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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - Regarding my recent ban | | Thread closed
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Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 201 days
Last activity: 30 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:17 PM Link
Look guys its done whats done is done...

I asked a few people nicely and informed a few people of what I would be doing to avoid conflict...I respectfully asked Thexare to change his U.C. and as expected I was essentially given a big fuck you.

Please guys just get the hell off my case...

Whats done is done.

Drop it and get on with your lives as I dont need harrassment...
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:21 PM Link
What's wrong, Spartan?

I thought you were all militant and stuff.

Oh, maybe it's because you now know what's it feels like to be banned. It isn't a good feeling, is it?

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 08-03-06 02:21 AM)

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 201 days
Last activity: 30 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:22 PM Link
I am militant...but I am respecting peoples wishs...dont push my buttons...

I have limits just like any other person I am already extra pissed off about my family and how there a bunch of assholes...

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 618 days
Last activity: 618 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:29 PM Link
The only reason I get on your case is because you get on mine. You stop doing that and Ill gladly stop telling you to be quiet in the UCs

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 201 days
Last activity: 30 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:50 PM Link
I got on your case cause you hopped on mine.

Benja: (slams his spear in the ground) ok the nazi stuff again stops!
Spartan: K just to make it clear...I am going to respectfully Just Stay away from you and kajin as I dont feel like dealing with anyshit...I am afraid if I am in an RP with you or you are joining an RP I am in I will leave. As I am going to avoid getting banned again...*Bows deeply then walks away*

Spartan: bah whatever benja...
Benja: and it wasnt about was the other guys comments
Benja: why dont you just be quiet and do us all a favor?
Spartan: Hey benja...about my comment in Kite Fly's profile...Why dont you just shut up and stay out of it..and no its not about the nazi stuff I am just informing her can kaijin that I will be avoiding them and confrontations involving them..

X Marks the Spot: He's right though, I made all of the Nazi comments the night he got banned
Benja: actually that would be a good idea if you would.........the quieter it is......the better off we all will still torrent the stuff clockz
Spartan: /sigh Benja...just shut up...
Benja: to just keep quiet if you have nothing good to say at all.
Spartan: You know...benja that comment is old...there is no timestamp but he did that the night I got banned...check your uc's more often...oh yes and clockworkz please unblock my AIM so I can talk to you about RP's and such...and you still owe me some cortana..

Sooo...who jumped on who...I get the feeling I will be banned for thsi but I made this thread so you know how I felt about this and that it was over...

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 618 days
Last activity: 618 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:54 PM Link
Now im willing to call a truce to this and we all be happy again if you are.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 201 days
Last activity: 30 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:56 PM Link
Once again I had no problem with you till you jumped on my case I have no problem leaving you alone.

I was leaving you alone in the first place

and edit your goddamn sig...

(Last edited by Spartan on 08-03-06 02:56 AM)

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 618 days
Last activity: 618 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:57 PM Link
Alright then truce. All is well in this kingdom once again.
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6782 days
Last activity: 6668 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:58 PM Link
Ok, you're just being over-senstive, Spartan.

The fact of the matter is that when you do something like you and Sajin did, people are going to jump on your back about it. Especially if you get banned.

Now you come back, and tell everyone to drop it, but you won't drop it yourself. This thread is not necessary. It serves no purpose other than to draw more attention to you.

My advice is to just drop it. That's all that matters. If anybody brings it up, just ignore them.

[edit: curse you, Benja. you ninja posted before me]

(Last edited by X Marks the Spot on 08-03-06 02:59 AM)

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 201 days
Last activity: 30 days
Posted on 08-02-06 11:59 PM Link
Edit: Close this thread

and fuck a forum break I am not puss Say what you want do what you want.

(Last edited by Spartan on 08-03-06 03:21 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - Regarding my recent ban | Thread closed

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