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12-04-24 08:47 PM
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Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 113 days
Last activity: 113 days
Posted on 04-10-05 10:42 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Shaddow Flight
Originally posted by Elara
The Agent looks pretty cool actually, since you can see your face a lot better... and you still look goofy.

Still doesn't beat the irony of you in a Disney jacket with a gun.


Zabuza used to work for Disneyland. If you read his poem Ode to Disney and then looked at that picture, you'd see it too. That, or be worried of a postal situation.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 946 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 04-10-05 11:06 PM Link | Quote
Here's a copy of my "Welcome to Me--Ode to Disney" poem that I wrote way back when I served my time with Disneyland.

I'm surprised to see that The .45 has gotten so many votes. And, I would have worn sunglasses for The Agent, but I have yet to find them since I still have not touched Jack's butt.

Welcome to Me--Ode to Disney

A Dedication to life within the Disney Monster

Welcome to My liTtle coRner of thE
Welcome to mY rEalitY...
Look into my Mind, aNd daRe to dEstrOy
thIs meLancHolY souL.
Your eXcuses aRe comPleteLy petTy to Me.
I care nOt tHat yOu havE aN AnnUal Pass.
I care Not thAt it'S yoUr biRthdAy.
I care noT thaT yoU doN't want to try
to have a gOOd time.
Don't bother us with your complaints.
Try to have a good time, or at least act that way...
We do, so why can't you?

Lee Almodovar

Copyright ©2005 Lee Almodovar

(Last edited by Zabuza on 04-11-05 02:09 AM)

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6122 days
Last activity: 6062 days
Posted on 04-11-05 04:03 PM Link | Quote
*going with the flow*

I think the pictures are too small for me to really see... I like the one to the right on top that has "the agent" under it but that wasn't an option. (next t the hacker).

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 946 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 04-12-05 02:23 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, I added The Agent afterward, and it was just the most recent picture I have. Thanks to Xero and his recent post in the Official Photo Album, my brain has gone to mush. The pictures were bigger, but I condensed them to fits better on the main page of this. Anyway, thank you so far guys (and girls).
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Please Vote for my new photo album picture... |

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