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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - Using OG Xbox controllers as PC controllers on W10 | | Thread closed
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Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 1986 days
Last activity: 1986 days
Posted on 08-23-17 11:52 AM Link

I'd write a guide on my own blog but I'm actually doing this right now so here goes, I'll link to this tutorial.

Any of you got an original Xbox or one of the controllers lying around? Perhaps this could be of use to you

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 08-23-17 06:20 PM Link
Now the question is... why?

I actually liked the "Duke / Hamburger", but I though the S was an improvement. Then the 360 controller was better and the X1 perfected that design. It's nice that pretty much all PC games nowadays can natively utilize controllers now. It's nice the DualShock 4 is supported now too, since I kind of prefer that for Tekken 7.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 1986 days
Last activity: 1986 days
Posted on 08-24-17 04:08 AM Link
In case you have one lying around I suppose, and want to make some use of it. I also made this thread to add some fresh discussions since I notice not much goes on in the gaming section
I have a Chinese clone controller and it works fine with this xD

It should also work with the S but I'm not sure

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 08-24-17 07:03 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 124 days
Last activity: 112 days
Posted on 08-24-17 06:29 PM Link
I will say, a secret out there is that it's insanely easy to collect for the OG Xbox. Games are often super super cheap. I still prefer the PS2 when I can, but yeah. I kind of had a resurgence with my Xbox a year ago and started picking up a bunch of games again. The system looks quite good via component too. I'll always have a soft spot for my Xbox since it was the first console I bought with my own money.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 1986 days
Last activity: 1986 days
Posted on 08-25-17 04:48 AM Link
Yeah the Xbox was a pretty powerful system, I think its architecture was similar to mid-powered PCs of its time or so. Or maybe I'm thinking of the 360.
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - Using OG Xbox controllers as PC controllers on W10 | Thread closed

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