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Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5951 days
Last activity: 5410 days
Posted on 04-14-06 12:34 AM Link
Originally posted by Zabuza

I mean, you live on LGB airport approach zone, and I worked at LAX for a year. We know our stuff. Elara's dad work(ed?) for Boeing for several years, as well as other people that I know. One of Boeing's plants is right next to our college.

My father use to work at that plant when it was still Mc Donald Douglas. He used to put planes together. In fact he developed two tools to help do the job better, that are still being used there today. And my bro's father still works there.

That and my father just renewed his flight instructor license.

And we both feel that neither side still has put out neither complete, nor fully accurate account of what happened that day.

What bothers me more is the violation of certain airspaces, and the transponder signals. When a plane is high-jacked the pilot is suppose to change the transponder signal to 7700. And true the regular pilots were taken away, but I think that they would have switched the signal before hand. Or maybe the couldn't. Who knows? We weren't there.

And entering the airspace around nearly anyplace in DC is risking fighter jet coming along side you to get you away. Or shoot you down. I still haven't heard any report about the violation of restricted airspace before the crash.

Did it just get burred in the flood of information out of 9/11? Maybe.

But still. Even with that question I feel that there is still not enough to start thinking that there is a conspiracy.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 04-14-06 03:52 AM Link
I can see the sound of the missle, but what about the reports of smelling coridite (possible misspell there, but basically stuff from a bomb going off) as well as eyewitness saying they saw a military plane or something much smaller than a 757? As well as the scratch in the earth from the plane... they show a white line in photographs and claim that that is the scratch... but on dated satellite photographs from before 9/11 it shows that line there.

Regardless of the heresay and the mudslinging, it is obvious that something is fishy about the whole report.

Stone axe

Since: 08-26-04
From: Wouldnt you like to know

Since last post: 6384 days
Last activity: 6368 days
Posted on 05-13-06 01:31 AM Link
First of all theres a thing about the towers collapsing the building was made of solid steel meaning that it wouldve taken alot to knock it down secod the plane going in and missle coming out, doesnt a missle usuaaly explode on impact. and also we can turn missles around 180 degrees in the air with several hunded people on board right. another thing about the light before the plane hit the plane is going at 300+ MPH on a warm september day has any one heard of friction heat? you would think that the plane would be a little hot fom all the air at a low altitiude, therefore causing some of the windows to melt.
also as for that one plane not comeing out a plane can usually hold how much feul in it. imagine take ing that and adding a mtach to it and you put a piece of mtal to it, inceneration.


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5951 days
Last activity: 5410 days
Posted on 07-07-06 12:01 AM Link
Originally posted by Elara
I can see the sound of the missle, but what about the reports of smelling coridite (possible misspell there, but basically stuff from a bomb going off)

Do you know what that smells like? And how many people know what that smells like?

Also do you know what a burnning plane smells like?

I do. The smell is simmilar. Too similar to make a spot on comparrison.

This is a mute point.

Originally posted by Draken
warm september day has any one heard of friction heat? you would think that the plane would be a little hot fom all the air at a low altitiude, therefore causing some of the windows to melt.

Let me get this streight... what you are saying that every time a plane lands the windows have to be replaced? Not to mention takeing off. Wow, planes must be dropping out of the skys all the time. This would be a really bad thing, because I have C 17s, 727s, 747s, DC 9s, DC 10s, leer jets, comuter jets, and a whole host of other small planes takeing off, and landing over my home all the time.

I also heared that planes can't handle anything over 1.5 Gs before breaking apart.... This is also verry wrong.

I've spent a LOT of time with, and around aircraft. And even flew a few.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 07-10-06 09:33 PM Link
Draken, firstly your post was a bump. Secondly I am not quite sure what you are even saying because your grammer needs some work. From what I could read you might want to re-look over physics and the designs of aircrafts.

Oni, again, a bump. As for your comment to my statement: No, I do not know what cordite smells like, however I am a 21 year old girl that lives in southern California. The people reporting smelling cordite are older people who work in the Pentagon. You cannot disprove their testimony just because I do not know what it smells like.

Technically this thread should be closed because of the bumping, but since I replied I will leave it open.


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

Since last post: 5951 days
Last activity: 5410 days
Posted on 07-11-06 06:30 PM Link
You know Elara I wasn't attacking you. So please don't respond like I am. I was mearly trying to point out that most people don't know what the differance is. As for them working in the pentagon I'm willing to bet that most of them are paper-pushers. And I know who you are, how old you are, and where you live. So I'm not sure as to why that has anny berring on this.

As for my post being a bump, well I was just responding to what Draken said. ((It was so verry wrong, I had to respond))

So close this thread if you feel like. Honsetly I don't care. I'm tired of people being pissed off, and acting pissy at me.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 204 days
Last activity: 204 days
Posted on 07-11-06 08:56 PM Link
Jsut so you know Oni, I agree with you. said...there has been a lot of bumping. As such, this has expired. So, I'll offer my two cents, and then will lock this.

First off, the attack on the Twin Towers is very likely to be realy, I can't see that as being faked. Too many people saw the planes crash, and such a plane could easily take down such a building, given enough force.

Then there is the pentagon. The wasn't any turbulence on the highway which it passed over EXTEMELY closely. Also, all of the films from nearby hotels or anything were taken away, and never allowed to make public. But at the same time, there were many people who would have seen it hit the pentagon. They would have spoken up if it had not done so, and as such, why doubt it?

There is a lot of evidence either way. This thread has gotten too heated, and the bumping also causes a problem so...

Here is my first locking on this board!

*deactivates the thread.*
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