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Xeogaming Forums - Tech Discussion - Technology advancing - how do you feel? | |
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Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6204 days
Last activity: 6144 days
Posted on 11-09-05 03:01 AM Link | Quote
Well, technology is advancing. How does that make you feel and why?

As a gamer/computer nerd, I am excited, but as a regular person, I'm frustrated.

Why? Here's an example that happened less than two hours ago.

I went to the bank to get some cash out of the ATM. I wanted $20, and I wanted it from my savings. Now, Wells Fargo has been replacing their old ATMs with the buttons with new ones that have touch screens. I entered my PIN and it asked me what I wanted to do.

Here are the options it gave:
Quick Cash ($40 from your checkings account instantly, your card back, and a reciept)
Get Cash (Chose from Checkings or Savings, and how much you want)
Some Other stuff.

I touched the screen right above "Get Cash" so I could get money out of my savings, and the screen glitched and picked it up that I had hit "Quick Cash." It spit out the money, my card, and the reciept without even asking "Is this correct?"


You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4639 days
Last activity: 1728 days
Posted on 11-09-05 09:08 AM Link | Quote
Im going to have to say that I like how things are going with technology. The only complaint I have at the moment is how fast it is moving.. I mean just to stay up to date on all the new cards and such you would have to spend thousands of dollors.

But all in all I like the way it is at the moment

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4652 days
Last activity: 4646 days
Posted on 11-09-05 02:48 PM Link | Quote
*Gasp* Technology is advancing? Wow, down here in Ga i really diddnt think I cared....

Well, in terms of me being a computer builder, I really dont mind, I do get pretty pissed off when I find out that the HD I bought turned cheeper than when I bought it a month ago...And I also dont like it when I cant play Age Of Empires 3 on my 2 Graphics cards that I bought...

IPOD? Waste of money...if you can fit more than 40GB of songs on your MP3 player, you seriously need to stop listening to music.

Future Gaming Consoles? Meh, im not into console games as much as I used to, I already Pre-paid 82$ for MGSS4 and 200$ Down on my PS3, but other than that im a strict computer player...

Now my family dosent know what a DVD player is...they are shocked when they see me play games on my computer and/or PS2. Lets just say I live in the boonies and im the only one here at my school who is "Technoligicaly literiate"

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6204 days
Last activity: 6144 days
Posted on 11-09-05 07:55 PM Link | Quote
Heh. Yeah. My mum asked me a few months ago how to rewind a DVD when she was done with it.

I'm fairly comfortable with how things are advancing, but certain things just aren't designed too well. I also don't want to see computers take over the world. Heh.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5982 days
Last activity: 5247 days
Posted on 11-09-05 11:55 PM Link | Quote
I have to say that I hate it all. I hate all computers..Why? because I hate having to re-learn everything. I think it's great that mankind is making technological strides, but I'd rather just stay out of it. I could live in a log cabin in the woods with no eletricity if they'd let me.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

Since last post: 4639 days
Last activity: 1728 days
Posted on 11-10-05 12:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Makura
I have to say that I hate it all. I hate all computers..Why? because I hate having to re-learn everything. I think it's great that mankind is making technological strides, but I'd rather just stay out of it. I could live in a log cabin in the woods with no eletricity if they'd let me.


I dont think I could survive like that...

wait.. yes I could...

Slaps self

Well I could if I was with the right person... Looks at that special someone

But yea.. I like technology because it keeps me challanged and stuff

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5982 days
Last activity: 5247 days
Posted on 11-10-05 12:07 AM Link | Quote
Yeah I can see where you are coming from Drizzt it is a good challenge. Kind of like a tough math problem..wait I hate math..

and by the way, we'd have fun in the woods

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4652 days
Last activity: 4646 days
Posted on 11-10-05 10:35 AM Link | Quote
You guys cant think to live in a log cabin? No heater during the winter, no refridgerator but instead an ice box? No television but instead...a window? Dude you guys need to learn the basics of survival. The early parts of my life when I was living with mother, I had to live in a log cabin with no electricity for over 5 sucked by the way...

Well I think everyone hates technology because for example say when you buy some bad ass part for your computer...say a new 500$ video card or something, after you buy it several weeks later its half off because some new/better product came out and its even more bad ass and your pissed because you wish you could have bought that one instead of the one you bought *GAAASSSPPP*

Woah thats too much talking without puncuation...

This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4944 days
Last activity: 4567 days
Posted on 11-11-05 03:53 PM Link | Quote
I'd love to live in nature with nothing but a knife and nessecary supplies. I have a book called "Worst Case Survival Guide" and I always take it on vacations. Never know when I'll need it.

In terms of technology, I guess I'm midly afraid of technology expanding so rapidly. In my mind, I imagine the Matrix sort of mixed with Dawn of the Dead. I'd be scared as hell to be holed up in the mall with a small amount of people. THat'd be scary, man.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6204 days
Last activity: 6144 days
Posted on 11-11-05 04:00 PM Link | Quote
LoL. I think you guys all would love to live in the woods until you actually tried it. It's something I think I could deal with for a week or two, a month MAX, but I'd have to have a cabin and a fireplace at the very least.

*Nods* I don't want technology to take over. I like it helping, and I like what it's doing, but I don't want an I, Robot thing going on, ya know?

Computers, TVs, Video games, we've got everything we need. Let's just stop here.
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Xeogaming Forums - Tech Discussion - Technology advancing - how do you feel? |

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