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Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5922 days
Last activity: 5187 days
Posted on 06-01-05 10:11 AM Link | Quote
I've noticed around the board that people are sometimes guilty of putting down other people's opinions. I'm not sure if this is just me and I wanted some feedback.

The question is..which way is the right way to go about things?

Do you accept the other persons opinion and keep and open mind to what they are saying, or do you stand your guard and continue to challenge them. This is mainly to get people to look within themselves.

I personally, no matter how strongly I feel, always try to keep an open mind. The only thing I'm close minded to is other close minded people. I look at it this way, "You don't have to agree with me and I'm not asking you to but accept me for what I am and the fact that my opinion has value."

Have at it everyone. How do you debate?
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2515 days
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Posted on 06-01-05 10:45 AM Link | Quote
Once someone starts bashing religions or acting like a bigot, I stop trying to be nice.

... and yes, that means I normally try, however unsuccessfully, to be nice. I try to keep an open mind, but I am stubborn and generally unwilling to change my opinions. Of course, since my opinions in many debates involve leaving the choices open to the individual (religion, abortion, sexuality), I guess that's not so bad, is it? Well, I obviously don't think so.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 06-01-05 11:36 AM Link | Quote
I'm noticing more and more that when someone holds a different opinion about something else, that person is accused of flaming.

I set certain rules in line that were going over well, then after the post wipe they disappeared and Kaijin wrote them up again. I AM NOT PUTTING KAIJIN DOWN SO NO ONE START! NO ONE!

I strongly believe in preserving our first amendment rights, but if people aren't going to get along and understand that other's opinions count too, we might have to instate rules of not talking about politics, religion, or anything controversial. Those would be STUPID rules to have, especially since it cuts down on many things people who have constructive thoughts on can talk about, but with how staff is talking about this, it almost sounds like something that might come true. It just seems a case of one immature kid ruining it for everyone else.
Pat Meth


Since: 03-18-05
From: Keyes

Since last post: 7126 days
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Posted on 06-01-05 12:20 PM Link | Quote
I am absolutely open to other people's opinions, but they have to make a convicning argument and not repulse me or sower me with crap.

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

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Posted on 06-01-05 01:16 PM Link | Quote
People have different opinions of where something crosses the line.

Like people who will trash ANYTHING and EVERYONE but once someone says something about something they believe in or whatnot they're suddenly Mr. Sensitive.

My best advice? Suck it up and move on with your life.

Just about everything in this world is immoral in some way. So sit back and enjoy the ride.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-01-05 04:33 PM Link | Quote
I think everyone here for the most part is open minded.

The big thing in a forum like this, is how people word their thoughts. If you come in and say something is "shit", and give no reason, nobody will respect you. And if you come in a disrespect others opinions, just because it isn't what "you" believe, and also give no conclusion as to why, nobody will respect you.

In my opinion, in forums like this, the way people precieve your opinion is based upon how you word your posts.

(Last edited by The Emperor on 06-01-05 07:33 PM)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

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Posted on 06-02-05 03:22 AM Link | Quote
Speach of one's own mind should always be kept in mind. What you believe is what you believe. I disagree with Jedi not allow someone else to speak is doing what they constantly do to you. Note: I'm both bi and Pagan, many people at my school dislike me for this. When people walk up to me and say, "You're going to hell for your ways," I take into concideration that this is their religion, and in their religion it is correct.

So generally I respond with, "Yes, that is your belief," and go on my marry way. This tells the person that I have acknowledged what they have said to me and that I have also told them I don't believe that. People can put down a religion and tell you its wrong, but if its your belief then stand strongly by it. That doesn't mean you have to yell and scream back though, you can do it quietly like I did.

There are certain times when confrontation and arguements can be called for, but I always take into mind the background a person is raised in and their beliefs before I start saying, "WAIT YOU'RE WRONG!" Not everyone will share the same veiw, so try and find a commen ground. If you can find where the other person is coming from, it will ease the conversation.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 135 days
Last activity: 135 days
Posted on 06-02-05 02:24 PM Link | Quote
I like Yuzu's method personally.

As for me, I do my best to be open minded, and I also do my best not to flame. I will correct people when they have facts wrong though, no matter what it is. Sometimes they take it as flamming, sometimes they don't. If a person is just so closed minded that they can't see anyone else's point of view and they can't express their own without saying "this shit is wrong and fucked up and your going to hell" or whatever, then they have no purpose posting in the Debate Shrine.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6660 days
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Posted on 06-07-05 04:11 PM Link | Quote
There is something else people need to know about not getting on the bad-side of people. You should read their entire post and make sure you understand completely what they're talking about before you "assume" they're saying one thing. I've seen many a good thread go down because of this.
Broken Dreams


Since: 05-29-05
From: California

Since last post: 6661 days
Last activity: 6661 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:19 PM Link | Quote
I try to be very open minded and let others have there opinion as I do mine, I start to argue back when others tell me that I'm the wrong one, its like Dude I respected your opinion respect mine >/!!! I notice on this board a lot of people don't like what others say and seem to show it quite well by starting flame wars.


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5210 days
Last activity: 303 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:26 PM Link | Quote
maybe the word debate has been lost on all of you here....

debate is not a fluffy happy word that means everyone gets along and is nice...

debate - 1 To consider something; deliberate.
2 To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3 To engage in a formal discussion or argument.

now, I do agree, this should not involved personal unsults.... anyone ever involved in a debate should know that that is the end of a debate...

but it also should not be agreeing that everyone is right....

I have a view of the world that I believe is more or less correct.... I do stand corrected and I do change my views to certain degrees based on my experiences.... but when I feel something is right, or wrong, I will stand up and say so.... and if people can't handle being disagreed with then maybe -they- shouldn't debate
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Difference in opinion.. |

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