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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 744 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 01-01-15 02:55 AM Link | Quote
As per board tradition, I post this thread with the dates changed and everyone gets to think about what they did this year. Feel free to fill it out too, if you like.

What have you done in 2014 that you have never done before?
- Many things. Shot zombie targets with an AK47 on my birthday, was a zombie extra for a 360-film shoot, shot a 1928 Thompson submachine gun while in Vegas, wore a giant floofy dress to Labyrinth Masquerade and felt damn pretty doing it, got to visit the Magic Castle and do all the fun things in there, cosplayed as a UNIT soldier and worked Dalek escort while in uniform, got to hang around Washington and Oregon for the first time (I was 1 the last time I was in either state), finally owned a proper Renaissance faire bodice not made by either my mom or Bran's grandmother, on top of that was immensely drunk at faire for the first time, got drinks at the Edison, Yamashiro, Atomic Liquors, the Rogue Public Alehouse of Astoria, the mermaid bar in Sac, a former wild west bordello, Frankie's Tiki Lounge, a bar hidden behind an old refrigerator, Tiki Ti, and had high tea in a few places, including the Mandarin Oriental. Drank apple pie moonshine. Watched Eurovision from beginning to end, attended several weddings I had to travel days for in at least two cases, played and beat "Bioshock," "Bioshock Infinite," and "Dishonored," hung out with the owner of the Georgia Peach, went to Boney Island and walked through the Halloween maze in that guy's yard that kicks Knott's Scary Farm's ass, made Scotch eggs, went to the Vista Viking Festival and Solvang's Faeriefest, and took part in a couple book groups, visited Mono Lake, got really into reading Icelandic sagas, eating ramen at different places, did Tim Tam slams, and perhaps most importantly got a consistent, full-time day job that's not a non-paying writing/editing job, internship, associated with school, or just an odd, freelance job I've picked up. There's more stuff, but this is already too long.

Did you keep your new years resolution from this year, and will you make one for next year?
- Yes, that being to try/learn at least one new thing a day. This year I'm adding on keeping a jar, into which we'll write notes for all the positive things that happen to us that we'll read at the end of the year.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- Sara had her second child just this past month. Home birth and no drugs. The midwife apparently did the dishes and made her a sandwich before leaving after the birth. Also Nakey Heather had her daughter and Bill's young wife had their son. All super cute offspring.

Did anyone close to you die?
- Greg, one of the guys on our ConOps crew at the cons we work, went missing a few days and was found dead in a riverbed. No one's sure why he wandered off the way he did or the circumstances of his death. The very first thing I did with my first paycheck from my job was to donate to his funeral fund. We weren't close, but it's still tragic.

Otherwise Brandon's great-aunt passed away. They had a big Croatian funeral, which included massive amounts of food (we're talking 70 kinds of cookies on top of huge slices of prime rib, chicken, mostaccioli, etc) and everyone double-fisting alcoholic drinks from the open bar.

Did anyone close to you get married?
- The weddings I attended this year in chronological order: Sara's, Elara's (got to photograph her and Ben right afterward, though I didn't attend the nuptials and also went to the beach reception), Melinda's (though I'd only just met her at Sara's), and then Liz's. I knew many more people at Liz's, which felt like a Rocky reunion.

Did anyone close to you get divorced?
- Not as far as I know.

Where did you travel to in 2014?
- Washington and Oregon were the big travels this year. Went a couple times for weddings. And then, of course, there was our trip to Vegas. While we didn't leave the country, we still had an amazing time.

What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
- "Eh.. not sure. Last year, I answered this saying I wanted more family harmony. Things have been "better," one could say, but only because my aunt has left the state and we don't really hear much from her, but she's trying to get the people out in Vegas to get in on the rampant thievery. Eh.. family harmony wouldn't be a bad thing to wish for."

That's what I wrote last year, and I've got to say things are definitely better. No, not with the aunt. She's a lost cause and none of us are in communique with her. She's still stealing the social security money, but we're less concerned with that these days. During the summer, my cousin and her daughter came to stay with us for the better part of June, and I feel we've tightened up our relationship with that end of the family. I'm writing this right now from their living room, since my parents, Bran, and I came to stay with them for the holidays and we had a great Christmas with them, and my mom's other sister, her husband, and my cousin's sister. It was the biggest Christmas I've had in a very long time with 12 of us there.

Anyway, what do I want out of next year? I'd like to travel more, but with my new job and no real days off except for weekends and major holidays, 2015 is going to be for building up funds, especially as I'm turning.... 30.

What dates from 2014 will you have etched in your memory, and why?
- Hm. This'll be tough to pick. This past Friday will definitely stick, though. We took my parents to San Francisco for their first time in more than 15 years. When Mom and her family first came to this country, SF was where they settled, so Mom was getting really nostalgic as we took her past places she's lived and had food from places she remembers eating. We also took them to see the Musee Mecanique and for dinner at Tommy's Joynt, and to see many other things they hadn't seen before. It was a good trip.

The week of the 4th of July was also pretty sweet. I was an extra for a zombie shoot one day with my face all painted up and I got to be closer to the cameras. Was hit on pretty heavily by a man with no nose (not zombie make-up. He literally had no nose). Then for a couple nights, Brandon, Christina, and I worked Labyrinth Masquerade and I got to wear this big, floofy dress and got lots of compliments. Usually I'm a wallflower at that event and no one talks to me. At the same time, my mom's best friend was visiting from Australia and we got to take her to the Magic Castle, an invitation-only venue in Hollywood. Though my feet took months to recover I felt pretty amazing.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- Getting a full-time PAYING job.

What was your biggest failure?
- "Not finding a steady paying job. "

That's what I wrote last year. Glad I kicked last year me's ass. Hm... I really don't know what my biggest failure was this year. Maybe that we went to the wrong burrito place the last time we were in SF and the right place was closed on Friday and will be until the middle of January. Yeah, first world problems.

Did you suffer injury or illness?
- My left ankle has been stiff.

What was the best thing you bought?
- Christmas presents for my family. My first time really getting to buy all the things I wanted for them, even on a mere half-paycheck.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
- I think I answered Lee before for the Ridgecrest/Victorville pick-up, but since happened on New Year's Day, I'd count that as this year. He also fronted the cost of a rental car so Brandon and I could make it up to Washington for his cousin's wedding. Thanks to him we were able to go get Brandon's uncle after his flight into Seattle (while spending the day up there before the pick-up), were able to drive all over the place and see amazing things.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
- Just like Lee was this and last year's hero, the continuing villain is still Scott, Brandon's dad. This time, along with all the shit he pulled while we were visiting last post-Christmas through New Year's, he also blames us for his not attending his only daughter's wedding. He made such a stink about not even going on principle, saying Sara didn't even want him there and that he wouldn't go because no one made headway for him, paying for a plane ticket, housing him, etc. As it turns out, just about everyone in the family offered money and/or a place to stay. Then when we (Brandon, his mom, and I) drove up, he started calling around to the rest of the family, saying we were supposed to pick him up and take him with us and that he could have met us in Bakersfield (this after he complained he couldn't afford to drive us to Victorville, earlier in the year, so how the fuck was he going to get his truck over Walker Pass?) and then he'd ride the rest of the way with us. Anyway, we had to hear about this from different guests at the wedding (which, by the way, fuck the groom's family and the bridesmaids for refusing to help with ANYTHING. Brandon's mom, aunt, grandma, myself and Brandon were the decorating crew, clean-up crew, and everything else).

Compounded onto this, he made such a big deal that he was going to go to Melinda (Brandon's cousin)'s wedding, that it was going to be so much more fun. Come that big day he was also not there, THANKFULLY. Apparently no one wanted him there anyway, being the butt of several people's jokes. On our way home, we decided to take the 395 down so we could see Mono Lake and Bishop and other areas up there for the first time. Since we were going to be driving RIGHT PAST Ridgecrest, we ended up stopping to say hello. I've already sworn off staying with them, but even just that hour or so we were there was unbearable. Let's revisit the fact that he said he didn't have the money to drive us down to Victorville to meet Lee, saying he wouldn't go unless we gave him $60 (needing far less than that to gas up the truck for a trip down and back). Money we really did not have and so Lee came and rescued us. Well, Scott had a brand new jeep when we got there. Hell, EVERYONE in the house had a new car. Scott sounded like such a douchebag going on about how he made these Middle Eastern guys drive up from L.A. to deliver the jeep for him and talked the price down. Either way, he paid CASH, he says. $20,000. Says he pulled it out of his bank account and needed three IDs to withdraw it and so on. Where'd the money come from, Scott? I thought you were broke. Further insult to injury, the circumstances of his not going to Sara's wedding came up with him embellishing the fuck out some of the previous details. He says Sara didn't suddenly stop talking to him until AFTER we, as he puts it, told Brandon and Sara's mom that he, Scott, was pissed that he wasn't told Mike is in his mid-30s while Sara was just turning 20, continuing on to say it never bothered him and he wished them well (bullshit, by the way. He was pissed and calling Mike a pedophile). In other words, he's claiming Sara's cutting him off is OUR fault. Why don't you fucking pick up the phone and call your daughter, asshole, instead of coming up with stories as to why she's not ringing your phone off the hook? Who's supposed to be the "adult"? Eh, they're both massive stoners.


Well, that took up a ton of space here.

Where did most of your money go?
- Toward trips the trips up to Washington for weddings, though there seems to have been more than a fair share spent on beer and Teefury shirts. My first paycheck went entirely (though the first $10 went to Greg's funeral fund) toward Christmas presents for my family.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
- Getting to go to Seattle.

What song will always remind you of 2014?
- I'm not particularly up on popular songs these days, but "Take This Job and Shove It" by Johnny Paycheck, simply for the reason that one of the clients I have at work LOVES singing it at karaoke, along with "Achy Breaky Heart" and "Boot Scootin' Boogie." He's in his 50s or 60s and is mentally like 6-year-old, and I love him to death, he's so sweet.

Compared to this time last year, you are:
a) Happier or Sadder?
- Happier, maybe?
b) Thinner or Fatter?
- Hm, about the same, though I've definitely put on weight from this past weekend's visit to Sacramento.
c) Richer or Poorer?
- Richer. Holy crap, yes. But it's kind of easy to top the previous years upon getting a steady job.

What do you wish you would have done more of?
- Seems like I'm always writing "Make new friends," but I did make the acquaintance of many more people than I have in previous years. Fuck it, I'll just answer say, "Traveled the world more," because well, it's true despite being either broke or predisposed.

What do you wish you would have done less of?
- Worried. I did nothing but that A LOT.

How did you spend New Year's Eve? (December 31, 2013)
- Stuck in Ridgecrest with a busted car, a cat bite I was being medicated for, and all our money going toward feeding Brandon's dad and brother. Brandon paused "American Horror Story" so we could sit with our heads together, staring at his phone's clock and waiting for it to hit midnight.

How did you spend New Year's Day? (January 1)
- Waiting for Lee to come pick us up from Ridgecrest, then getting the car towed from Victorville using his Triple-A. Watched the sunset while barreling down the 395.

How did you spend Valentine's Day? (February 14)
- Worked Gallifrey One, dressed as a UNIT soldier. Brandon bought me a heart-shaped box of chocolate.

How did you spend St. Patrick's Day? (March 17)
- Didn't do anything in particular. I apparently played 2048.

How did you spend Easter? (April 20)
- Drunk at a renaissance faire with my boobs all on display.

How did you spend Cinco de Mayo? (May 5)
- Didn't celebrate the day or anything, but went out with my gaming group to vet a possible new player.

How did you spend the 4th of July? (July 4)
- Was at Labyrinth Masquerade. Photos posted above.

How did you spend Patriot Day? (September 11)
- Reading about Fossy Jaw, apparently.

How did you spend Talk Like a Pirate Day? (September 19)?
- Was in Washington for the second time. Hung around the Pike Place Market at dawn, drinking coffee from the first Starbucks and eating piroshkys for breakfast. Had an oyster shooter, watched them throw fish, and visited the Gum Wall. Walked around Gas Works Park and the Fremont arts area, then we ate balls in a gay bar.

Picked up Brandon's Uncle Nick from the airport and drove down to where Melinda's wedding was going to be, near the Oregon border. Stayed at Sara and Mike's friend's really old cabin with the craziest shower room. Sept. 19 is also my mom's birthday, so I called her when we got to the house.

How did you spend Halloween? (October 31)
- Counting stuff I did after midnight, Brandon and I went to check out Boney Island and swung by the Georgia Peach, who's owner invited Brandon and me to come hang out.

Halloween night, gave out candy for a bit. We literally had just 10 trick-or-treaters altogether. Went by the Georgia Peach with a six pack and hung out for a while, then went to a party at our friends' house. Bran and I brought so damn much beer.

Ah fuck it, just going to throw in Nov. 1 along with this because yeah, fuck it.

Day after Halloween, took Mom by the apple orchards for the season and had amazing cider and early American fare. Picked up a bunch of harvest stuff for Mom's Thanksgiving centerpieces for her holiday dinner for the people at her work. That night Voidcrush had a show in Long Beach and we got to walk through the intense Halloween maze these people had surrounding their house.

Day after that? Went to see "Doctor Faustus," ate noodles from a scorching hot stone bowl, and went to Dia de los Muertos celebrations. I was in a crazy good mood because a couple days before Halloween I was interviewed for and offered the job I have now.

How did you spend Thanksgiving? (November 27)
- Dinner with my parents at home. Was told all these people might be coming, so we had to push back our dinner time, expecting the guests to come late, but thankfully everyone canceled for one reason or another. This was also the first time we blew a circuit running the oven, microwave, refrigerator, stove, and toaster oven at the same time. Thankfully, it was near the end of making everything, which was just staying warm in the oven, but we ended up baking the rosemary biscuits in the toaster oven, plugged in on the other side of the house and sitting on the floor.

How did you spend Christmas? (December 25)
- Spent it with loved ones at my cousin's place in Sacramento. Picture for that posted somewhere above.

Did you fall in love in 2014?
- I tend to just use this space to talk about our anniversary, so fuck it I'm just going to do that. Brandon and I celebrated our 10th anniversary, and pretty much made a weekend of it since it fell on a Friday. On the day of, April 18th, we went out for Australian meat pies, then went whale watching. We went through a HUGE pod of common dolphins and saw a gray whale's fluke after we'd followed it for a while. Afterward we went to WonderCon. It was WonderCon again on Saturday, and then the renaissance faire on Sunday.

What was your favorite TV show?
- Remained the same for the most part: Game of Thrones at the top, as usual. Boardwalk Empire and Legend of Korra had AMAZING series endings this year. I will miss them both so very much. There's also Vikings and The Walking Dead (though I still don't really count TWD as a favorite), but it just won't be the same without them. New additions to the list would be Orange Is The New Black (which had a kick-ass second season) and Teen Titans Go. True Detective also made for good watching as well.

What was your least favorite show of 2014?
- American Horror Story: Freak Show. The anachronistic singing made me completely uninterested after three episodes, among many other things.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
- I always hate this question, and the answer is still no regarding anyone I know personally. When it comes to celebrities, I sort of developed a hearty dislike for Shia LeBeouf after his plagiarism scandals. But then this sort of makes up for it.

What was the best book you read?
- Hard to say. In terms of gravity, I'd say it's the Icelandic sagas I've been thoroughly into reading.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
- Didn't really explore music much this year.

What did you want and get?
- Trips to Washington and other places along the way, to shoot a 1928 Thompson submachine gun in Vegas, to have brunch at the Magic Castle, and a job.

What did you want and not get?
- Didn't get to go to Arizona this year, even for faire. Next year, though.

What was your favorite film of this year?
- Brandon and I only really saw a handful of new movies in the theater, but I think we can both agree that Guardians of the Galaxy was by far the best. American Hustle a close second (granted it came out in mid-December of last year, we saw it at a theater earlier this year).

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
- Had a monte cristo, saw the North Hollywood shooters' body armor, hiked to some caves, had pizza, and shot up a zombie target with an AK-47.

What is one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?
- More world travel. That's pretty much all I really want but won't be getting for a bit.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2014?
- Apparently wearing a shitload of tops from TeeFury, and for a time I was wearing a scarf on my head a lot. Oh and I wore long, flowy skirts more often.

What kept you sane?
- Remembering that there's always something fun on the horizon.

What celebrity/Public figure did you fancy the most?
- I kinda developed a crush on Brandon Flowers in the video for "Cowboys Christmas Ball."

What political issue stirred you the most?
- It's not necessarily political, but California's drought was pretty much in the forefront of my mind.

What news story was the most overblown?
- Anything that had to do with Kim Kardashian's ass being on a magazine cover or everyone expending so much energy complaining about how Milo Manara drew Spider-Woman on a variant comic book cover.

Who do you miss?
- I'll go with last year's answer: Huell Howser.

Did you reconnect with anyone?
- Christina and I hung out a lot more and had a gaming group for a while. My character started a few orgies to get out of tight situations and had an insanely high charisma to get people to fall in love with him and let my party get away with all kinds of shit.

Tell us a life lesson you learned in 2014.
- Just about anything could be made fun somehow.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
- I'm amused that last year I quoted the Rains of Castamere since I attended a few weddings this year and made a point of somehow including it in most cases. The most blatant was when I played it at Sara's wedding reception and no one noticed.

Anyway, I guess I'll keep that song for this year as well.

What plans do you have for 2015?
- Working Anime L.A. and Gallifrey. Supposedly Christina and I are having tea sometime in January. I'm turning 30 in two weeks. Not sure what I'm going to do, though I'll be working during the day of it. But yeah, I'll be working most of the year.

What are your resolutions for 2015?
- I'm keeping the same as before, but including the whole keeping jar for positive things.

What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?
- Since I started this a few days ago, but am finishing it right on New Year's Eve (12 minutes to midnight), I can tell you what we've done thus far: made hot chocolate from the chocolate truffles we've had in the house for the holidays and spiked it with Rumchata. We just finished watching "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion."

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-01-15 11:18 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 01-01-15 11:56 PM Link | Quote
Gonna do this without the pictures

What have you done in 2014 that you have never done before?
- Quite a few things. Got married, first off. Visited the Caribbean and went scuba diving. Went to Florida (meh), and got to hold a baby alligator. Saw wolves at a local nature park. Went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Went to Fright Night at Kennywood down in Pittsburgh (not as good as Knott's Scary Farm but still awesome... just COLD), and filed a complaint against a coworker.

Did you keep your new years resolution from this year, and will you make one for next year?
- Not really. Going to re-give up soda (I fell off the wagon this year), eat a bit better if possible, and try to maintain a more positive outlook on things.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- Not really close to me. A lot of people I know did give birth though.

Did anyone close to you die?
- Surprisingly, no.

Did anyone close to you get married?
- Myself and my friend Holly. I wanted to go to the wedding, but it just wasn't in the cards.

Did anyone close to you get divorced?
- Not as far as I know.

Where did you travel to in 2014?
- Los Angeles, Miami, the Caribbean (Bahamas, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, and Grand Turk), and Cleveland.

What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
- Monetary security. Either from Ben finally getting a job, my getting a better job (come on, teaching job!), or preferably both. I am tired of worrying about money. It would lead directly to my other desire of Less Stress. I think half the weight that I have gained this year was the result of stress eating.

What dates from 2014 will you have etched in your memory, and why?
- May 14th since it was my wedding day. I had lot of cool things happen this year, and I will remember the events, but not the date.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- Managing to organize a wedding without turning into a basketcase or killing someone. Also learning to scuba. Lastly, coming in 3rd place in a Pathfinder fiction contest.

What was your biggest failure?
- Not finding a teaching job.

Did you suffer injury or illness?
- Nothing out of the normal aches.

What was the best thing you bought?
- Technically I am not the one that bought it, but bookshelves. It has really made the house feel like a home at last and we have been able to clean and rearrange stuff so that our office is no longer a storage room.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
- So many people! Christine and Brandon for being awesome photographers for me, my father-in-law for helping us come out for the wedding and finding us a judge, my parents for paying for the wedding and in general just helping out when they can, my sister for keeping me from killing my mother when she wouldn't listen to me with the wedding plans. My mother-in-law for always being here and helping me make sense of Ben when he is moody... and for buying the bookshelves... and for giving us funds to go to Washington D.C. in April. My friend Kaleb for really turning his life around this last year and keeping it going, I am so proud of him.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
- Various politicians? Besides the obvious... one of my coworkers. He was trying to be funny, but he's a giant tool so the "jokes" he ended up making were about how I should add '-nacht" to the end of my name (because Holocaust jokes are always fun! Not.) and a few comments about a coworker that he thinks is gay. So yeah... I filed my first ever complaint at work about that. Of course, no witnesses and him denying it means that nothing happened.

Where did most of your money go?
- Wedding and honeymoon... and bills.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
- Reconnecting with my friend Courtney from high school. We lost touch back in 2006 because of her obsessive controlling boyfriend. She finally broke free and joined Facebook, and I found her. I actually cried because I was so happy.

What song will always remind you of 2014?
- Good question. Even though it is an older album, most of Kamelot's "The Black Halo" since I listened to it constantly this year. Also Apocalyptica's "Not Strong Enough", "The Dawn Will Come" from the Dragon Age Inquisition soundtrack, and (unfortunately) both "Let it Go" from Frozen and "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift because of work.

Compared to this time last year, you are:
a) Happier or Sadder?
- Happier, I guess.
b) Thinner or Fatter?
- Fatter
c) Richer or Poorer?
- About the same

What do you wish you would have done more of?
- Read more

What do you wish you would have done less of?
- Worried.

How did you spend New Year's Eve? (December 31, 2013)
- I think I was at my friend Tabby's house for her party.

How did you spend New Year's Day? (January 1)
- Watched the Winter Classic. That is all I remember.

How did you spend Valentine's Day? (February 14)
- I think Ben and I went to dinner.

How did you spend St. Patrick's Day? (March 17)
- A group of friends went for dinner at the Monroe Hotel. Good times.

How did you spend Easter? (April 20)
- Don't know, don't celebrate it.

How did you spend Cinco de Mayo? (May 5)
- Mexican food

How did you spend the 4th of July? (July 4)
- Worked, then went to Harrisville, this little town north of us, and watched the fireworks display. They put on a good little show.

How did you spend Patriot Day? (September 11)
- Working. I refuse to acknowledge it as a holiday.

How did you spend Talk Like a Pirate Day? (September 19)?
- By not knowing it was Talk Like a Pirate Day until it was almost over.

How did you spend Halloween? (October 31)
- Playing Cards Against Humanity at my friend's party and wishing that I was playing board games at home with the Friday gamers instead because I am tired of Cards Against Humanity.

How did you spend Thanksgiving? (November 27)
- It was just me and Ben since his mom was out in California visiting family. We invited our friend Kaleb over and had dinner and watched the MST3K marathon on tv. Since we mostly have switched over to ground turkey, we had cajun turkey legs, top sirloin steak, twice baked potatoes, cranberry sauce, caesar salad, and cheddar bay biscuits. We were all very full.

How did you spend Christmas? (December 25)
- Debi made a rib roast and we invited Kaleb over for dinner to join us and play board games. Sometimes I think he might as well move in because of how often we invite him over.

Did you fall in love in 2014?
- Already been there, hence the marriage thing. Unless we are talking about the torrid love affair that Kaleb and I jokingly say we have because of how much time we spend together? It's really all a ruse, he is trying to steal Ben away from me.

This is my silly space, in case you haven't noticed. But yeah, the only new love this year was between my character Valiaiyanna and Kaleb's character Theodric in our Reign of Winter campaign. Ben is playing my sister (long story), so I can't go after him.

What was your favorite TV show?
- Same as last year, Game of Thrones.

What was your least favorite show of 2014?
- That I actually watch? Um... anything that aired during Shark Week to be honest.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
- That coworker I mentioned.

What was the best book you read?
- Good question. Like I said, I haven't done as much reading this year as I would like. Um... I suppose "Stolen Throne" since I am on a Dragon Age kick right now.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
- Ludovico Einaudi. One of the fanfics that I was reading suggested reading the last chapter to his piece "The Earth Prelude" and it actually made me cry. I used it myself while writing a backstory piece about one of my characters.

What did you want and get?
- A new laptop last January when my old one died.

What did you want and not get?
- Ben to get a job and to get to go to Holly's wedding.

What was your favorite film of this year?
- Guardians of the Galaxy and The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
- I turned 30 and we had our normally scheduled Reign of Winter game because I really didn't feel like planning anything. Did several birthday lunches/dinners around that with various friends and Ben, though.

What is one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?
- If I had gotten the full time job at work or a better job elsewhere, I guess.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2014?
- Jeans/black cargo capris and black t-shirts, unless working at the wireless kiosk, then it was black or grey slacks with longsleeve tops in dark shades.

What kept you sane?
- Dragon Age, Pathfinder, and my friends. Kaleb let me crush his hand when I was going into rage mode over the wedding while at work.

What celebrity/Public figure did you fancy the most?
- I admit that Cumerbatch is rather cute, though it is mostly the voice.

What political issue stirred you the most?
- Lots of them. The drought in California, the riots in Ferguson, and the continuing war against women and basically anyone not a WASP... and Gamergate.

What news story was the most overblown?
- Anything dealing with a celebrity, to be honest.

Who do you miss?
- All my friends in California.

Did you reconnect with anyone?
- Yes, Courtney, one of my best friends. I wish that we could have done it before the wedding, but now I have one more friend to look forward to seeing on my next trip.

Tell us a life lesson you learned in 2014.
- Life is chaotic, and things are never going to align to be 100% perfect. You have to reach out and seize what you want when you can get it if you ever want anything to happen at all.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
- I'm just going to post a link to the song rather than type out the lyrics. The year had a lot of ups and downs, but overall, I think I was rather optimistic for most of it, so I think the song that best sums up the entire year is the Scorpions "The Best is Yet to Come"

What plans do you have for 2015?
-Going to Washington D.C. in April with Ben and Kaleb for a week. Ben has been there once on a school trip, but didn't get to do much... so it's basically like a first time event for all three of us. Going to a hockey game at the end of the month and probably going to see Marilyn Manson as well. Aside from that, I plan to double down on the teaching job search, not-so-subtly push Ben to get a damn job, and do more writing.

What are your resolutions for 2015?
- Finish projects I start, read more, be more positive, and stop drinking soda again.

What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?
- We spent the day cleaning and watching Mythbusters. Stopped for a bit of champagne at midnight.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 01-17-15 08:29 PM Link | Quote
What have you done in 2014 that you have never done before?
- Trying out more and more foods and continuing to eat more and more healthy. My tastes buds are finally evolving.

Did you keep your new years resolution from this year, and will you make one for next year?
- I did this stuff in 2013, but was really happy with 2013 and got too busy to write things up for 2014. Don't think I had one and I haven't done much on that for this year, but I already know I plan to make this year more social and exciting. 2014 was too quiet.

Did anyone close to you get divorced?
- One of my best friends did get engaged. They've been together for like 8 years so it was a long time coming.

What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
- New friends. More sun.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- Finally quitting my CVS job of 3 years because I was utterly miserable with it.

What was your biggest failure?
- Didn't get to take my sister and nephew to the zoo.

Did you suffer injury or illness?
- I have been insanely healthy for years now, I think it might be the Grapefruit Seed Extract!

What was the best thing you bought?
- My PS4.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
- My sister not being able to move on from dead beat daddy.

Where did most of your money go?
- Food and bills while I was jobless for awhile.

What do you wish you would have done more of?
- Work on my resume more.

How did you spend New Year's Eve? (December 31, 2013)
- Hung out with my friends playing Smash Bros.

How did you spend New Year's Day? (January 1)
- Sleeping in!

How did you spend the 4th of July? (July 4)
- My dad's family had a bunch of people over. The weather was amazingly nice that day and the burgers they made were incredible.

How did you spend Halloween? (October 31)
- Locked up the door and kept the lights off!

How did you spend Thanksgiving? (November 27)
- Got to see my uncle and cousin at my grandmas.

How did you spend Christmas? (December 25)
- Grandmas on Christmas Eve, then family the next day. Had a great time and my nephew loved my present to him heh.

Did you fall in love in 2014?
- The Walmart pharmacy girl was taken!

What was your favorite TV show?
- Jumong and Empress Ki, kdramas.

What was the best book you read?
- I have no idea. lol

What was your greatest musical discovery?
- Retrowave!

What did you want and get?
- A PS4.

What did you want and not get?
- The Walmart pharmacy girl.

What was your favorite film of this year?
- Godzilla?

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
- 27... can't even remember haha.

What is one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?
- More sun. Damn it was so cloudy last year.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2014?
- I was reserved and dressed nicely for a couple of years there, to try and look more mature. But now I'm starting to say screw that again and since I've put on some pounds by doing DDPYoga, I feel pretty awesome filling out shirts better than I ever have. So I am more casual thesedays.

What kept you sane?
- My roommate.

What celebrity/Public figure did you fancy the most?
- Emma Stone.

What political issue stirred you the most?
- NSA and or Comcast bullshit.

What news story was the most overblown?
- Ebola? lmfao.

Who do you miss?
- My cats.

Did you reconnect with anyone?
- Nah, but cue the usual seeing former best friend once a year thing. He got too busy with family and kids I guess.

Tell us a life lesson you learned in 2014.
- No matter how hard you plan something out, that's not going to be how it happens.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

What plans do you have for 2015?
- Clean up my backlog of games. Get our more and make new friends. Get a new car. Change up my room around again or maybe find another apartment. Take some classes again. Keep busy.

What are your resolutions for 2015?
- The above is similar. Also want to figure out what food sensitivities I have, I am afraid it might be dairy.

What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?
- Drinking. lol
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