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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - George Zimmerman is going to sue Florida for $300,000 to pay his legal bills | |
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-28-13 01:27 AM Link | Quote

The man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin is seeking reimbursement for his legal fees on the taxpayers' dime.


Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 08-28-13 05:17 AM Link | Quote
I think that he should just be happy with his freedom, lest the state counter-sue him and make him even worse off than he already is.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-28-13 03:59 PM Link | Quote
Breaking news, Zimmerman's wife has plead guilty to perjury.


In court she testified to the couple being broke at George's bond hearing, but failed to mention they had collected more than $100,000 in internet donations and were hiding it in different people's accounts.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus

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Since: 10-29-04
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Posted on 09-01-13 11:39 PM Link | Quote
Honestly, the perjury thing isn't cool at all, but other than that, it really isn't that uncommon for someone who is accused and then found innocent to want to have this money. Legal fees, fees for lawyers, etc etc can get very expensive. While Zimmerman's lawyers definitely worked at a reduced rate to help him out, he's still short of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A lot of people don't realize just how much goes into a trial like this, especially a murder case followed hugely by the news with some racial motivation. Not only was his lawyer and all of that expensive, but this case alone is enough to almost guarantee that nobody who sided against him for this case will ever hire him. He had to leave his job for his safety and he was expelled from school.

Now, I'm going under the assumption that he was innocent. The jury and the court found him innocent, and they are both far better informed on this than any of us who followed it casually on the news.

That established, he, an innocent man, had almost every part of his life destroyed by this. School, work, having to go in hiding, having to pay a ridiculous amount of legal fees, etc. When a person is found innocent, I really see no reason for them not to want to be reimbursed for all of their troubles.

That said, perjury isn't cool. That, I think, could be enough to stop any judge from giving him those $300,000. On top of that, he's also suing NBC who doctored images and recordings in order to make him seem guilty, and really were one of the main reasons why he was brought to trial in the first place. My bet is that he wins the lawsuit aganst NBC, but fails in his lawsuit against the state of Florida.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 09-02-13 03:06 AM Link | Quote
I do have to agree with Vulkar. He wasn't proclaimed guilty, so it's absurd for people to act like he's a guilty man asking to be paid back. It's not like he's Bob Filner, trying to get the government to pay for his legal defense.

Although, on a note, he was proclaimed not guilty, he was not proclaimed innocent. There is a huge difference.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-09-13 04:36 PM Link | Quote
Well, Zimmerman's in police custody for allegedly pulling a knife and gun on his wife (who's been filing for divorce from him) and hitting her father. We'll see how this goes.


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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 09-10-13 06:38 AM Link | Quote
The man has got anger issues, that is for damn sure. Honestly, I think he needs some mandatory anger management or something.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-12-13 12:39 PM Link | Quote
Update on this latest incident: His wife is now changing her story, saying she never saw a gun and now doesn't want to press charges, despite his own attorney saying he had one on him. But apparently she captured the incident on her iPad, which Zimmerman then smashed and cut further with a pocket knife and it's getting examined by a lab.

Seriously, if this were someone else (you know, someone who wasn't involved in a high profile court case), the cops would have dropped it. I mean, sending an iPad to a crime lab after the victims already said, "You know what? Nevermind," is interesting.


Since: 10-01-11

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Posted on 09-12-13 06:58 PM Link | Quote
What are they planning to do with it even? Dissect it to remove the video? I would assume that he would have deleted it before smashing and stabbing it...

Also, I am predicting it now: SOMEBODY (TLC, Discovery, I don't know) is going to make some show based around his life due to how long he has managed to stay in the news. IT would be an awful show that probably won't last long, but it is definitely going to maybe unlikely happen.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
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Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 09-12-13 10:20 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

Seriously, if this were someone else (you know, someone who wasn't involved in a high profile court case), the cops would have dropped it. I mean, sending an iPad to a crime lab after the victims already said, "You know what? Nevermind," is interesting.

I disagree that it would've been dropped.

If the victim suddenly changes her story, despite the lawyer maintaining that a weapon was involved, and a device that supposedly recorded the crime had been destroyed by the alleged perpetrator... well, to anyone remotely competent, that would say further threats were probably made.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-12-13 11:40 PM Link | Quote
I definitely agree (and frankly it's difficult for me to not see the man of being guilty of excessive force all around), at least in the sense that they should go ahead and pursue this because there's got to be more to it.

My statement was cynical. It just seems in the past, police simply move onto the next case and file this sort of thing away until another incident happens.

In all my times of calling the police for whatever reason, it seemed like they started a file and then.. well, that was it (except when they managed to catch the crook and his pregnant girlfriend who broke into my grandmother's house, but that was because they were stupid and caught driving the same truck that was used in the crime).

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 09-14-13 09:40 PM Link | Quote
Way to make yourself an accessory against your own case, if such a thing can happen.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 12-19-13 02:45 AM Link | Quote
I had one of those, "I don't want to live on this planet any more" moments.

I don't often get those, and frankly I hate how often people utter that phrase or "That's it! I'm moving to Canada!"

Anyway... I had one.


Because Zimmerman's selling his art for $100,000.


In other news, I just finished watching the first season of Orange Is The New Black. My thoughts and feelings toward Zimmerman, sort of mirror those I have toward the hypocritical Jesus freak character "Pennsatucky," who becomes a hero to idiotic zealots the world over for murdering someone.

(Last edited by Rogue on 12-19-13 03:34 PM)

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 201 days
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Posted on 12-19-13 11:35 AM Link | Quote
I pray to the gods that a black person wins that auction.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - George Zimmerman is going to sue Florida for $300,000 to pay his legal bills |

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