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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Your theme song | |
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Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 09-22-06 01:54 AM Link | Quote
If you had a theme song, what would it be?

I declare this my theme. Don't argue.

Also, one of the greatest fucking movies ever (rewatched it recently, and I'll be going through Generation 1 entirely once I get my DVD's).

(Last edited by Xeodeus on 09-22-06 04:56 AM)


Since: 08-16-04
From: Nihongo Freak Forums

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Posted on 09-22-06 06:18 AM Link | Quote
Well, I don't really have a video or anything to go with it, but if were to enter in slow motion, I would be playing "I Beileive in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. Now, that was a song.


Since: 05-03-05
From: california (knows how to party)

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Posted on 09-22-06 03:25 PM Link | Quote

THIS is my theme song....or at least one of them....i have about a dozen

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

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Posted on 09-22-06 03:40 PM Link | Quote
I'm not exactly white, nor too nerdy, but this does fit me and some of my friends back home a bit (Those not in the Navy). That, and weird all rocks.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

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Posted on 09-22-06 07:43 PM Link | Quote
Pretty Woman. Or, the theme to the Powerpuff Girls.

No, "Walking Dead" by DJ Z-Trip. That's it. Just that over and over again. No matter what I'm doing. Forever. Even during sex.

I already use it for "Ask a BREW Ninja", so why not?
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

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Posted on 09-23-06 12:43 AM Link | Quote

"Fidelity" by Regina Spektor,

"Welcome to the Black Parade" MCR,


"A Favor House Atlantic" Coheed and Cambria.


Since: 12-31-69

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Posted on 09-23-06 01:07 AM Link | Quote
"Bitches" by Mindless Self Indulgence

Definately, my theme song.


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 09-23-06 01:45 AM Link | Quote
this be a toughy, Lemme think...

Consequence of Sounds - Regina Specktor

King of the Thing - O.A.R.

All You Need is Love - Beatles

Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie

Desperado - Eagles

The Denial Twist - The White Stripes

...I really can't narrow it down anymore. For the more upbeat songs, they'd serve better as a theme song, especially Consequence of Sounds, King of the Thing, Ziggy, and Denial Twist. But they really all fit into my personality so I can't exactly articulate which one would best suit me...

Sailor Déesse
Mistress of Pink
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

Since: 08-14-04
From: The Moon

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Posted on 09-23-06 08:18 AM Link | Quote
I don't really have a theme song ... and I've had a good think about this, but none come to mind, but if I had to pick one I think the theme song to Charmed would be nice


Since: 11-06-05

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Posted on 09-24-06 02:22 AM Link | Quote
I haven't made my Theme Song yet, but when I get to it, I'll let ya'll listen.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 09-24-06 02:24 PM Link | Quote
Hmmm....Prolly "I'm An Asshole" By Dennis Leary.

Merh...I guess I'd have to think about that...a bunch of my friends swear that "The Hampster Dance" is my theme...><

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Since: 10-07-04
From: Petaluma,CA

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Posted on 09-26-06 05:02 PM Link | Quote
"Paint it black" Rolling stones

I know it sounds emo but its just a song I enjoy.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 09-26-06 09:32 PM Link | Quote
According to venomouslobster mine would be "Lady" by Styx. As for my own thoughts... I could make a 4 volume set with all the songs that have been my "theme" throughout the past 10 or so years of my life. Currently though, I would say that it is "Parabola" by Tool.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 09-26-06 11:26 PM Link | Quote
I'm probably going to go with "Down with the Sickness".... The one by Richard Cheese of course.

Either that or "Written in Stone" by Sinergy. I just can't make up my mind >.>


Since: 09-07-04
From: The dark path

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Posted on 09-27-06 01:42 AM Link | Quote
I don't really have a single song, but about a dozen that have a strong connection to me. But Untill it Sleeps: by Metallica, and Ronnie, also by Metallica come close.

But If I had to pick an OP for me... Hmmm I need to get the file from a friend... It was the OP to a BESM campain. I'll post it later if I can get a hold of it.


Since: 05-03-05
From: california (knows how to party)

Since last post: 6457 days
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Posted on 09-28-06 12:38 AM Link | Quote
wow ...i just heard "white and nerdy" is glorious, and definitly a candidate for themesong.....but another weird Al song that i may have to say is another of my themesongs is "bob"

go hang a salami i'm a lasagna hog!

(Last edited by venomouslobster on 09-28-06 03:39 AM)

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 635 days
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Posted on 09-28-06 01:49 AM Link | Quote
King of Kings by Motorhead. Plain and simple, thats all I need in this day and age.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Your theme song |

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