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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Your Religion/Beliefs | | Thread closed
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Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

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Posted on 07-24-05 11:07 AM Link
A topic I've meant to post before. Sadly I can't tell my beliefs as I no longer have any proper ones thanks to someone on this board who I shall not mention *cough*Vulkar*cough*. But yeah, what is your religion/beliefs


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

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Posted on 07-24-05 12:29 PM Link
Laveyan Satanist, through and through.

If you want to be more accurate, you could call me a Neitchzian..or an Athiest with a twist..or any number of other things. But Satanist fits well enough.

No, i do not worship "satan". I don't even believe he exists as a sentient being. But..lets just say i like what he stands for.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

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Posted on 07-24-05 05:26 PM Link
um, so you're one of those "killing is awesome" people who has contempt for everything save a few metal bands? Most of those are pretty cool people, and get along with me well, as long as we don't get to any involved discussions.

I'm Christian, while I go to a Catholic church, I follow Christ rather than everything the pope says. Nearly every time I post here the thread ends up dying, but maybe since it's this early on people will bear to read this. If God didn't exist, nobody would feel bad about any of their actions, but I hear most of them do. Albert Einstien thought it impossible for God not to exist from his great understanding of the complexity of physics. I also plan on living more controlled than most people later on(no alcohol, drugs, or swearing). It would be better to see more people actually follow Jesus like I'm trying to, but a pitiful amount of our generation is (a minute 4%). RYjet, I really don't know why you wouldn't put your beliefs here, I have about 3 or less people who agree with me, and if your beliefs are that 'improper' I'd love to see them just for a comedic purpose.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

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Posted on 07-24-05 05:57 PM Link
I don't have a religion. I'm agnostic (you can click the word to find the meaning). However, I do follow a code of ethics.

I follow Hacker Ethics.

WikiPedia Version
Hacker Ethics for the 90s
Hacker Culture
Hacker Ethic

Mainly, the belief that all information in the world should be abundant and free, and any corporation or entity charging for said information is fallable. I could explain further, but I have to get to work now.


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

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Posted on 07-24-05 08:58 PM Link
Originally posted by Van Rhanell
um, so you're one of those "killing is awesome" people who has contempt for everything save a few metal bands? Most of those are pretty cool people, and get along with me well, as long as we don't get to any involved discussions.

I'm Christian, while I go to a Catholic church, I follow Christ rather than everything the pope says. Nearly every time I post here the thread ends up dying, but maybe since it's this early on people will bear to read this. If God didn't exist, nobody would feel bad about any of their actions, but I hear most of them do. Albert Einstien thought it impossible for God not to exist from his great understanding of the complexity of physics. I also plan on living more controlled than most people later on(no alcohol, drugs, or swearing). It would be better to see more people actually follow Jesus like I'm trying to, but a pitiful amount of our generation is (a minute 4%). RYjet, I really don't know why you wouldn't put your beliefs here, I have about 3 or less people who agree with me, and if your beliefs are that 'improper' I'd love to see them just for a comedic purpose.

Good to see another Christian. I am a Catholic though not a very deovted one because I haven't gone to CHurch in a year. But that still doesn't mean I don't believe in God. It's good to see that you're trying to live a controlled life. Though I can certainly do without alcohol and drugs (honestly, i don't find alcohol the least bit tasty or refreshing), swearing will take some work.

I must admit, at first, I was very straightforward and I felt that every other religion or belief was wrong. Thankfully, XGF help me get over that and accept other beliefs such as Wicca which I didn't even know existed.
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

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Posted on 07-24-05 09:32 PM Link
I am Agnostic, I choose not to belive in anything exept myself


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

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Posted on 07-24-05 09:36 PM Link
I follow a Wiccan path. I'm overly happy to be one, since it's a very exciting path to walk on. (It's not followed, because not everyone's Wiccan path is the same. )
Kard Ayals
The Ultimate
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Posted on 07-24-05 10:45 PM Link

I won't list my reasons, as I have for too much, and I still need some sleep. I don't want to offend anyone, so yeah.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

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Posted on 07-25-05 03:08 AM Link
"um, so you're one of those "killing is awesome" people who has contempt for everything save a few metal bands?" least uneducated people are amusing.

I honestly don't know if this was a joke, or if you were actually serious.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 07-25-05 03:42 AM Link
I'm a Wiccan Discordian with strong Druidic influence. I've been a Wiccan since 1999 when I discovered it, I've technically been a Discordian since 2001, but only recently have I really been studying it, and I've been studying Druidry for about a year now.

I call myself Wiccan because I follow that primary structure, also because Wicca is the only one of the three paths that is a federally recognized religion. I'd be considered a polythestic mono-duotheist if you want to be technical... to put it in laymans terms: I believe in a greater power that has many forms, but basically just two, a goddess and a god.

I was baptized Lutheran when I was a baby, but I never went to church, and when I tried to understand none of it felt right to me. When I read about Wicca it clicked. I met a Wiccan girl at Disneyland one day and we exchanged email addresses, and her fiancee was a Discordian. He declared me one then, and my current boyfriend (who is a Discordian pope) has actually helped me learn more about the religion, which is essentially a parody of itself. I see it as more of a philosophy personally, one that helps you to have more fun in life, and so I choose to follow it.

My best friend is a Druid, which is a spiritual path very simular to Wicca but focuses on Celtic influences and study. I take many influences from Druidry and am studying it as well so that I may become more well rounded.

Leviathan, so are you actually a card carrying member of the Church of Satan or do you just take inspiration from it?

Van: A bit of a lesson on true Satanism. Satanists, at least members of the Church of Satan (founded by Anton LeVay) do not sacrifice things and generally do not like killing at all. Rumors about them performing animal sacrifices or killing babies is entirely untrue, for the in fact find the notion of such things to be abhorrant. Satanists believe in indulging oneself in the pleasures of life. They rever Satan and Cain over Jesus and Abel. The stereotype of the Satanist that we all know are just cruel idiots who call themselves Satanists just to get a rise out of people... and Santarians, who do perform animal sacrifices... usually chickens.

I could go on, but I believe that I cleared that up fairly well. I learned all that when I did a research project on the misconceptions of Paganism in modern society. I was actually surprised to learn it as well, but it gave me a respect for members of the Church of Satan. However, the "wannabe Satanists" that are into the killing and all that still disgust me for their actions, which give all Pagans a bad name.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 209 days
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Posted on 07-25-05 07:59 AM Link
Until I turn 18 and move away I'm trapped with my grands going to a nondenominational church full of old people that blame my generation for bad video games.

I'm following inbetween religions, I have my own little altar so I believe in Magick and so on. You'd call me a Christian Wiccan I guess.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5649 days
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Posted on 07-25-05 10:07 AM Link
I'm not a card-carrying member..simply because i do not feel the need to shell out $100 to prove my beliefs. If i did, i would be sitting in a pew and happily dumping my hard-earned money into an offering plate.

My beliefs are HEAVILY inspired by the core "system" of Lavey...mixed with a bit of the 'ol "Chaos Magick" and laced with Chaos Theory. (If someone happens to be thinking "wow..a lot of chaos..he must think he's cool!" then look into the school of chaos magic AND the scientific applications of Chaos Theory.)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 07-25-05 10:18 AM Link
Oh, I didn't know I actually made you have none left Ryan...

Anyway, I'm LDS, or as we are more commonly called, Mormon. It's one of the only religions without large gaps of ignorance, and that has everything going in a logical way.
Jity Horo


Since: 01-01-05

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Posted on 07-25-05 11:53 AM Link
I'm more the black magic type. Not the Satan type but magic in general.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

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Posted on 07-25-05 11:57 AM Link
The initial thing you said just reminded me of the goth-tards at school who try to have more of an edge. Apparently you're not one, so that's not my opinion of you at all now. I guess saying "satanist" still has a lot of shock value to some. Since this is about /beliefs too I could also say that I'm conservative and (this should bring my intelligence way down) like a lot of the things Rush Limbaugh says.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

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Posted on 07-25-05 12:02 PM Link
We have a lot of interesting people on the board. Religion wise.. I mean.

I personally consider myself panthiest. Which is the idea that God is there but not as a personality. God is everything around you and within yourself. Again, not biblical God, but God as in a higher power. I also practice Zhen Meditation.

I was born into a strange mix. My mother is a strict catholic. My father is athiest.
Jity Horo


Since: 01-01-05

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Posted on 07-25-05 12:03 PM Link
Tao is another beileif I condiered gettting into last year. Thats probaly the only one the stuck for a while.


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4474 days
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Posted on 07-25-05 01:16 PM Link
Elara made me feel like I didn't explain enough... >.>

I follow a Nocturnal Celtic path, which is bit odd. Nocturnal meaning dark. Not evil, but dark. I practice at night, I'm most lively then. I feel drawn to the night more than I do towards the day. I can feel magick currents better at night, and feel empowered by it.

I, like Elara, just "clicked" with Wiccan beliefs, and everything seemed right and fit.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 209 days
Last activity: 209 days
Posted on 07-25-05 05:28 PM Link
Originally posted by Belial
Elara made me feel like I didn't explain enough... >.>

I follow a Nocturnal Celtic path, which is bit odd. Nocturnal meaning dark. Not evil, but dark. I practice at night, I'm most lively then. I feel drawn to the night more than I do towards the day. I can feel magick currents better at night, and feel empowered by it.

I, like Elara, just "clicked" with Wiccan beliefs, and everything seemed right and fit.

Well, unlike you and Elara it didn't click with me. I was really magickally gifted. Infact I tried being a full wiccan when I was in seventh grade, but it was too much for me and my grands moved into a house seven miles from me. Now I go to a boring old church with them. They don't have opened minds at all, but I understand... After all my mother is a proudful pagan and she looks into the Shaman ways as well as the Wiccans, but she is Shaman mostly. Just like my sister. My brother and I are Wiccan I believe, I don't keep track of my brother a lot. But there's a Wiccan temple in Downtown Columbus. *smiles* I still haven't found my knife yet, so I'll use a regular one if needed. I'm still beginning, but it feels so right for me. Infact my mom said that I saw her, mine, and everyone elses gaurdians.

My mother said that she stopped until this New Years Eve when I worked with her in purifying our barrier around our yard. I understand that everything I do comes back on me three fold. *Glares at spranged ankle*

I know some of the religion but I gots a mother and sister to help me out if I mess up. LOL

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4753 days
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Posted on 07-25-05 05:40 PM Link
Originally posted by Vulkar
Oh, I didn't know I actually made you have none left Ryan...

Suuuuure you didn't...

Originally posted by Van Rhanell
and if your beliefs are that 'improper' I'd love to see them just for a comedic purpose.

I don't have any beliefs anymore becuase of the other person i quoted. Although I used to believe in reincarnation before Vulkar destroyed the way I believed in it. I even had an explination why the population increases too:

"Billions of Trillions of spirits roam the Earth, waiting for a new life. When a new life is made, one of these spirits have to "jump in" so to speak, into it, otherwise the new life dies."
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Your Religion/Beliefs | Thread closed

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