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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - How much do you know about your Fire Emblem? | |
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Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1618 days
Last activity: 1618 days
Posted on 09-23-05 04:20 PM Link | Quote
Same quiz, different style. Wanna see how much can you answer.

1.) 1 Point - Who appear in the first game of Fire Emblem?

2.) 2 Points - What is the different between Book 1 and Book 2 in Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo?

Extra Point: Who is the main character in this game?

3.) 2 points - Which one of the Fire Emblem game that said to be the most popular game in the series? (Full title and subtitle, not number)

4.) 2 points - Who is the first lord (not counting Gaiden) that have hairs other then blue?

5.) 3 Points - In what game did Roy made his first appearance?

6.) 2 Points - Who is the first lord that broke the tradition of being unpromoted in the beginning of the game?

7.) 1 Point each - Who is Jeigan? Which game did he come from?

8.) 2 Points - Who is considered a Jeigan in Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo? (Two names, if you answer one, you will get only one point.)

9.) 2 Points - Which one of the playable units who can wield every weapon abilities beside dark? (Hints: There are two peoples who can do this. If you get two of them, I will double the point.)

10.) For every answer you have right, you will get 1 points for it. Name every Fire Emblem game from Nintendo (so far, and if you use Monshou no Nazo or Gaiden, you won't get a point for that. Sorry.)

11.) 3 Points - There are only one / two game (depending on the way you look at it.) that have one unusual class that never appear in every Fire Emblem game except 1 and/or 3. What is this class? (Hints - This class allow to change into the exact unit in the adjective space.)

12.) 2 Points - When did the mamkutes made their first appearance and who are the first two mamkutes that appears in the game?

I have will have more after this, so for now, let see how everyone go against these questions. And Desroth, I'm sorry, but you can't play in this because of the most of the time, I showed these stuff to you.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 09-23-05 04:37 PM Link | Quote
7.) 1 Point each - Who is Jeigan? Which game did he come from?

Jeigan is a starting unit with Leif in Fire Emblem 1 on the NES. He is a Paladian, rather old, and he doesnt get just about any stronger (unless you keep using him exclusively...
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - How much do you know about your Fire Emblem? |

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