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02-05-25 01:56 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - best way to play Windows 9x games? | | Thread closed
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Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2026 days
Last activity: 2026 days
Posted on 12-01-18 12:10 PM Link
just wondering. I'm aware it's on top of DOS, but it's not 6.22, and most stuff I'd play is probably late 90s-early 2k stuff rather than mid-90s.

vmware 10 might do given it does support hardware accelerated graphics in 9x hosts. not sure what DOSBox is like, or other virtualisation/emulation software (except that vpc2007 only emulates 2D gfx and vbox is garbage for 9x/ME).

anyone else had any experience running older 9x based games in modern OSes? i use vista x64 (this machine has AMD-V, one of the first AMD processors to include it as a matter of fact) so hw virtualisation is possible
Lord Alexandor

Discord Manager

Since: 10-15-06
From: Dayton, OH

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Posted on 12-11-18 10:25 PM Link
I've used vmware and DOSBox. If the game in question can run on DOSBox, do that. Its much more stable and actually runs quite smooth. VMWare with a legit copy of Win98SE would work great, too. Heck, you could probably get away with WinXP for a lot of stuff.

My brother didn't want to deal with any of that, so he keeps a Pentium III PC with Win98SE sitting around that he does old games on. You can probably find an old Win 9x box around eBay/Craigslist for fairly cheap, too.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2026 days
Last activity: 2026 days
Posted on 12-13-18 12:56 PM Link
Well thats nice to know

ME would also probably work nicely for newer 9x games I guess thats dont require real mode, since it's basically an extension to 98SE.

But I'll keep the 98SE VM going too (as well as a DOSBox install)
And also, another quick comment, p3's are great for 98se
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - best way to play Windows 9x games? | Thread closed

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