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02-06-25 02:29 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman
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User Post

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-23-09 08:25 PM, in So how's life? Link
Good ol' Masters of Beta. I remember I somehow got that weird domain and site for free for awhile. I think it was terribly unreliable though and slow as heck? Good times at that broken place.

I can never remember how long specifically it's been since I've been into the whole board/Acmlmboard thing. I think I was at Challenge Games around ~2000 and they had an AB, but I don't remember being that active back then. Vizzed... 2002 sounds kind of right, no way, it wasn't that long ago? Maybe more like 2004 or something. But I think I was a mod at Acmlm's Board in 2004 which was way after Vizzed, Anime-US, etc... I think? I think I was a mod at like every single Acmlmboard at some point in the past.

Anyways, life eh? It's goin'? Not a whole lot I can say, but the end of this week will be the two month mark for my new full time job at Prescription Solutions. It's way too easy and the money is really good for having almost no previous work experience. I think the school thing is really starting to kick back in though to some extent. I still have that fear that if I go back sometime soon, I'll end up sitting in those classes and just wondering "Why am I here again?", but if anything, I've decided that I'd like to at least get my associates degree and maybe by then, I'll have more of an idea for what I'd like to work towards or something.

I'm thinking I'll settle with this job for a year or so, maybe take some online courses over the summer and see what happens for spring (back to school possibly).

I'm on the edge on the still-living-with-parents thing. From what I know, 21 still isn't bad for this generation (I guess people move out at an older age than they did say, 10 years ago. At least from the things I've heard?), but I'm really starting to get interested in just "getting out there", being on my own and whatnot. My mom honestly still babies me a bit, maybe it's just a mom thing, but it is a little annoying at times. Funny, because my dad was the real strict one when I was growing up, but when I hit 18 and with every year after that, he completely understands I'm an adult now and everything. My parents know that, I have my space and all, but yeah. One of my friends has been talking about getting a place together with me and another friend for months now, but I'm not sure how that'll go. I guess we'll see.

The thing is is that I don't want to get "trapped". I mean, I don't want to get out there on my own and then end up being stuck without having the option to go to school because of bills or whatnot. I don't know. Has anyone here managed their own place, work, and school?

The thing is, I'm just not sure if there's anyone I know who I could see myself wanting to live with (including the friend mentioned above). I'm the guy who likes to have those days where I'm just alone and little things like that, when he's the complete opposite, wants to hang out every single day, etc. Blah, rambling here. But I guess leaving the house is kind of a big step, eh?

Other than that, I don't know if some of you remember my whole depression-bout for awhile, but it's going good concerning that. I still feel a bit more pessimistic about a lot of stuff than I used too... but maybe that's just me. I'm currently on a small dose of Paxil, which I do really believe helped me out. Now that I'm working full time and constantly busy, that helps a lot too. It took 4 anti-depressants to finally get one right, but it was worth it for the boost. Kind of wondering when I can come off it now though...

Basically, I'm just working a lot and getting some monies. A bit confused about the future and I hate to say the cliche' "we'll see what happens" ... but uhhh, yeah?

still sadly single

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-25-09 07:15 PM, in So how's life? Link
Yeah I'd say you're right Cyro, actually there was probably a good bit of drama between MoD and A-US for awhile back then. I actually remember A-US had a spinoff board (before MoD), can't remember the name at all, but I think that's where I met Sparda... or should I say ChaoticDeath? (OR ChAoTiCDeAtH, haha. I think he had some weird capilization for it or something. But hey, I was MasterSephiroth. I can't help but laugh at that name thesedays. What was I thinking! )

Funny how these threads kind of turn into history about the board. Guess this place really is kind of a second or third home for some of us.

On one hand I always think it's kind of sad though. Back then so many of us had fun making boards left and right, like myself, Randy, etc, and well there were just hundreds of Acmlmboards all over. It's like 98% of those are completely gone now, god forbid if I could even remember half the urls for web archive or whatever. Even Acmlm's main board itself was split not into two places, but three. It really makes me proud that, despite the restarts and stuff we've gone through, this place is still for the most part intact and alive even today.

I guess that's more of an issue for the internet in general. Some great sites and communities just come and go, end up disappearing completely with no traces to its past. Not even the internet is eternal! (what?)

I will admit though, if I were to setup a board say, nowadays, Xeogaming would probably be phpBB3 or something like that. The lack of security for AB's has always been stressful for me. But, this is XG and I think most would agree, it'd just be too much of a change. Hmmm, maybe we can do a temp board sometime in the future or something ... haha. But I've seen it happen many times before, communities switchto something non-AB and whoop, everyone leaves or something.

(Last edited by Xeu on 03-25-09 07:18 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-29-09 01:29 PM, in RE2 and RE3 Nemesis... Link
Suddenly, I'm obsessed with these games all over again. I never finished a pre-RE4 game until just now, I beat RE3. I basically played all day yesterday and a bit today... only took 7 and a half hours, so I'm surprised at how short and easy it was! I say that because the first two certainly seemed a lot more challenging and more in depth, storywise (guess I always hear that about RE2 though). Still, I'm not complaining at all, RE3 was an absolute blast. The Nemesis was fun, I've always been a fan of those bosses that take thousands of times to kill (Liquid! heh).

So upon finished RE3, I am now going to go back and restart RE2. After that I think I'll definitely consider REmake again without giving up and maybe even Zero? I hear mixed things about Zero, I remember not liking the partner thing at all, but maybe I'll give it a shot again.

I also ordered the PS2 version of Code Veronica ... despite owning the Dreamcast one already, haha. Just too lazy to hookup my Dreamcast, it was very cheap anyways.

Also on a somewhat related note, anyone know of more obscure PS1 titles like the RE series? I don't know why, regardless of almost never finishing these kinds of games, I love them to death. Fear Effect, Dino Crisis, Galerians, Parasite Eve (really need to play more of this one and holy hell is the second expensive! must be very rare). I'm dying to know of more like this on the PS1, I think there was some game of this style a friend of mine showed me in like 6th grade... and for some reason I really want to figure out what it was, lol.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-29-09 11:56 PM, in Resident Evil 5 Link
4 was still a lot more open though and just simply having save rooms made it feel more like an "adventure" to me. You could still backtrack a lot and there's no stage select or anything like that.

(Last edited by Xeu on 03-29-09 11:59 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-02-09 08:40 PM, in lol video Link
Kind of ... want...

totally jailbait?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-02-09 08:41 PM, in I swear, this is not an April Fools joke... Link
Lamest April Fools this year for me.

Went by like it was nothing, I didn't even realize it until half the day was over.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 04-16-09 07:45 PM, in Innovation Link
I've been meaning to reply in this thread for awhile, been busy though. I'll be really random and blunt at times:

- Escapist Magazine forums sound terrible from reading over the first post.
- Yahtzee sucks.

Zelda, Mario, Metroid, No More Heroes, House of the Dead Overkill and Madworld

Aren't these all old? I haven't seen a good AAA release for the Wii in a long time, which is unusual for Nintendo.

Now onto the games themselves. One big release that came somewhat recently was Mirror's Edge. For years, a lot of gamers have wanted a different kind of FPS, one which doesn't follow the suit of giving you a gun, putting a bunch of obstacles or enemies in your way and sending you on your merry, pseudo-invincible way as you mow down platoons of computer generated baddies. Instead, you are forced to use platforming skills to escape your enemies, occasionally getting pulled into the action side of things. I know Yahtzee has already gone on about its experimental attitude, and I have the exact same opinion. At least it was innovative.

I guess this is a good example as to why I don't read reviews anymore, haven't been interested in that for years. Where did you hear all these things? Yeah I generally heard it got some hit and miss scores but other than that, from what I saw, most enjoyed the game for what it was. But hell, it went under the radar a bit.

However, Call of Duty 4, from what I understand, had much tighter controls, an incredibly unique form of storytelling that can keep even the most dullminded player hooked on it, and some of the greatest FPS gameplay I, and many others, have personally experienced. It was also nice to see a change from World War 2 to a more modern setting.

I almost got to the 10th Prestige, so obviously I loved it but I wouldn't go that far, lol. CoD4 was a pretty down to basic game, it was just good with its execution. The campaign certainly had its moments but doesn't get any special reward from me. As for WaW the game failed in my eyes because it felt like a "technical" step backward. When I played the beta it blew me away at how clunky the guns looked, the character animations were really bad compared to CoD4's, etc, Treyarch definitely did not have the talent that Infinity Ward has. That said, WaW is far from terrible but I honestly never felt compelled to buy it or even rent it, but maybe someday in the future. Also for good measure, Infinity Ward is terrible to their communities, waiting for their random patches (also a fault on MS's side) was a pain in the ass, and the final nail in the coffin was when they flatout cancelled the playlist update we were supposed to get around the time WaW came out. Might've been a move on Activision's part, but it sucked.

Valve is certainly amazing, especially with how much Steam has taken off over the last few years. A good way to bypass the fancy producers and to get money to the real people behind the games, the developers.

But when games like Halo, Gears of War and Resistance are being regurgitated year after year, using old ideas and sometimes repeating bad design choices, gaming cannot develop as either an art form or an entertainment medium, and it deeply saddens me that a lot of the ideas I've had for games may never surface simply because of the fact publishers don't like taking risks and employing the use of new ideas, for obvious business puroses.

Now, to get unto my issue with the gaming community.

Gamers are the downfall of gaming.

I hate to sound like the old guy here and I'm probably part of the issue, but gaming simply isn't what it used to be. Gaming has become so utterly mainstream it's not even funny. The internet is a huge factor here too, the endless amount of fanboy worship or bitching has kind of ruined everything (not just with gaming).

In the 90's, or 80's, you were a nerd if you were really into games. Nowadays that's not really the case. It's pretty rare to find people thesedays that don't play videogames at all, at least within our generation. Businesses know this too and gaming is just way bigger than it ever has been. Some might think that's great, but it really isn't. The niche market is now overcrowded by the casual gamer which is obvious when you look at the Wii, or DS's lineup, or the endless amount of FPS's, etc. It was happening with the last generation of consoles, but now the populatiry contest is even more important for the big companies.

In my opinion the biggest leaps in innovation were with the start of videogames itself (whether you consider that the Atari/Arcade days, or the 8-bit NES days), and then probably the leap to 3D with the 32-64bit systems. With that jump, all developers were forced to come up with completely new ways as to how we played and saw games. The creativity might not seem as incredible if you go and look at the PSX/N64 games nowadays, but if you put yourself back in the mid 90's, that stuff was mindblowing at the time.

Now honestly I'm hardly anti-new-gaming or anything stupid like that, but I have come to really hate the attitude most companies have and those of the mainstream crowd. I still think, just like all forms of entertainment whether they're in a slope of denial or not, there will still always be classic releases here and there, new innovative games that try things new and succeed very well, but they're just increasingly harder to find with gaming exploding so much as it is (oh and it's still easy to say, of course the NES/Genesis/SNES/PSX/etcetc had terrible games too). It could be a cynical outlook for the future but I don't think this will ever change either, gaming has changed, and I'm not a huge fan of a lot of the changes but I'll live with it. Yes, I miss the times of being that geek who loved videogames.

The good thing is is that the past will always be there, nobody can take away those classics on the older consoles. Hence why I've been on a huge PSX binge lately.

Also it's a shame there will always be people who care about the consoles, when it's the GAMES that make them. The 360 as an example, is by far my choice of this gen, but also by far probably one of the shittiest pieces of console hardware I've seen since ... forever. Microsoft sucks. Sony has a terrible holier-than-thou attitude quite often too, as does Nintendo. Who cares about them though, I don't buy a system for them, I buy it for games.

Well, I loved FEAR, but I'm not paying extra for the same game with better graphics and a continued storyline. Still probably worth me checking it out though...

That was probably one of the best FPS sequels I've played in awhile actually.

If you've just "heard" things and haven't actually played it ... well, that goes along with what I said above about reviews and such. Always better to try things out for yourself. Not to condemn the existence of the internet basically, or anything, but yeah.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-16-09 07:58 PM, in Fuck you Link
This is more for yesterday, but whatever.

"75% of the staff need to volunteer to come in Saturday or it might be mandatory"


"Not enought people volunteered so everyone is coming in 8-12"

Which doesn't make sense at all because we're not always that busy. Also:
- We heard about this yesterday, so that's a three day notice to come in on a normal day we're not scheduled.
- They've already been having tons of people volunteer for overtime throughout the week, myself included. Two days + this = 50 hours this week for me.
- Talk about bullshit.

Then they decide, since we're usually business casual with the exception of Friday's, "Oh you can wear jeans tomorrow [Thursday]".

GREAT. That really makes up for having to come in on a weekend!!!

Anyways, this effects like ~50 people or something like that, so yeah tons were pissed. Really stupid stuff.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 04-18-09 06:15 PM, in Super Old Thread, Way Different Thinking?? Link

...I probably wouldn't even tell anyone if I happened to have sex or whatever, unless I was married or something (that's a duh then).

Not quite sure what I was thinking here, lol.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-21-09 06:48 PM, in Super Old Thread, Way Different Thinking?? Link
I think a threesome would be legendary, me being the only guy involved of course.

Dunno what I would've thought about that back then in that thread though.

It'd probably be a little awkward before it starts/once it's over though, unless all three parties are really into the idea of it or something, dunno.

Also, I'm a guy. So yeah.

(Last edited by Xeu on 04-21-09 06:48 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-21-09 06:49 PM, in Resident Evil 5 Link
A little harsh, but yeah I can't help but laugh at the idea of Capcom addingin multiplayer vs modes to this, with the tank controls. There's just no way that can be fun.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-21-09 07:03 PM, in Innovation Link
Kind of going along with what Raoh said above (but probably not so much), I think Nintendo has basically been progressively going downhill for a long time now. A testament to this can be simply taking a look at their dwindling 3rd party support over the last few years.

Losing Squaresoft to the PSX in the mid 90's wasn't just a little stab, it was like Nintendo having a limb sliced off. Sticking to cartridges was obviously a bad move, even if it had some benefits, I think the disadvantages were more overwhelming. I don't know if you younger guys remember growing up then but for the N64 it wasn't rare at all to see brand new games hitting shelves for $70, apparently Turok was $80 from what I recently heard. One of the major reasons for this was because of the cost to produce a cartridge as compared to the CD format every other console went with (don't quote me on this but I always heard it was a few dollars for a cartridge and like 5-10 cents for a CD). They also obviously couldn't produce the music CD based systems could, and couldn't do FMV's. etc, in some cases those 32 extra bits for the 64 helped compared to PSX versions of cross platform games, but yeah.

Then the Gamecube comes along with no DVD support and the goofy as hell mini-disc format. I still have no how or why they went with that. 3rd party support was again, fairly limited.

Now there's the Wii. I guess it's a coin toss with it though, you could say it's overflooded with 3rd party support with its infinite amounts of minigames and such, but it's still nothing like the PS3's or 360's. I guess an obvious reason to this is that the system is just simply inferior technically and can't run half the games the PS3/360 get. Nintendo's fault really. But they wanted to do something new I guess, it's somehow working, and I remember them constantly saying "We're not part of the next-gen race" (but yeah right).

Basically generation by generation, the amount of good games on a Nintendo console seems to continue to drop. If you take a look at all your favorites for the N64-Wii, how many of them aren't by Nintendo? I would imagine there's not a whole lot there. And yeah, Sony/MS don't develop as much themselves, but they still have a lot more support from other developers.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-21-09 11:23 PM, in Innovation Link
I could be wrong but I think Factor 5 were also somewhat of a 2nd party for awhile.

Yeah I guess I was kind of harsh, but oh well.

Nobody get me wrong, there's a handful of classics on the N64, the GC, etc, I just think it's evident that they haven't had the best 3rd party support for a long time and it doesn't look like that'll change if they keep wanting to "be different" with their weird choices.

Come to think of it though, the first Xbox may have had it worse than any Nintendo console. I remember Capcom developed practically nothing on for that (and so it's always kind of been funny how pro-360 they are now). And yeah, the Xbox just ... sucked looking back at it, lol. There's maybe a dozen or so good games for it, but other than that I'd rather just keep my PS2 out since it has pretty much all the same stuff and an infnite amount of more.

Ninja Gaiden
Bioware games (KOTOR, Jade Empire)
Fable (I guess?)

(Last edited by Xeu on 04-21-09 11:24 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-25-09 05:28 PM, in The Man of Politics Link
Can now legally buy porn.

Well, maybe?

Just remember, cakes have feelings too.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-27-09 09:02 PM, in The Man of Politics Link
In many of our hearts, you will always be The Politician.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 04-30-09 11:58 PM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
Originally posted by Rogue
I find it hilarious that Bush's term of endearment for Karl Rove was "Turd Blossom."

Phew, luckily the 8 year joke is almost over.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 2 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 05-03-09 02:19 AM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
Epic, I need to check out the TMNT comics sometime.

I got a good chunk of stuff too, already filled up my first [small] box!

The store my friends and I checked out had another store around the corner rented out for the day or so for 25 cent comics. It feels so good walking out with like 60 comics and only spending $15. Then went up to the main store and got a few more things.

I mainly built up my collection of X-Force (have everything up to 32 I believe, then some random later ones), handful of Cable, got 1-5 of Stormbreaker: Beta Ray Bill, a handful of Silver Sable (looked cool?), and some other random stuff.

It seems like after awhile, once you get further into an older series it starts to get harder and harder to finding volumes. I think I've got the common stuff for X-Force, so it could be a little more work to find the rest. My friends and I also noticed with later X-Force, they don't even list the volume, just the date. That's a bitch, what the heck?

House of M seems hard to find around here or something. I'd like to get that and all of Civil War sometime soon.

Got three free comics and a Dark Tower hardback comic for buying over $25 worth at Elite Comics. The three free comics were kind of meh, I was a little late I guess so there wasn't much of a selection.

They had a few artists and such at the store, as well as some good looking chicks dressed up. Fairly disturbing when an old-old guy got his picture taken with Super-girl, his hands were all over her.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Xeoman

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