care and ONE Cardiologist visit (I see one once a month.) and I didn't get shit. My boss/the firm actually stepped in to get the cost down, and then out of pocket, paid for it for me...because I'm fortunate to know good people. (And yes, I'm willing to agree that my situation IS part fortunate, and not what everyone should just expect. I sure as hell didn't.)

To try and sum this up, I'll just say this. I'm willing to bet with what little money I have that if given the time and resources, I could prove that there are more people closer to my situation there than there are people who are just leeching and being useless to society.

The statement in itself wasn't a lie. There are going to be people out there who are angered because it came from Romney and not someone else. I'll concede that. But 47%? Thex said it best about understanding the entire country...if you can't run to be President of the UNITED STATES, then don't run. I'm not saying it's an easy job. Agree or disagree, whoever is in that oval office has a tough job. One of the toughest in the world. And I'll always respect that one is forced to run. I don't feel bad if someone can't hack it. I simply revere them if they can do it well.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 09-20-12 11:40 PM Link | Quote
While it is true that there are Welfare Queens... and hipsters that use EBT to buy all organic (I work at a grocery store, trust me, I know)... they are far outnumbered by the people that try to hide their cards from view and whisper that it's EBT.

The majority of that 47% are people that pay payroll taxes but no income tax, which includes most of us on this board. What pissed me off about Romney's comment wasn't the number, it was the attitude, the condescension... and the statement that it isn't his job to care about them. You're running for President... yes it is you're fucking job, you asshole! You can't just be President for the people that make enough to not get a tax refund, it doesn't work that way.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 09-21-12 12:01 AM Link | Quote
I was talking with my husband about it this afternoon and he had a point.

When you're around rich snobs who paid 50K a plate to eat at the function... He's going to sound like a snob.

So when you're around evil villains how do you want to sound to be on their level of "insanity". You sound like a villain.

It's just the way it's going to be in society.

But you look at it this way. We both stated that Romney had a good thing going until after he got the presidential candidacy. Everyone on the Republican debate goes blah their all bad but me. Romney goes I don't care who gets it I just want to see some more action. Then he goes I am going to change things but I'm not going to tell you how.

And Romney has a point. Obama did flat line.

Obama says: it's better now.

No it's not. Nothing's better all that has changed was:

Osama bin Ladin is dead (thanks to the Navy NOT Obama)
And we're out of Iraq (Which was originally planned from the get go NOT OBAMA)
And we have a 14 year plan to get out of Afghan (Which Obama should've been like GET THE FUCKERS OUT OF THERE THE GOOD GUYS ARE NOW BAD GUYS GET OUT GET OUT GEEEET OOOOOOUT...)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 669 days
Last activity: 477 days
Posted on 09-21-12 12:21 AM Link | Quote
And now they're saying Romney dyed himself brown when he went on Univision to talk in front of Latinos about the video of these comments surfacing.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 09-21-12 01:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Sorcha Rohan

Osama bin Ladin is dead (thanks to the Navy NOT Obama)
And we're out of Iraq (Which was originally planned from the get go NOT OBAMA)
And we have a 14 year plan to get out of Afghan (Which Obama should've been like GET THE FUCKERS OUT OF THERE THE GOOD GUYS ARE NOW BAD GUYS GET OUT GET OUT GEEEET OOOOOOUT...)

1) Obama gave the order. If he had said don't go, then bin Laden would still be alive.

2) Yeah, the plan was to be out years ago... and it didn't happen.

3) You can't go into a country, destroy their government, cause a civil war, and just leave. You have to try and make sure they can survive. To put it simply, we made the mess, we have to clean it up. We shouldn't have left the forces there to twiddle their thumbs while we invaded Iraq. We shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan in the first place (if anyone in the Bush Administration had bothered to pick up a history book, they would have known that).
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 09-21-12 01:43 AM Link | Quote
Sounds like 'nam. Since we already did it once why not fuck up and let history repeat itself. I don't take heart in the fact that I have lost a friend over there for no fucking reason and everyone is trying to prevent another Vietnam. Fuck that shit. History's doing the same thing it's always done because Big brother wanted to help out. My buddy is gone his family has an empty chair at their Thanksgiving dinner this year and many more years to come. 14 years is not enough time to even clean it up. Everyone needs to come back.

And Kuwait doesn't count as being in Iraq.

(Last edited by Sorcha Rohan on 09-21-12 01:48 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Romney's 47% Comments |

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