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02-03-25 07:50 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - The beginning of your life indoors (atleast for a week) | |
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Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5343 days
Last activity: 4783 days
Posted on 09-22-05 05:55 PM Link | Quote
ZOMG FOOLS!! GO TO TEH STORE NOW!!! We Love Katamari is now in stores, and you would have to be a retard not to go pick up a copy NOW!!! Me and Shanan (Beowulf) have already started playing it, and it is definetly the sweetest game. Some may think it is just some new missions, nothing new at all, but you would be wrong. The graphics are improved (but they were still awsome in the first game), you can now play as all of the cousins you find and pick up during the game, and there are new twists in the gameplay. One mission requires you to keep your katamari enflamed, and others require you to pick up certain things...

The whole point of the game is not to make stars now, but to make planets!!!! See, apparently the stars you made in the first game didnt fill up the universe! So, the King is quite unhappy about that, but life is life and he deals with it. As the story continues in the game, you learn that everyone on Earth now loves the Prince and Katamari Damacy!!!

What is the pint sized prince to do? Be their errand boy of course!! Instead of picking places on Earth, you take missions from the people of Earth. Your katamari no longer makes stars, but now makes planets that will fill your galaxy, making it oh so pretty...

The game is so cool, and you you have to play it to get it... And, oh, btw...

You must take the black dogs challenge to roll up the sun when he shows up. Dont worry, you will fail the first time. That is fine, but dont go back to that challenge until you get everything finished. If you take the challenge again, you will fail and you would be screwed. Oh, if you fail fail a mission, you get a cool mini game when the king is pissed at you!!! Try to dodge the lasers from his eyes!!


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5612 days
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Posted on 09-27-05 05:18 PM Link | Quote it as obviously drug-induced and trippy as the last one?

If so..i may just pick up #2.


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7008 days
Last activity: 6848 days
Posted on 10-01-05 01:06 AM Link | Quote
I know it's not physicaly posible but the sencond one is even stranger, don't ask how it just is. Unfortunately the music is somewhat of a let down considering most of it is just remixes of the last games music.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - The beginning of your life indoors (atleast for a week) |

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