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12-04-24 09:42 PM
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Toilet Master


Since: 09-24-04

Since last post: 7059 days
Last activity: 6955 days
Posted on 07-06-05 09:50 PM Link | Quote
well this this thread is all about how fast your computer is (and do not tell me you did not know that ahead of time). well time to tell you how fast my computer is...well i'm an online gammer so i have... a microsoft 98 with a celeron processor and 4g's of hard drive space.i love twist's you thought i would have a good computer well you were worng and my computer hates everone who uses except me the secret is to let it know who is boss smack it thorw cd cases at it and other odd objects.

Sailor Déesse
Mistress of Pink
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

Since: 08-14-04
From: The Moon

Since last post: 6578 days
Last activity: 6309 days
Posted on 07-06-05 10:06 PM Link | Quote
To tell you the truth I don't have a clue how fast my computer is, I don't even know how to check. I have a HP Pavilion, I think it's got 40 gigs of space all together has windows XP etc..

I think this topic will be better suited in Tech Discussion

Banned by request.

Since: 05-26-05

Since last post: 6707 days
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Posted on 07-07-05 12:32 AM Link | Quote

i dont know hoe fast my computer is but all i know i can store
gameso n here with at least 500 kb or more.

my comp can load in about 30 to 40 seconds sothats how fast mine is
Kard Ayals
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Posted on 07-07-05 05:04 AM Link | Quote
Windows XP
AMD Athlon 899MHz Processor
256mb Physical Ram Memory (don't know which type, but I believe it's DRAM) with 1500mb of Virtual Memory.
30gb harddrive - 7200rpm

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 101 days
Last activity: 89 days
Posted on 07-07-05 07:05 AM Link | Quote
Toilet Master: I think it's time you get a new computer.

My computer:
Windows XP
AMD Athlon 2400mhz Processor (equal to about 2 ghz)
768 DDR Ram
40 GB Primary Hardrive
10 GB Secondary

Not great, but it's definitely not horrible. My graphics card is a GeForce FX 5200, so I can play some games out there fairly decently (just nothing that rapes a computer like Doom 3).

(Last edited by Xeomega on 07-07-05 10:06 AM)

Wall Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: 2 houses from spyware

Since last post: 7011 days
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Posted on 07-07-05 11:16 AM Link | Quote
El Compy:
Windows XP Home
AMD Athlon 2400mhz
256 DDR Ram
80 GB Hardrive
160 GB Slave

Nothing special. Ohh and my graphics card is a GeForce 5200.
Toilet Master


Since: 09-24-04

Since last post: 7059 days
Last activity: 6955 days
Posted on 07-07-05 07:43 PM Link | Quote
Nice, I learned my how to attack the computer form (sasuke_87 AKA pensko)

pensko attacked his old computer whit the back end of a Toilet brush oddly enough it beeped then pensko said it was sorry. the way he did it made it funny.

(Last edited by Toilet Master on 07-10-05 12:09 PM)
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