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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - The Happy Thread | |
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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 03-10-16 11:43 PM Link | Quote
I've been really bummed out lately, but I'm happy that I've got some great stuff coming up next week. The rest of the month is pretty happening.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 03-12-16 10:10 PM Link | Quote
Daylight Savings! Felt like it came out of nowhere, maybe because we had a mild easy going winter this year. Phew...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 209 days
Last activity: 209 days
Posted on 03-13-16 04:03 PM Link | Quote
Happy that Kaleb and I got a new apartment!

Happy that I got a new phone, even if I had to jump through hoops to get it.

Happy that so far Ben and I are getting along better since I moved out. Still not perfect, but better.

Happy that we seem to be done with snow.

Happy that I am most likely going out to California in September.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 03-19-16 06:48 PM Link | Quote
I'm going permanent at my job next week.

Now I need a vacation! Been a temp since the start of December. Which I guess isn't too bad compared to others, but yeah.

Took a 13 cent paycut, lol... but job security and good insurance easily makes up for that. And they're talking about promotions and me moving up the rank already, so that's promising.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 04-09-16 02:31 AM Link | Quote
Well, today was about the worst I've had it with my boss and I pretty much told several of my co-workers that I'm on my way out. At the same time, I've been having health problems again. Nothing serious, just frustrating.

Trying to keep my thoughts a bit more on the positive side.

- Happy I didn't kill anyone today.
- Happy I got a paycheck today.
- Happy the working week is over and I'm onto the weekend.
- Happy to be going on a mini-vacation next weekend.
- Happy "Game of Thrones" will be starting again later this month.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 04-09-16 02:44 PM Link | Quote
I really need to get into Game of Thrones...
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 04-16-16 11:15 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeoman
I really need to get into Game of Thrones...

You do. Just don't look up ANYTHING about it. You'll get spoilers up the ass with your first Google click. Hell, I'd be amazed if you managed to stay pure at all.

Happy it's the fucking weekend and I have Monday and Tuesday off.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 04-24-16 02:07 PM Link | Quote
So far I'm pretty green on Game of Thrones haha, don't know anything other than to never get attached to a character because they all die.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 209 days
Last activity: 209 days
Posted on 04-24-16 11:45 PM Link | Quote
That is pretty much the best advice to take in this series.

Lets see...

Happy that I got a job interview last week for a teaching job... hoping to hear from them this week.
Happy that we get HBO for free so I can watch Game of Thrones when it airs (thank you, Kaleb's job)
Happy that the Penguins are going to the next round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs
Happy that I got a phone sale today, even if it kept me 40 minutes past closing.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 04-27-16 10:18 PM Link | Quote
Happy I just got the call that I've been approved for a credit card through my bank. Finally getting my first credit card, believe it or not, and holy fuck do I need to build that credit.

Happy that Bran and I had such a rejuvenating and relaxing vacation for our anniversary, despite it being only three days long and we were driving a majority of every day.

Happy Bran and I spent St. Patrick's Day/All Snakes Day seeing Flogging Molly and Gogol Bordello.

Happy that we got a full four-day weekend out of that, going from the concert to driving out to Arizona and going to the faire.

Happy we're going to hit up the local faire again this weekend, hopefully with friends.

Happy Trader Joe's sells cheap bottles of water.

Happy Bran and I are now members of the Huntington.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 05-16-16 12:13 AM Link | Quote
It's been a bizarre week with more than a fair share of anguish, but trying to look on the bright side.

Happy because:
My bootmaker called to ask a couple questions and then said he was just going to upgrade my soles for free since I paid so much to have the suckers made.

We will be roadtripping up to NorCal to see family in a couple weeks.

Shakespeare season is upon us, and it looks like some companies are going for more than just the same five plays everyone performs every year (Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer, Much Ado, Twelfth Night, Shrew, etc.) Like people are actually producing the Henrys. I KNOW!

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 209 days
Last activity: 209 days
Posted on 05-17-16 12:08 AM Link | Quote

Happy because I am off for the next two days

Happy that Kaleb not only knows how to cook, but really enjoys it... I have been working the closing shift a lot lately so it is nice to not have to worry about cooking when I come home.

Happy that the cats are not hiding much anymore. Still not 100% relaxed in the new place yet, but they come out to visit and let Kaleb pet them. It took over two years for them to warm up to Ben's mom... I blame the dog.

Happy that sales at the wireless kiosk have picked up so management gets off our asses.

Happy that the Penguins won tonight.

Happy that we are officially going to visit California in September.

Happy that Kaleb seems enamored with California already based on what I've told him and shown him... he has threatened to not come back when the week is up. This shall make dragging him with me when I move back easier.

Happy I'm finally getting to finish Final Fantasy IX
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 05-19-16 11:14 PM Link | Quote
My boots are here! My boots are here! Oh my god! Oh my god!

*Runs around, flailing arms, slams face first into a wall, and promptly dies*

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 05-23-16 08:59 PM Link | Quote
The Running Boots from Link to the Past?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 05-24-16 12:36 AM Link | Quote

So much more comfortable walking around the renaissance faire yesterday, with all the more padding beneath my feet.

Also these weren't supposed to come 'til mid-July.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 35 days
Last activity: 26 days
Posted on 05-24-16 08:34 PM Link | Quote
They're on fire!
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2589 days
Last activity: 1440 days
Posted on 06-07-16 10:54 PM Link | Quote
Forgot to say this here.

Me and Kazinsal may have the first video on Tetris DS on the internet. No, not that one, the THQ one.

It's nice to actually get to something first, y'know? Plus, one of my plans for the channel was to make a video for something from The Cutting Room Floor.

(Last edited by Astrophel on 06-08-16 05:34 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 06-08-16 10:00 AM Link | Quote
Very nice, sir.

I guess I'm happy that the two women Brandon and I voted for in the Senate race yesterday are going on to the election in November.


Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 209 days
Last activity: 209 days
Posted on 06-09-16 06:51 PM Link | Quote
Happy that my roommate gets me and tries to cheer me up when I am having shitty days. Yesterday was hell, he made me a giant ice cream sundae. Today was worse, he got Gentlemen Jack, bloody mary mix, and potato vodka.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 743 days
Last activity: 552 days
Posted on 07-30-16 11:33 AM Link | Quote
It's been tough trying to concentrate on the positives lately. I feel like I'm doing time, but on the bright side I get to come home and spend the weekends however I want.

And that's what I'll be focusing on for the next three months: my goddamn weekends.

Thankfully this one's pretty full. Next week is getting booked up.

Happy it's also still Shakespeare and peach season.
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - The Happy Thread |

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